
Azel’s POV

Finally! My first POV! I’m Azel Claire Higgins everyone! I’m Nash’s best ever friend and no one else in the world!!! Just me! Truly me! Only me!!!!!!


I tried to calm down to all the things that happened, Nash is some strange and weird person once she’s facing her fears, she has fears of blood (phobia) sometimes she’s having seizures like what she was today! and fears of loud noises, (phobia) like a person’s yell or etc. and one thing that I’m afraid about her is her heart disease, I don’t know what do you call it but I’ll just spoil you some hehe, she gets frightened and startled so easily, that’s why she’s having really severe heart attacks,

I cannot say that she’s a weakling, it’s not like that, everything seems great before when she became a high school teen, two of us were in the same roof of school! Aside from our elementary days, we decided to go home schooling, for the reason that she gets bullied thru social media and at school, her parents decided to do home schooling and my parents did too.

Nash and I have been best friends since diaper days that includes one decade of friendship! Actually, she’s already been like a sister to me since we’re the only daughters of our own parents, we both are used with each other.

I was gulping down every saliva that is left inside my mouth, it was me, Nash, Luke and the little girl beside him.

‘he was the owner of the SUV I’m talking! I even said dumb! I’m so stupiiiiiiiddddd!!!!’

I beheld at Luke so embarrassed, I was surprised when he looked at the rear mirror and he apprehensively stared at me too, his eyes like almost to tear up

“W-why? What happened to her?" his voice was shaky and you can feel his guilt and nervousness too, "Nothing! Just focus on the road!'' I tried to be calm as possible while Nash is now cradled in my arms and was still hyperventilating in front of my own naked eyes! I'm on the verge of breaking down and to cry my eyes out and call the angels to GET ME ALREADY! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF WHAT I'M SEEING!

I don’t know if I would be pleased or gloomy or furious because for the fact that is, I’m here sitting in the backseat of a famous football player’s car, Luke Zyrill Hale is very known in my town and in the whole America, I’m a fan of him too, I was even surprised before if I ever need glasses because I saw Luke Zyrill Hale carrying my best friend! It’s pretty impossible, for the reason that I only transferred here because of Luke because I once heard that he studied here, but when I also knew that he transferred at Oxford, and that’s very unlucky because I just got a mail that I passed the freaking entrance exam of Sungkyunkwan and then Nash heard that I study here too, that jerk followed me.

Everything inside the car is so tensed, my body was shaking and my breaths were really heavy until the little girl beside Luke broke the silence between us, “Appa, what happened to unnie Nash?”

‘What did I hear? Appa? For god’s sake, Appa in Korean is Dad! Luke has a Daughter???!!!’

I immediately stared at the both of them and was really confused each time! I felt Luke’s embarrassment in the air so I just smiled at him, “S-she needs to the h-hospital Yahnie, when we get there you will stay h-here again, understood? He commands and the kid which I heard Yahnie just nodded, I got a little startled when Yahnie turned her body and looked me in the eyes

“Hello, Unnie Azel! You pretty!” she greeted me cutely and I smiled at her ear-to ear, “Hello Yahnie! You’re pretty too!” I faked a smile at the girl because all I care now is Nash here! I didn’t notice that we already arrived at the hospital but, it’s not the same as before! It’s much more spacious than the other hospital we entered, but their pharmacy is quite small rather than the other one’s

I opened the car door and there I saw Luke carrying Nash’s body AGAIN!

‘this is the second time’

I snaked my trembling hand into the tight pockets of my jeans and dialed Aunt Hye, Nash's Mom, "Yeoboseyo? Seumiseu tuja hoesa choihyeibnida." [translation: Hello? This is Smith Investors Company, Choi Hye speaking.]

‘seriously? Did Aunt Hye changed her phone again?’

“Aunt Hye, it’s me Azel” I calmly said while gulping the lump in my throat and tried not to drop a tear in my eye, “Azel dear? What made you to call me? Something happened?” Aunt Hye’s voice made me more emotional and the hot tear did not kept its promise to not escape, “Wait, where’s Nash? You both aren’t done yet?”

“Not yet, but w-we’re in the h-hospital right n-now and s-she had s-seizures, her phobia a-attacked her” my voice was really stuttering and trembling in fear and I just broke down into pieces in a corner, my head started to turning and the tears are continuously dropping down in my skirt.

"What hospital are you now? Who brought you there?" Aunt Hye's voice woke me from my senses, , I immediately wiped the tears that were starting to gather in my orbs, “Just a friend—I mean not really a friend, a s-stranger, yeah” I blinked my eyes and gulped once then turned my gaze to the nurses who are assisting Nash in her bed, “Stranger? Is it a girl, Azel?” my eyes widened “No, it’s a boy actually” my knees are trembling “He’s a student in our university and he came from—” I didn’t finish my words when Aunt Hyes sighed and made my heart to beat fast, really fast!

“Your boyfriend?" she added


“No, Aunt Hye, Nash knows him and he is the one who brought Nash at the hospital earlier too, but he’s not my boy—” I didn’t finish my words again! “No, your boyfriend? Why is he not there to help the both of you?” Aunt Hye’s voice lingered around my whole brain, as if she was hypnotizing me, “Does your parents know about it, Azel?” I came back from my thoughts, “Chert! zachem yey ob etom znat'?!” I whispered.

[translation: Damn! Why does she have to know about it?!”]

“I can understand Russian Azel, don’t talk like that in front of me and your parents” Aunt Hye didn’t raise her voice, it was normal for me to hear.

‘yeah Azel, Aunt Hye’s right. Don’t be rude’

“I’m sorry Aunt Hye” I apologized as I sat on one of the bleachers outside the emergency room and wiped the tears that are racing down to my collars, and didn’t let the whimper to come out. Aunt Hye ended the call five minutes ago saying that she’ll be here to get us and head to the airport; I’m still rooted here in my position and stared at Luke’s SUV parked at the corner.

‘I called Luke a dumb ass car owner, I cussed at Nash’s mom (I didn’t know she could understand Russian) lastly, I’m dating someone and my parents don’t know about it’


For how many years in my life, I’ve never been this nervous in one day! Why it should be this day! I had a quiz! Probably, they are done by now, but no worries, we’re going back to America. My tears escaped in my eyes again, and wet my curled lashes, and then I felt a small touch beside me, and I know it’s a person, the perfume was familiar as it lingered around the air, my body stood still and didn’t looked at the person beside me, “Is she awake?”

I whispered, enough for just the both of us to hear, “Not yet” Luke breathed out, his voice was hoarse and when I looked at him, his eyes stared from afar, he dug his fingers through the strands of his quite long hair and he looked pissed, “Look, I’m sorry, if it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t be here” he looked at Nash’s body then locked gazes with mine,

“By the way, I’m Luke Zyrill Hale” he reached his hand for me to shake and I did, “I’m sorry that you had to be pissed earlier” he added, and I stared at him even more, “W-What do you mean?” I asked confused while he was fiddling with his fingers and wiping his small wristwatch, “I saw you earlier breaking down while on our phone, then you stopped and wiped your tears, then you started crying again, man you’re weird” he chuckled and I just chuckled too, and then left the atmosphere in silence.

But then he spoke again, “You know what? Let’s be friends, give me her number…...please” he meant Nash

‘her what?!’

“Dude, she doesn’t like guys like you, she might just laugh at you when you sing her a song in front of the whole students in the quadrangle with a guitar!” I smirked and he just threw me his phone, yes; he threw it in me “Catch” I gradually and thankfully caught his phone in my palms, “Great catch young lady, now type Nash’s number” he smiled and surprisingly opened his phone without any password or pin on it, “Why do you need her number? Wait! You’re hitting on my best friend?!” I squealed and his face didn’t change an expression.

“My ex is the reason why she had the seizure, and I was also the reason why she collapses at the first place” he explained, “So? What’s your plan, football boy?” I cheekily smiled at him and he didn’t look at me this time, “I’m protecting her” he replied his eyes from afar,

“I can’t stand girls suffering” he added, I looked him in his eyes and sincerity is what I see, his eyes have started to fill with tiny tears, “Don’t tell me you’re gay?! Oh my gosh, seriously? When—” I stopped when he looked at me sarcastically, “No, I’m not, just give me Nash’s number then get lost” he exclaimed in his deep voice and I stared into his phone and typed Nash’s number.

‘This football dude really has something into Nash, and I know it’

“Nash’s mom is on her way here” I asked as I was tying my hair into a ponytail, “I should get going for now, I’ve got a kid there, oh and tell her Mom I’m sorry” He exclaimed as he was fixing the collars on his sleeves, “Who’s the mother of your angel?” I asked looking at his car,

“Who knows?! One thing that I’m concerned is the child, not the mother” he sighed as he stood up and looked at me, “Nice meeting the both of you, even if it’s unpredictable, I’ll be off now, see you tomorrow!” he waved his hand at me then looked at Nash then headed to his car.

I even counted the steps that he took when he arrived at his car and went outside then turned the engine, he even drove in front of me and honked the horns


“I’ll meet you at the canteen tomorrow, I’ve something to ask! Good bye!” he shouted but not that loud, then I smiled then he headed off to where he is going.

But I frowned when I realized that we aren’t returning to Sungkyunkwan anymore because we’re going to America.

‘I do hope so that we’ll meet at the canteen, football dude’

I stood up and went inside the emergency room and stared at Nash’s body that’s still lying in her white sheeted bed “She’s not yet awake” I whispered and sighed deeply, I really am a bad best friend, I should’ve protected her and kick all the faces that caused her this pain.

I found a small white swivel chair that was just in the corner of the room and drew it near Nash’s bed, I kept staring at her pale face as her chest rises when she inhales for air, “Sillyehabnida bu-in, hwanjaui chincheog-ibnikka?” [translation: Are you a relative to the patient?] a male's voice made me jump in my seat and turn back, “Ne, bagsanim” [translation: Yes, Doctor]

I smiled at the doctor and he smiled as well, “Nae gajang chinhan chinguga ajig kkaeeo issji anh-eun iyuneun mueos-ibnikka?” [translation: Why is my best friend not awake yet, Doctor?] I worriedly asked, and was hoping that I could get a clear answer,

“Well, surprisingly, I’m Ms. Choi Nash’s doctor in-charge, I’m Dr. Min Ji- Yoo” I was dumbfounded when that ass head doctor Min Ji- YOO SUCK haha, I’m struggling in speaking Korean here! Yet he just ended speaking in English, “I’m the doctor that her Mother, Choi Hye assigned to take care of her condition” this doctor is getting in my nerves,

“I was really happy that time, especially when her Mother is a really well- known big time CEO of a big company” he cheerfully told me, “Aren’t you going to tell me what’s going on with my best friend? Or imma slap you with a cactus?” I pointed at the small cactus plant beside the counter’s table, “Decide now or you’ll be dead later?” that Min Ji- YOO SUCK is a damn pest,

“Just check my best friend’s vital signs and do your damn job!” I yelled at him that made most of the nurses to turn their heads on me, “Uisagadoego dongseong-aejagadoeji masibsio!” [translation: Be a doctor and don’t be a homophile!] I weakly said as the smirk plastered in his lips grew wider

“Are you insulting me, Ms. Higgins?”  Ji- Yoo said as he fixed his posture while I crossed my arms looking into his embarrassed eyes, I could feel the tension and the trembling of my hands, my cold sweats were racing down to my face and quickly wiped it off.

“Never underestimate someone, especially a doctor” he quoted after he turned his gaze behind me that I immediately turned my head to see the person behind me, “B-Babe” I nervously uttered, for the reason that my boyfriend appeared right before my eyes, “What did you said to my brother?” Jae Sung; my boyfriend uttered as his jaw clenched,

“H-He’s your brother?” my voice got weaker and weaker as I slowly turned my head to Ji- Yoo whose, crossing his arms and stared at the both of us, “I knew she wouldn’t be a match for you Jae Sung, you should be guilty because you dated that disrespectful woman” Ji- Yoo said and I just kept my gaze on the floor.

“Why would you say that my daughter is disrespectful, Doctor Min Ji- Yoo?”

I slowly turned my head and….


“You should now pray for your soul, Azel” Min Ji- Yoo whispered and a shiver ran down my spine, Mom immediately walks towards our direction and

