Vol. 5: Seduced – Chapter 98


Scott and Eric Maxwell were nothing like I’d imagined. I thought they’d be similar to James, both in looks and behavior. When I finally got to meet them, however, I was pleasantly surprised they weren’t. Sure, they had that elite aura about them like James, which awed anyone who happened to encounter them. And physically, they were tall and muscular like James too, but that was where the resemblance ended.

Scott was a hunky, blond-haired, light-brown-eyed charming man that screamed sex appeal like a lion on testosterone. I had to do a double take because he was so gorgeous—as in drop-dead gorgeous—even I found it hard to tear my gaze from him. He was the type that could make a girl come in ecstasy with just a cheeky smile or wink. The moment I saw him, I knew he was both the easiest to get along with yet the hardest to get close to of all three brothers.