The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 6

I felt a strong breeze and realized that the creature was the one creating it. Glancing along its lean, muscular torso, I saw wings.

A winged lion!

The creature released another loud growl, which made me jolt and become even more petrified. Is it going to eat me?

The man who had dumped me on the winged lion touched and stroked the creature’s head, caressing its mane as if to soothe and tell it to settle down. As if by magic, the winged lion purred like a damned cat.

The man chuckled as if it were the most natural thing in the world under the circumstances. Yes, he and his teammates had chased me down and captured me, and now, he was petting this predator of a lion like a pet cat?

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared at the darn man in front of me. Under the dim moonlight, I noticed he had a half mask on like his friend, covering the top half and lower right side of his face, only showing the tip of his fine nose, sensual mouth, and strong jawline. Again, I saw a hint of a smirk playing about those lips, and it only riled me up even more.

What the hell is wrong with these men? Why were they smirking when I was obviously in distress? And why were they after me?

The man came close and wrapped his hand around the back of my head. He chuckled and then said, “You’re a lively one, aren’t you?” He moved even closer so that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin when he next spoke. “Don’t scream so loudly again, or you’ll wake up the dead.”

I gasped.

"Promise to not scream again?" he asked, the timbre of his voice deep.

I simply continued to stare at him through teary eyes. He seemed to assume I had agreed with him because he said, “Good boy. Now, behave yourself if you don’t want to be tortured.”

In my mind, I thought about the torture and my imminent death. I shivered and shook my head, trying not to think about my bleak future.

“Are you scared, little elf?” he asked.

I nodded my head. “Please don’t torture me,” I squeaked out timidly. “Please don’t kill me. I promise to behave.”

The man loosened his grip on my head, and oddly enough, his touch became gentle, which surprised me. He said, "You're an adorable one, aren't you?”

I didn't know how to respond to this. I mean, his comment sounded a little strange considering the circumstances. I was his captive, wasn't I? So why was he saying that I was adorable? Words people used when they saw cute kids or pets.

I said, “If I’m adorable, that means you won’t hurt me, right? Because people don’t usually torture adorable beings.”

The man burst out laughing, which confused me. He grabbed my face, his fingers and thumb cupping my chin, and drew me so close that our noses were nearly touching.

Oh Lord, but I had never been this close to anyone before in my life, except for my parents when I gave them pecks on the cheek. And this barbaric example of a man? He drew me in so closely that we could be kissing.

I shook my head from side to side at the same time I pushed my hands against his brick-like chest so he'd let me go, because I didn’t like his proximity. The man, however, had herculean strength, and I felt powerless against him despite my best efforts.

His breath warm against my skin, he said, "Do all elves smell this good?" He cocked his head to one side. "Even your breath smells like mint.”

What the fucking hell? I was dreading the thought of him and his colleague torturing and killing me, and all he could think about was that I smelled nice and that my breath smelled like mint?

But of course, you brute, I only brushed my teeth with minty-flavored toothpaste, and I also just had a good shower and a bath, washing my body with top quality cleansing gel. Then they all just happened to show up in their very barbaric way and chased after me like I was an escaped prisoner.

Because he pissed me off and I couldn’t help myself, since the opportunity was right there, promising me a good retribution, I made my move.

I leaned in, opened my mouth, and took a nip at his unguarded lower lip, my teeth sinking into his flesh. There, I thought, that’ll teach you.

But the man didn’t even flinch at my attack. He simply stood there as if in shocked surprise.

I tried to bite harder, to at least get a little reaction from him, but then…

Then I felt the hard grip of his hand behind my head, and I knew my time was up.

I released his lip and tried to move back, but he wouldn’t let me. He held me in that position with an ironlike grip, and I knew I was in deep shit.

Panic hit me like the huge wave of a tsunami, and my heart raced as my body tensed. Oh God, he is going to hit me, isn’t he?

The man made his move. He slammed his lips against mine, and he…

Oh. My. Fucking. Lord. He was kissing me. His lips firm and warm against mine.

I freaked out and shook my head, begging to be let go. The man, however, wouldn’t and even forced my mouth to open for him.

I whimpered in my throat, and the moment he managed to goad my lips to weakly part for him, he plunged his tongue in like a starved beast and explored my virgin mouth with a wild passion that terrified me witless. At the same time, however, his ardent, demanding kiss also stirred something hot and aching deep within me, and I felt more than a little dazed.

“Felix!” A loud voice came our way, the tone dark. “Enough fooling around with the boy.”

The brute named Felix refused to listen to his moody-sounding friend, and his kiss became even more wild, his tongue demanding as it stroked and caressed my inexperienced one.

I groaned and whimpered softly. “Ngh…”

Oh God! What was this man doing? I couldn’t breathe anymore. And my body felt like it was on fire.

“Felix!” The voice came again, louder this time, more urgent and demanding.

Only then did this Felix man terminate the kiss and pull back. By then, I was completely breathless and out of sorts. I felt as though the man had just sucked the life out of me.

Weak, I found myself falling forward, and the man who had arrogantly stolen my first proper kiss caught me in his arms.

With my face resting against his hard chest, I could hear the loud beating of his heart.

“You’re a bit weak, aren’t you, little elf?” Felix asked.

I didn’t miss the amused tone in his smooth voice either. Not only was he not affected by the kiss, but now he was looking down on me, too?

Despite being very dazed from that damned kiss, I removed myself from the man to inform him nonverbally that I was not that weak. It was merely a kiss, and I shouldn’t be affected that much, especially when it was with him. I wanted to further give him a good scolding but couldn't find the strength to open my now very sore after-kissed mouth to speak.

Moving closer, Felix wrapped his hands around my waist and turned me around so I sat straddling the winged lion. That was when the other man, Felix’s colleague, appeared in my line of sight.

Sitting there, I could feel the man’s dark gaze hot on me. Then, because I couldn’t help myself and had gained a little of my strength back, I demanded, “Who are you people, and why are you doing this to me? I swear I’m going to call the police and throw you all in jail.”

Both men stood silent, staring at me as if I were a loon. By this point, I myself wondered if I was a loon, because nothing that had happened so far made any sense. At least not to me.

Ignoring my demanding questions, Felix pulled my hands together, which drew my attention to him. I saw that he was tying them with a rope. Shit!

I retaliated by struggling and even managed a few kicks against his chest to tell him this was so not on. Instead of getting angry with me, he laughed. I got even more pissed and slammed my bare foot against his chest, hard. He caught my ankle, stopping me in my tracks. When I tried to pull my foot back, he refused to let go. He even went further so as to rub his thumb along the sole of my foot, which caused my body to quiver warmly.

He asked, as if perplexed, “Do elves have such tiny, soft feet?”

I had no idea how to respond to that since I wasn’t an elf.

“Hmm…” He cocked his head to one side. “Your foot is a little wounded.”

Of course they were wounded. I had been running in the woods barefoot.

“Where are your boots?”

I was flabbergasted. What could I tell him? That I happened to cross over between two worlds while I had been bathing? Then, when I walked out of the pool, I found all my things had disappeared? Including a pair of flip-flops?

“I’ve lost them,” I said.

“That won’t do.” He tsked in disapproval as if I were a child who didn’t know how to dress right and was always losing her shoes here and there.

The moody man, who was still watching us, marched up and effortlessly hopped on the lion’s back behind me, which surprised me into shocked stillness. He wrapped one ironlike arm around my middle and the other around my wrists. Meanwhile, both his steel-like thighs clamped mine against the side of the lion so I couldn’t move an inch.

“Tie the little brat up, Felix,” he said darkly, his voice rough and deep near my ear. “We don’t have time for this nonsense.”

This nonsense? I turned my head to give him a good scowl to tell him I wasn’t happy with the way he was treating me. The moment I did so, however, I regretted it, as he was watching me, his gaze intense on my face. And God, his masked face was so close.

I felt my throat go dry, and I licked my lower lip in reaction. Feeling rather uncomfortable and, more so, intimidated, I looked away, my heart racing.

Meanwhile, Felix let go of my foot. He expertly bound me around the wrists. Once that was done, the one behind me released me and got off the lion.

“Let’s go,” he said sternly, and immediately, the men around us started marching back the way they had come, wherever that was.