Two Sinfully Handsome Devils - Chapter 11

It was first thing in the morning, and already, he was making such tasteless remarks. I was offended instantly. Yes, I knew I was a small thing compared to those demon-like men with herculean strength, but I was sure I’d be able to do something to help. After all, returning home to my family was my top priority, and I must do whatever it took to reach that goal, even helping these men clean up the raiding mess.

In the middle of the room, I noted Felix glanced at Caleb with a raised brow. Then the man burst out laughing, as if he couldn’t help himself. He said, “Seems like you’ve dug your own grave, Caleb. Did you even get a wink of sleep at all?”

Caleb snapped, “Shut up!” and then walked out of the tent, leaving me to wonder what was wrong with him. Honestly, he was behaving rather oddly from the moment I started talking to him and trying to draw him into my yet nonexistent circle of allies.

Alone with Felix, I instinctively brought my knees up to my chin and hugged myself tightly into a ball to protect myself against his advances. The man must have noticed my action, because he chuckled again in amusement, and his eyes, no doubt, were twinkling.

He came toward me on the bed, leaned over, and ruffled my hair playfully. I noted he was holding a pair of very large black leather boots and white socks in one hand.

“Morning, little elf,” he said. “Did you sleep well?”

I said, “I have a headache, so if you can give me something to make it go away, that would be awesome, thanks.”

“Must have been because of Aria.”

I raised my brows. “Beg your pardon?”

“She was invading your memories last night. We needed to make sure you’re not an enemy.”

I was right, then. They had suspected I was a member of the bandits.

So Aria had invaded my memories last night. Was it some sort of magic?

“I’ll tell Aria to bring you something.” Just as soon as he said that, he placed the boots and socks on the bed and got down to his knees. Then he wrapped his hands around my ankles. “Now, let’s see how your feet are doing.”

His touch felt warm against my skin, and my body relaxed in reaction.

“Excuse me?” I asked, a little flustered.

“Your feet. Are they still sore?”

Is he concerned about me? I wondered. Now that he was asking me about my feet, I had just realized I hadn’t been feeling any sort of pain or discomfort since I had woken up.

I loosened my knee joints and rested my legs across the length of the bed. Felix began inspecting the soles of my feet like he was a doctor, which was amusing since he looked nothing like a doctor, especially when he was wearing that intriguing mask and was dressed like a warrior in a fantasy world.

He gently ran a thumb along the sole of my foot and even touched here and there, which made me quiver in reaction. He must have noticed because he flicked his gaze to me, a smirk playing about his lips. I had the urge to pull away because of the sinfully dark look in his eyes.

“Hmm… Looks good. All healed,” he said.

All healed?

I leaned forward and checked the soles of my feet. To my surprise, there were no wounds there. No cuts. No bruises. Just smooth flesh.

Then why was he taking so long to look at my feet? There was absolutely nothing there to see or be concerned about.

Felix said, “Aria applied some balm on your wounds last night. Looks like they healed just fine.”

That fast? It must have been a very special balm.

I said, “I see. Then I will thank Aria when I see her next.”

Felix nodded his head as he retrieved one sock and started putting it on my foot.

Trying to pull back from his firm grasp, I said logically, “It won’t fit.”

He said, “It’s fine.”

I wondered how it could be fine when the darned sock was twice my size. Surely, it’d slip off the moment I put my feet down on the ground and started walking.

I was about to make him stop when something magical happened. It glowed and then shrank until it fit me perfectly.

“Oh…” I was awed.

Felix was about to put the other one on for me when I said, “It’s fine. I can do it myself.”

I grabbed the sock from his hand and inserted my small foot into it. Again, it glowed and shrank in size to fit me.

I turned my attention to the boot in Felix’s hands, which he was currently untying.

I said, “I suppose the boots are magical, too?”

He chuckled. “Indeed they are, little elf.”

Before I could tell him I could put on the boots myself, the man firmly grabbed my ankle again, his action demanding no argument. Then he guided my foot into the boot. The fact that his action made me feel like I was being cherished and that I blushed intensely for it didn’t dampen my view that Felix was a very persistent man. He wanted to put the damned boots on for me, and he’d get it done apparently.

Once both boots were on my feet and fit perfectly after they magically shrank to my size, I said, “Thank you.”

Felix lifted his head and gave me a grin. He said, “Now, how about some breakfast?” He even held out his hand as if welcoming me or something.

Before I made any move, I asked, “So I just want to be clear on where I stand. I’m cleared from all suspicions and charges, right? And you’re not going to torture and kill me, right?”

Felix burst out laughing. The loud mirth roared from deep within his chest. When he stopped, I noted he had a smile on his face.

He moved in until our noses were nearly touching, which only served to make my heart skip a few times.

Up close, I realized Felix had a unique eye color. They were mauve with a hint of gray in them, which fascinated me, and I found I couldn’t stop staring, which was unusual for me. I usually avoided looking people directly in the eye because it felt too raw, intimidating, and intimate. But with Felix and his exceptional eyes, I found myself drawn in and just didn’t want to stop staring.

He said, looking deeply into my eyes as well, “We don’t torture or kill adorable beings, little elf. We take them, tame them, and make them ours.” He smiled at me, which made my heart skip again. “Rest assured that we’re not going to hurt you, not even a single strand of your lovely dark hair. If anyone even dares…”

His smile turned wide, and his mauve eyes darkened and glinted sinfully, which didn’t leave any doubt in my mind as to the meaning of his unfinished sentence.

I wasn’t sure what the tame them and make them ours part of his speech meant, but I nodded my head nonetheless and pretended I understood him. After all, I’d already heard and understood the most important part, which was that he and his comrades weren’t going to hurt me. Not even a single strand of my hair, which was very reassuring.

I said, “I’m glad, then.” I gave him a sweet smile, which, oddly enough, made Felix’s eyes darken wickedly even more, and I wondered why.

Brushing his odd reaction out of my mind, I relaxed and took his offered hand.

Felix guided me off the bed as he said, “Now, time for some breakfast. We have to make sure you strengthen up.” He looked at me with a grin on his face. “After all, we don’t want you to collapse when we…” He chuckled. “But that comes later.”

He didn’t want me to collapse? But of course, I vowed never to collapse or crack under the pressure, no matter how hard the situation was when bringing down those bandits.

I said, “I won’t collapse. I promise. I’ll work hard.”

“It’s good that you’re enthusiastic about it, darling,” he said. “I’m looking forward to us performing well together.”

Darling? I was a little confused as to his choice of word but thought no more of it. This was another realm, so the occupants here were bound to talk and behave differently, what with their different culture and upbringing. Thus, with unsteady legs and the thought of food, I trailed after Felix as he led me outside.