The end of my nightmare

Seiya got to the place with Andrew, something a little confused.

- Are you sure this is the place? - Seiya

"Yes, promise me you won't do something foolish please and you won't regret what you told me about Serena."

-All right, I promised.- Seiya

They entered the bar at that time and Seiya from afar could see the girl dancing.

- Is it she?

So it is.

- But how is here in such a detestable place?

"Please don't judge her so harshly, you don't know how hard it has been for her.

What do you mean?

- From five years ago she is trapped here trying to escape to return to her home and regain her dignity.

"Please tell me what happened to him.

- Her fucking ex-boyfriend tricked her by bringing her here.

- What are you saying?

"As Seiya hears, she becomes pregnant with the man who owns this place, a malnourished man who threatens to kill her son.

- wretch.

Seiya got up from the table and Andrew followed him.

- What are you going to do?

"I'm going to rescue her, I don't want her still in this damn place.

Don't do it, if he finds out you know he may never want to see us both again.


"Serena is very capricious and if you want to earn her friendship and trust you must treat her calmly and without surprises friend, she has suffered a lot.

"I know, now I understand all her fear after I kiss her.

-We should make a plan to get her out of here.

-You have your contacts and I will help her legally so that all the fuckers who hurt her pay.

"It's a good idea, but now we have to go.

- No, I want to see her closely, talk to her.

-It is not safe.

-I beg you

-I will devise a plan so that she is not in danger.

-You win well.



The next day Seiya arrived at Serena's house with a nice bouquet of roses and the girl was impressed.

- Seiya what are you doing here?

-Go apologize for my bad behavior the other day.

"Never mind, you must surely be like that with all women.

"It's not true, a woman had never seemed as beautiful as you.

"Don't go along with that," Serena was blushing.

"But if I mean it, you are so special that my heart is crying out to be with you.

- Don't say those nonsense please, I promised not to open my heart to anyone after they hurt me.

-I understand you and I want you to understand that no matter the things, I will be at your side to take care of you, I only wish that Serena, that you have confidence in me.

-See what you say is very nice of you, but I do not feel ready to trust someone like you, I know that if you break someone's trust it is very difficult to recover it.

-I promise you that won't happen to us.

- Well then I will tell you that I am from Tokyo, I finished my psychology career five years ago but unfortunately I could not practice my profession, I have had several inconveniences that have prevented me.

- It a very important career.

-If I was the best average of my entire generation, the desire to want to help others with their problems is something I am passionate about, I have always felt I should help.

- But your problems have not been solved?

-I think I can never Seiya.

Seiya was so sorry to see her and tell her many things, but at the same time she knew she had to shut up until she found a way to eliminate those bad moments in her life.

He approached her and hugged her wanting to cry.

I'll walk him to the entrance.

- Do you want to go out with me tomorrow?

- Where?

-A meadow with very beautiful view, I know you would love it and your son also, has a nice landscape surrounded by the sea.

-If it is so much your insistence I will go.

- Thank you, then I will come for you at 3pm.


The boy left and she was more than surprised with his attitude, her heart felt that there was something different to everyone.

"I don't know what it can be, but I will be cautious.



Seiya got a call from her friend Andrew to meet with him to coordinate what they would do.

"I wanted to see her and told me her dream, her career, I feel destroyed inside.

"I told you she's a frail girl with everything that's going on.

I know, I can't stand seeing her like this.

- Be patient brother, you will see that we will be able to get her out of that place, that's why I call you, this guy is Seiki and is the master mind of an organization that is responsible for seducing any woman and falling in love with them, there have been several disappearances throughout Tokyo and many more in the rest of Asia.

Plus he's got his file full of drug trafficking and stuff.

-He is a malnourished.



Following day

Serena was at home getting ready when the man came touching and seducing her.

-Let me go for favor.-Serena

-I have waited so long for this moment that I already think it is fair that you are mine Serena.-Seiki

- Seiki is you?

"I thought you had forgotten my love.

"I was never your love, I will never be, neither of you nor of anyone, go away or I hurt you.

The man took her by the neck hurting her

"I will not leave here without you giving me what you gave Jedite.

"You hurt me Seiki, I loved you.

"It's a shame I didn't do it, honey, I just wanted to try you.

I throw her to bed by taking off her towel leaving her totally naked.

"You'll finally be mine.


Seiya heard screams as soon as she got to the door and as she could enter, she saw her crying with that man on her.

"Unhappy little boy leave her.

Seiya took him by the neck and stabbed him with all her strength until he was unconscious.

Serena ran into his arms very scared.

- Are you well?-Seiya

"Yes, thank you, if you hadn't arrived I don't know what I would have done." Serena

-Tranquila everything will be fine.

They went to their son's room and left that place.

They stopped at a station to eat something, that Serena took advantage of to call.

- Fortunately you are good.- Andrew

-Yes Andrew, Seiya helped me.- Serena

"I think it's best for you to go to his house."


-But if you're in danger.

-You and him run too if I don't return to that place.

Serena, don't be stubborn, please.

-I am only being realistic, the lives of all those I love depend on me remaining in that place.

Serena hung up and Andrew was bewildered by her friend's stubbornness and immediately communicated with the blue film.

"Be for nothing in the world let Serena leave your house.

-All right, I'll try.



Arriving at Seiya's house, Serena felt calm, the little one was playing all over the place.

-This will be your room.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for all this that I'm putting you through, today we would go out to that nice place and look how we are.

-But if we haven't missed the opportunity to go to that place. I told you it was close to the sea and it is here mismo.-Seiya

- What? - it drizzles

-Come I'll take you to the yard.

Seiya held his hand and watched that beautiful place I had told her. It was full of flowers and the beautiful sea was in the background.

- It a very beautiful place.

- Only the most beautiful flowers grow in this place, also the most beautiful flower deserves to see them.

Serena was blushing with that compliment.

- Does he want to go?-Seiya

-Si.-Serena was happy

As soon as they got out they saw that Kenji was there very happy catching butterflies and being a child as usual.

The sunset arrived and with it, a beautiful landscape that left Serena impressed.

Seiya sat next to her hugging her, she looked at him and felt so happy that she held his hand fearlessly.



Seiki got to Jedite's office badly hurt.

- What happened to another lawsuit with some client?

"You mean a blow from Serena's new lover.

- What are you saying?

"After closing our deal, I went to see her and I was about to make her my own, but someone came and started beating me to such an extent that I was unconscious.

"That means they took her, damn it.



Serena and Seiya shared a pleasant moment in the kitchen of their home, when I noticed that it was already a little late.

-I think I'll go to rest. -Serena

- Have a nice night. - Seiya

Serena is approaching her son's room.

-If you stay here I know he will protect you my heaven.

She went to her bed and I waited for Seiya to turn off the lights to leave, not realizing that he had seen her leave.

-He left and I could not do anything. -Seiya

-Then let's do it today-Andrew



Serena arrived as if nothing had happened, went to her dressing room to get dressed, danced as she always did and was when Jedite sent her to call her side.

"Now what's going on?" she said.

"Your ex-boyfriend came to see me, said that you received it at the blows of some friend of yours who frequented you.Jedite

"Friend, did you believe that miserable traitor?" Serena mocked.

"Don't be playing with me Serena, no one but me is the owner of your body and I am the only one who can do what I want." "I take it hard from the wrist very angry.

"Just forget about that." Serena looked at him challenging him.

"Now I can't do it since an important businessman comes and wants to see her."

"I won't sleep with anyone if that's what you pretend.- Serena gets frustrated.



Outside the bar there was a very elegant car guarding that place.

- Are you ready to start? - Andrew

-Yes, do you think they believed everything? -Seiya

"As soon as I told them it was from the surname Kou did not hesitate, it seems to be very prestigious." - Andrew

-I hope Serena doesn't kill me for this.- Seiya

They both came and didn't see her dancing.

"Do not forget that you are more than any other, everyone calls you" the devout men "you have had many is your came." Jedite said while playing with several men at the table.

Seiya and Andrew approached precisely when the girl lashed a glass of wine in her face.

Luckily for Serena she was covered with a mask, tried to escape and stumbled on Seiya and Andrew, this confused her more.

-Signores it is a pleasure to have them here- Jedite gets up from the table.

"Thank you Jedite, this must be the woman I've been told so much about." Seiya stood staring at the girl who just watched him frightened.

-So, it is our biggest attraction.- Jedite.

- Wouldn't it be wrong if you made me a private? I will pay you very well.- Seiya said without stopping looking at her.

"Whatever you like, sir, are all at your disposition." Jedite was satisfied.

-I only wish this please, I want to know how good it is as I have been blissed.- Seiya

"Come on, brother, I'm inviting you to be your birthday." - Andrew



Serena entered the room with him, she was very scared more knowing that it was him, that boy who had her crazy love.

-Tranquila, I won't do anything you don't want me to do. -Seiya allowed him to walk away.

"I thought you were different from all the disgusting men who come here." Serena was nervous.

- Because you say it? - Seiya

"I didn't think you were capable of this after you told me you loved me." Serena inside was dying with a broken heart.

"I couldn't love anyone but Serena Tsukino, and that's what you have in your heart." Seiya comes close to her shoulders turning her.

"But I don't know what you're saying." Serena turned around again not to look at him.

"I'm sure I know and so are you, Serena.

The girl turned around and he started to take the veil off her face. "I know you're my Serena.

Seiya approached to kiss her and was corresponded by her.

"Don't do this please, I'm nothing to you, just like I was nothing to Seiki or Jedite." I walk away just a little bit because the boy wouldn't allow it.

"Only let me show you that I love you, I know that you have suffered a lot being here without your consent." Seiya hugged her.

I was surprised and looked at him.

- Andrew told me everything-Seiya stroked his cheek wiping a falling tear.

- Do you know each other? - Serena still surprised I ask.

-From several years ago. In fact if everything goes well you can get out of here in a rat.- Seiya again I bring it to her chest.

-From several years ago. In fact if everything goes well you can get out of here in a rat.- Seiya again I bring it to her chest.

"No, they're doing it." Serena began to despair.

Seiki entered the room and realized there was the man who had beaten him, immediately took Serena's hand dragging her to the place where Jedite was, Seiya followed them.

"I told you, she's messing with someone and he's the guy I was in the room with." Seiki

- What? Is it true? - Jedite took her by the hand very hard hurting her.

"Yes, any problem with me?" "Seiya confronted him without fear.

Jedite didn't hesitate to shoot and that's when Andrew gave the order to his agents.

Serena let go of Jedite as the police had held him and went to see Seiya lying on the floor badly wounded, Seiki had also been caught trying to escape.

"Seiya, please don't go, don't die." Serena was made a sea of tears

- calm Serena.-Andrew

"As I will be calm if he has been killed because of me." Serena holds Seiya's hand.

"Please calm down, we'll take you to a hospital right now." Andrew hugged her.