Two Sinfully Handsome Devils - Chapter 13

I was more than a little perplexed. How would one sleep with such a mask on? Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable? More importantly, what kind of a tradition would demand one wear one’s mask all the time unless one needed to take it off?

“I see,” I said. “So you wear your mask on a daily basis? As in all the time? Even while sleeping? And you only take it off when you need to? Can you give me an example of when you need to take your mask off?”

He said, “Yes, I wear my mask all the time. As for when I take it off, an example is when I’m at a severe disadvantage and am desperate during a battle.” He chuckled arrogantly. “But I’m never desperate during battles, even if I’m at a severe disadvantage.”

Boy, did he sound confident and full of himself with his strength and abilities. Then again, with the way he was perfectly built, I wouldn’t have any doubt in him beating a hoard of enemies coming his way on a battlefield.

Back to my current dilemma. I thought about it for a moment and then nodded.

Decision made, I said, “Then I’ll call you Felix and kiss you every morning. In return, you’ll help me find a way to get home, no matter how hard or how long it takes, and you’ll also call me by my name, which is Alfie.”

Felix smiled, and I didn’t miss that his eyes were twinkling sinfully. He said, “You’re thorough with your words, aren’t you?”

“I have to be since it’s like a contract, isn’t it? The clause must be clear.”

He smirked. “Aren’t you a cunning one?”

I was about to give him a clever reply when, suddenly, he took me by surprise by pulling me close and claiming my lips with his. I gasped in shock as he kissed me.

“Ngh…” I groaned in his arms.

His lips were warm and wet against mine, and when he demandingly urged my mouth to open for him, I mindlessly obliged. He, of course, plunged his tongue in immediately and proceeded to wildly kiss me like he had last night, with a feral sort of passion that both scared me and awakened something deep inside me at the same time.

By the time he finally terminated the kiss and pulled back, I found I was dazed and weak. I didn’t have the strength to even stand straight and collapsed against him.

What is wrong with me? Am I that weak that I should collapse after a kiss?

Felix brushed his firm, warm lips against my cheek. Then he said softly into my ear, “A kiss to seal our contract. Hmm… Looks like I went a little overboard. You still haven’t cultivated a strong enough qi to satisfy a beast like me. We’ll have to work on that, darling.”

He lifted me and carried me across the clearing.

Securely in Felix’s arms and my head resting snugly against his chest, the man took me down to a site near the river where a large tent resided. Beside it was a long, massive vehicle that looked very much like a commercial food truck with an open kitchen. The style of the automobile, however, was nothing modern like ours back home. It was akin to either the nineteen thirties or steampunk class.

Through my blurry vision, I noted there were stoves, ovens, pots, pans, and various cooking equipment just like what we had back home. Inside the kitchen were cooks in their stylish yet functional uniforms. They were currently busy preparing the morning meal, which smelled divine.

As we came closer, I saw that in the tent were long tables and chairs arranged like those in a cafeteria. This must be their dining area, and I was pleasantly surprised the setting was much like ours.

Sitting and eating their morning meals were soldiers, both males and females, and I had to admit I liked their smart dark-green regalia; I found the style similar to the World War I type. I also noted a few other females around who dressed in long, flowing garments and tunics, which were similar to that of the early medieval fashion in Europe. I presume they are not soldiers.

When we were a few feet away from the tent, I tapped on Felix’s shoulder to get his attention. I said, “Can you please put me down, Felix? I can walk just fine.”

Either he didn’t hear me, or he did but refused to grant me my request.

I tapped at him again and was about to ask when he said, “We’re almost there.”

I licked my lips, my cheeks hot with embarrassment because I could sense many pairs of eyes on us. One of them was Caleb, which was dark and intense.

“People are watching,” I said. “And I’m supposed to be a man, and a man shouldn’t be carried like this.”

Princess style!

He chuckled. “Ahh, so you’re embarrassed, eh?”

We were so close to the crowd now that I began to panic. I glared at the man and demanded, “Felix, please put me down, now.”

“All right, darling Alfie,” he said.

Oh Lord! The man was definitely teasing me. Darling Alfie, indeed.

Of course, I was gullible enough to believe he’d honor his words and put me down. How stupid of me.

The man proceeded to walk right into the tent, passing many shocked-looking soldiers who, at the sight of us, had forgotten about their delicious morning meal. Then, like it was the most natural thing in the world, with me in his arms, he strolled like a king, heading toward a long table residing at the front.

I noted Caleb and Aria, along with two other females and four other males, sitting at the head table, watching us. Naturally, they seemed in shocked disbelief, if one was to go by the expressions on their faces.

Felix finally put me down on the seat next to Aria, and then he himself took the seat beside me, which was opposite Caleb.

As the other four men, who I assumed were high-ranking officers, started talking to Felix and Caleb about some very technical and military stuff, Aria drew my attention to her and said sweetly, “Good morning, Alfie. Did you sleep well last night?”

Trying to look as casual as I could despite what had just happened a moment ago, I nodded my head.

I said, “Yes, but now I have a bad headache. Felix told me you can give me something to ease the pain.”

I didn’t miss Aria and the other two females gave me looks of astonishment. Why were they staring at me like I’d just said something wrong? Meanwhile, I could feel this dark vibe emitting from Caleb, which freaked me out a little. I believed he was pissed, and I hoped it wasn’t with me. Then again, he had his gaze directed hotly at me. Basic instinct told me I was the one who happened to cause his displeasure, which confused me because I hadn’t a clue what I did wrong that pissed him off.

Ignoring Caleb, I continued and said to Aria, “Oh, and by the way, thank you for applying the balm on my feet last night.”

Aria seemed to be the first to recover from her shocked expression and said, “No worries about the balm. And your headache must be my doing last night. Sorry about that, Alfie.”

I shook my head to tell her it was fine. After all, she needed to check my memories to ensure I wasn’t a member of those bandits. I was, in fact, glad she had done so, because otherwise, I would have been tortured or killed by now, if I was still a suspect.

I said, “It’s fine. You’re just doing your job, no?”

Aria nodded in the affirmative. “I was going through your memories. I must say your life seems very interesting, as well as your…kingdom.”

I didn’t miss she put quite a bit of emphasis on her words, the last one especially, and I paled immediately in response. Was she trying to imply she had seen everything in my life so far? Such as who I was and where I came from?

“Really?” I scratched my head and chuckled nervously.

A pretty woman sitting opposite Aria leaned forward across the table and asked, “Alfie’s world is interesting? That sounds like a campfire story.” She turned to me and said, “You must tell us about your kingdom and your life, Alfie.”

I didn’t know what to say to this. Obviously, she took me by surprise. I flicked my gaze from her green eyes to her dark-red hair and a pair of furry cat ears on her head. She was another cat person, eh? And so pretty, too.

Aria giggled and then said, pointing to the one who was talking to me, “This is Dr. Leona Morton. She’s famous, you know, for sewing and fixing people up.”

I see. So Dr. Morton, a cat person, was a famous surgeon in this realm. I had no doubt they needed someone like her when out in the field. Life-threatening injuries were bound to happen during battles.

Aria then hugged the other female sitting beside her. “This is Brenna Kent. She’s one of our healers in this mission, acting as a nurse, and obviously, a cat person, too.” She even delicately touched Brenna’s cat ear as if to tease me.