Kisses and Jealousy

A week had passed and she is so proud of herself that she survived a week with a Yamada Riku following her all the time. She is on her way to the library to borrow some books when she felt him behind her. She is already getting used to his presence but it doesn't mean she will accept him as her husband, like what the twins are saying.

"Don't you have anything to do?" She said in a soft voice while looking for some books between the shelves. Riku shook his head and smiled.

"Where do you want to have lunch later?" He asked and she sighed. She turned to look at him but she immediately took a step backwards when she realized that he is too close.

She felt her back touching the shelf and her heart is beating crazy. She looked up at him but her eyes widened when she felt his lips against hers. It is just a week, for Pete's sake. She shut her eyes closed while hugging the books close to her chest.

The kiss lasted for half a minute and she thought that she will already lose her breath. She refused to believe that she is in reality now. She slowly opened her eyes and saw him staring at her. Her heart started to beat faster.

"Let's have lunch together." His husky voice reached her ears and she can't believe that she fell under his spells. She slowly nodded her head, letting her defenses down.

She is supposed to hate and avoid him but why is she letting him kiss her just like that? She gripped on his shirt tightly and she took a deep breath.

"Stop playing around. I'm not that kind of girl whom you can easily fool." She mumbled and Riku held her chin to make her look at him.

"Who said I'm playing around?" He asked in a serious voice while staring at her eyes. She swallowed her saliva and gently pushed him away.

She hugged the books tighter and went to the counter to check out the books. She got her library card from her wallet and showed it to the librarian. She didn't wait for Riku anymore and left the library with books in her arms and a confused heart and mind.


She doesn't know why but every single damn week, Riku is giving her kisses at the library. Maybe, she should stop going to the library but she thought of it again. Library is one of her resting places and she can't just stop going there even though Riku is always following her.

She was about to say something since she felt someone behind her but she noticed that it is not Riku's scent. She turned around and saw a man with a light purple hair. The man smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I’m sorry. I just need to get this." The man said before reaching the book above her. She shook her head while hugging some books.

"It's fine. It is my first time to see you here. Are you a transferee or are you from other department?" She asked and the man took a step backwards since he realized that they are too close to each other.

"Transferee. My family decided to stay here in Tokyo already, so I have no choice but to transfer. I'm from Seoul, by the way. I'm Park Eiji." The man gave her a bright smile.

"I'm Yoshida Ichika. I'm from Fukuoka but my family moved here at Tokyo. Though your accent, you sounds like a native Japanese speaker." She is now getting comfortable talking to Eiji when Riku saw them.

He is holding a bouquet of white roses but he hid it behind him and watched the two talk to each other. Ichika didn't even notice him because of the man she is talking with, so he chose to leave the library.

"I should have not bought this." He muttered before throwing the bouquet of white roses to the large trash can. He slid his hands inside his pockets and went to the music room instead.

"Oh? You're already back?" Ryota, a sophomore asked him. He just signed up for the piano club yesterday and next week, he will start practicing already.

"Did you give the flowers to her?" Ryota asked once more and he shook his head. He sat in front of the piano and lifted the cover.

"She is with another man." He just said and Ryota slowly nodded his head. The older is composing a song, so he didn't bother him anymore and just played the piano.

The image of Ichika with another man keeps on flashing in his mind and it is annoying him. He saw her smiling at the man. Since the first day, she never smiled at him like that whenever they are talking.

His fingers started to press the keys and after a while, he started singing. Ryota stopped for a while and just watched him. He is singing First Love. The door is not completely closed, so everyone who passes by can clearly hear him singing and playing the piano.

A few students already peeked from outside until they completely opened the door to watch Riku. He heard the students giving him applause after he finished the song. He just smiled at them but deep inside, he is feeling sad as he is still thinking of Ichika with another man.

On the other side, Ichika walked out of the library with Eiji. She noticed the bouquet of white roses in the trash can. She stopped for a while and pouted while staring at it.

"It looks so beautiful. It must be expensive but.. why it is in the trash can? That person should have given it to me instead." She sighed and she started walking again.

"You like roses?" Eiji asked and she nodded her head. They are on their way to the cafeteria when she noticed that Riku is not around.

'I wonder where is he.' She thought and they finally arrived. For this academic year, she has her classes only in the morning and instead of cooking lunch at home, she chose to eat lunch at the cafeteria or somewhere else before going home.

"What do you want to eat?" Eiji asked and she looked at the menu for that day. She saw that they have ramen today, so she chose it.

"Two servings of pork ramen. What do you want to drink?" Eiji asked once more and she chose iced coffee.

"And two iced coffee." She took her wallet from her bag but he insisted on treating her with lunch. She bowed her head a bit and smiled shyly. Why do people keep on treating her food?

While eating and talking with Eiji, she suddenly saw Riku at the counter. She wanted to call him but why would she do that? She saw him receiving a cup of iced coffee and after that, he already left.

She doesn't know if he didn't really see her or he just pretended that he didn't see her. Though there are lots of students around, Eiji's hair is catching attention because it is light purple. She sighed inwardly and focused on what Eiji is talking about.