Vol. 4: Entwined - Chapter 76


When I woke the next morning, it was to James kissing my cheek. His warm breath seductively caressed my skin as I stirred and fluttered my eyes open.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” he whispered.

I reluctantly groaned and asked softly, “James?”

“Hmm?” He kissed me again, his lips warm.

“What time is it?” Then, because I couldn’t help myself, I yawned.

“Seven,” he said.

I rubbed my eyes and then turned to look at him fully. He was leaning over me, his face close to mine. I moved about in my spot and tried to make myself sit up. James wouldn’t let me, however, and I found myself lying there below him in such a vulnerable position. His beautiful Prussian-blue eyes were so intense that I became nervous all of a sudden. I glanced away, casting my eyes downward to avoid his passionate stare.