A Rescue Mission – Chapter 26

I was dumbfounded. Well, he damn well didn’t look like one, at least according to the image I had of him in my head anyway—that fatherly figure, appearance, and demeanor. Yes, I had no doubt this man had wisdom, intelligence, power, and influence. I could sense plenty of that within him, but…

But he just didn’t look like a president of the kingdom; that was all. He looked more like a hot model in his early thirties, with long blond hair and even with that mask covering most of his face.

I blushed suddenly, remembering his lips against mine when he was sealing the spell on me.

Looking at me closely, Lord Geoffrey said, “Hmm… It wasn’t working correctly, was it? My spell on you. It was supposed to seal your qi, but not to the point that it’d weaken you that much. Furthermore, it doesn’t explain that burst of qi when you fired the rifle during the battle, which was spectacular, by the way.”

I was surprised to hear that. He thought me firing that rifle was spectacular? I personally thought the rifle itself was awesome. Not me.

Caleb asked, “So you didn’t put a high-level seal on him, then?”

Geoffrey shook his head. “No. Just enough to contain the qi and confuse dark beasts.” Then he said to me, “I guess we’ll have to let Noah examine you when we get back to the palace, Alfie.” He clasped his hands together. “Now then, I see I’ve forgotten to introduce myself. How ill-mannered of me.” He stepped forward, picked up my hand, and brought it to his lips. Then he gave my skin a light kiss, which made my tummy flutter. With wicked emerald-green eyes, he said, “Lord Geoffrey Lancaster at your service.”

To my left, I heard Brenna sigh in delight as she watched us. Beside Lord Geoffrey, the blond warrior lord rolled his eyes and said, “Stop flirting with the boy, Geoffrey, and we should get going already.”

Felix grabbed for my hand and pulled it away from Lord Geoffrey’s clutch. He said darkly, “You’re as sly as ever, bastard Geoffrey.”

Lord Geoffrey, ignoring Felix’s words, turned his attention to the man beside him and said, “This is Lord Aaron Lancaster, my younger brother. One of the head warriors of Acaedien.”

I wanted to salute the man again, but Felix held me tightly and wouldn’t let me move an inch.

Once all was settled, we—Lords Geoffrey, Aaron, Caleb, and Felix, along with Leona, Aria, Brenna, and me as well—boarded the aircraft. I must admit I felt rather excited. After all, this was my first time on something this spectacular.

Inside, I noted the decor was majestic and immaculate, with soft carpeting and chairs and sofas with grand furnishings. It felt like a five-star hotel instead of inside an airship. There was even a bar with a butler and three maids on hand to serve the lords. The butler bowed while the maids curtsied low as the lords passed them. I assumed this was probably one of the lords’ airships, while the others were all for military use.

Lords Geoffrey, Felix, Caleb, and Aaron headed over to another room, perhaps for a meeting, while Brenna and I moved to the side of the aircraft and took up a comfortable position there, enjoying our time watching the scenery as we flew across the sky and, of course, the food and drinks that were being served.

Most of what I saw below was farmland, dotted with cottages and farm animals. Now and again, there were large woodlands. Then there were villages and towns where the buildings were unique and beautiful. Brenna, who was beside me, pointed everything out to me and explained what the kingdom had to offer. If I had to compare, this kingdom would be similar to the European countries back in the Edwardian era, though mixed with very modern technology and the use of magic.

When we reached the capital of Acaedien around three hours later, I stared in awe at the majestic sight before me.

The city was charming and magnificent, with beautiful buildings, along with neat and clean streets that were packed with citizens going about their day. Up on the hill to the west resided a grandiose palace, so big and wide with tall towers that it took my breath away. This was a sight like nothing I had ever seen before.

Aria came over and said, “That’s our home.”

Behind her, Leona said, “Been standing there for a couple thousand years. It took the lords about fifty-odd years to complete it, but it’s worth it.”

Come again?

I asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, how old are the lords?”

Brenna said, “Oh, they’re pretty old. Lord Geoffrey especially.”

“Pretty old?” I hazarded a guess. “Like in their early or late thirties?” Because that was what they looked like, around that age range, which wasn’t really that old to me.

Aria chuckled while Leona said, “Lords Geoffrey and Noah are about the same age as Lord Aslan, the king of the Forbidden Forest. They’re just around three thousand years old.”

Three…? Three thousand years old? What the hell?

Brenna said, “Lords Felix and Caleb are about the same age. They’re just slightly under the three thousand mark.”

Leona said, “Lords Ethan and Victor are of a similar age as well, just slightly younger than Lords Felix and Caleb.”

Brenna said, “Lord Aaron is the youngest.”

“I see,” I said. That must mean the people living in this realm must have a very long lifespan.

I asked, “How about you, Aria? How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”

“Oh, not as old as the lords. I’m exactly two hundred years old.”

Leona said, “Same here.”

“And I’m one hundred and ninety,” Brenna said.

Oh dear. And here I had thought they were all in their twenties and thirties. Well, they looked that age anyway.

“How about you, Alfie? How old are you?” Brenna asked.

I chuckled nervously. “Well, you see…”

How the hell am I to explain this?

“If I hazard a guess,” Lord Aaron said, which drew our attention the him. “Alfie would be around eighteen or nineteen years old.”

Leona nodded her head. “Well, Alfie is human, after all.”

Aria said, “Humans don’t usually have long lifespans like us, and they grow much faster.”

Thanks for explaining without me having to ask and ending up looking like a fool, Aria. I grinned at her in appreciation.

Lord Aaron came and plopped himself comfortably right next to me on the sofa. He even put one arm around my shoulders as he said, “So, Alfie, I heard some very interesting stories about you. I must say that I’m intrigued.” He cocked his head to one side and smiled, not unlike the way Lord Geoffrey smiled, one-sided.

Damn, but this warrior, Lord Aaron Lancaster, looked enchanting with his short pale-blond hair cut stylishly, along with a straight nose, emerald-green eyes, and firm lips. The Phantom of the Opera-shaped mask added to the ostentatious image, as well.

I said, “There’s nothing intriguing about me, my lord.”

He groaned in displeasure. “So you call Felix by his first name and not me? That’s pretty unfair.”

Why does he sound jealous?

Brenna giggled and said, “Lord Felix is pretty close to Alfie, you know.”

Aaron tightened his arms around me and hugged me tightly so that my face was buried against his chest. Not to mention the fact that my heart was beating way too fast for my liking or that I liked his scent.

He said, “Then I’ll become close to you, too, Alfie. I think you’re damned cool, with the way you fired that rifle at the enemy. That was one kickass shot.”

So he, too, liked my small participation in the battle, eh?

“What do you expect from one with a pure qi?” Leona said.

I cocked my head to one side. Was it just me or did Leona sound rather proud?

Lord Aaron commanded, “From now on, call me Aaron, Alfie.”

I nodded, since I decided then that having Lord Aaron as a friend would be a good idea. I could very easily draw him to my side.

“Good. Now try saying Aaron.” He coaxed me like I was a baby who didn’t know how to speak.

Oddly enough, I obeyed. I licked my lips and said, “Aaron.”

He laughed and pinched my cheek. “You’re so cute, Alfie. I didn’t know humans could be this cute.” He continued to hug me and kissed the top of my head until Caleb turned up and gave him a good, intense glare.

The man demanded, “What the hell are you doing, Aaron?”

Aaron said easily, “Alfie and I have just become best buddies. He’s going to be staying with me in my quarters from now on.”

I widened my eyes in shock and shook my head. “I didn’t agree to anything like that.”

“Don’t be shy, Alfie,” Aaron said. “I’ll take good care of you. You won’t need to stay in the soldiers’ or servants’ quarters. Or even worse, sleeping rough in the streets.”

I said, “But I don’t mind the servants’ quarters. In fact, I can rent out a room in the city while I look for a job.”

Aria said, “But you’ll need money to rent a room, you know, and you’ve lost all your belongings, haven’t you?”

I suddenly remembered that I had absolutely nothing with me. No money. No clothes. Nothing.

Caleb said, “There are plenty of spare rooms at the palace. There’s no need for you to rent a room out in the city nor stay with Aaron.”

Then Lord Geoffrey came out, along with Felix.

“What’s this about?” Felix asked.

Leona said, “Alfie’s situation. He doesn’t have money and wants to look for work.”

Felix clasped his hands and said, “I see. Then why don’t you become my pageboy, Alfie. I’m currently looking for one. You’ll get free lodging, as well as a very decent pay. Five hundred gold coins a month.”

The moment he said that, gold coin stars appeared in my eyes. I was lured by money. I eagerly said, “Yes, please.” That magic bag didn’t seem so far out of my league with that offer.

Aaron said, “Oy, Felix! How dare you treat my friend like a servant? This boy here”—he tapped on my shoulder with his arm still tight around me—“is my best buddy. He won’t be working as pageboy for you. And besides, who pays a pageboy that much, anyway? Two hundred gold coin a month is the current going rate. I know because I have three of them under my employment at the palace alone.”

Felix ignored Aaron and said to me, “You won’t take my job offer, Alfie?”

I said, “I’m happy to accept it.”

“I won’t accept it,” Caleb said sternly.

“Me neither.” Aaron nodded.

“Then,” Aria put in, her voice gentle, “how about you tell us what you’re good at, Alfie? We have plenty of positions at the palace. I’m sure you’ll find one that’s suitable for you.”

I thought for a moment and then had an idea. I said, “I would like to work in the library, please.”

“Why the library?” Lord Geoffrey asked.

I cleared my throat and said, “I was studying at the university before…um…I was here. I was studying science, and I like books.”

Brenna said, “We do have a few positions open at the palace’s library. But can you read our language?”

I said, “I’m a fast learner.”

“That’s sorted, then,” Lord Geoffrey said. “I’ll see to it that there’s a place for you at the library.”

I smiled with glee and said, “Thank you, my lord.”

Some moments later, a voice echoed throughout the passenger quarters. “Attention, my lords and ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We’re landing this airship in Acaedien Airport within ten minutes precisely. Please beware of some bumps as we descend, and is it advisable to stay seated during the process. Thank you.”

My heart unexpectedly started racing excitedly as I turned to face the window, my attention on the sight below me.

Acaedien Kingdom, I thought. Very soon, I’d be stepping foot into this nation, and I found I couldn’t wait to see what this fantastical kingdom had to offer. Suddenly, I felt like a tourist who was about to visit another country. But, of course, this wasn’t just any other country like that on Earth. This was Acaedien Kingdom in the Aurora Realm, where paranormal creatures and magic existed.