Guilty of loving you.

The next day Seiya came to look for her dear Serena in that cell, but by little and they do not allow her entry.

-Hola-Serena I embrace him on the ver- How are my son and my parents?

-It's all right, and you?

-You don't know how bad I feel, being here makes me think about the worst thing I've ever done, you don't know how much I miss you.

- Do you think this is Jedite or Seiki's work?

- Then if Seiya, they only want to see me suffer.

The phone rang at the time, it was Andrew.

-Hola What have you got?

"I just investigated and was told that they had entered Serena's house and discovered several kilos hidden in various places in the house.

- What? - both said

"As you hear, apparently that place was used to hide it.

"It's not possible, I lived with my son in that place and I didn't realize it.

- Who allowed you to live there Serena? - Andrew

- Seiki, told me that Jedite was helping him to be an artist and that house was his support.

-Then that's why they incriminate you.

-You were a total fool.

-Let's talk later Andrew.-Seiya

Seiya held her hands kissing her.

- Because I fell in love with him, Seiya? - Serena cried

-Tranquila, now you have me, I will not leave you alone for nothing, I love you and always will.

Serena hugged him again feeling protected.



Years behind.

Seiya had decided to enter university to study music as soon as she finished high school, it was her greatest wish.

- Again young man with those things of music instead of studying? -Misako

"Don't be bad, you know this is my passion and nothing in this world will make me change what I want to do in life."

"I know that son, your father I will support you in everything-Misako

Seiya was really happy that everyone in that place that was her home was a support.

One day he was in the high school auditorium singing with the electric guitar that his parents had given him.

- Who are you singing for? -Michiru

"You're your Michiru, good to see you."

-Disculpa if I interrupted you, but I couldn't help hearing that beautiful melody, you have a spectacular voice.

- Thank you, I say the same for you, you always play spectacular that violin.

- Have you listened to me?

-Yes, to be honest I have escaped classes just to see you.


-I have fallen in love with you from the moment I saw you, this you just heard is for you.

Seiya held his hand and smiled at him approaching her kissing her.

"Forgive me Seiya but I can't be with you, you're little what I want.

- What? But we've both felt a lot and kissed, you know my parents and they adore you like I do.

"But I thought it was just a game you had, I already have someone in my life.

-Michiru don't do this to me.

Michiru walks away breaking Seiya's soul in a thousand pieces.

As soon as he got home, he wouldn't have dinner and went straight to his room.

- Does something happen? - Mina

"It's nothing Mina, leave me alone.

Mina listened to him, but daily insisted to know what was happening to him, until one day she was fed up with seeing him locked up and sent to forge the lock and saw all the scores and everything about the music destroyed.

- Tell me what is wrong with you? - Mina

-Get out Mina, I don't want to to see you.-Seiya

"I won't leave until you tell me what happened.

-Michiru rejected me after I thought she was in love.

What a stupid bitch.

-I want you to leave.

No, you've been here for more than two weeks and I won't leave you any longer.


Michiru for her part visited her boyfriend in Osaka every time a concert concluded.

"My beautiful goddess of the sea.

"Hey, are you doing this? Are you getting high?"

"Yes, honey, I just finished a new project that would move us forward. Celebrate with me, honey.

- And how do you want to celebrate?

-We make love wildly as I love that you make love to me.

"From then on, you're the only one I love to please.

They lay on the bed starting to get excited so fast that there was no room for anything else.


I spent some time and Mina was in constant company with her brother, looking like her bodyguard.

-I thank you Mina, what you have done for your brother.- Kiro

- All for the health of my little brother.

-You would be a good counselor, daugther.-Kiro

-If honey, because you do not study for psychologist. -Misako

- Do you really believe that?

-Seiya is proof of it.- Kiro

After studying his outstanding subjects Seiya graduated making the decision to leave music for his father's business, to be a lawyer.



Serena received a visit and thought it would be Seiya, she arrived very happy but realized it was a woman.

- hello Serena-Michiru

- Who are you? - Serena

- Don't you know me? - Michiru


"I'm very famous, Michiru Kaioh calls me.

"You're the woman Seiya wanted to take her life for.

- It not true, Seiya is a capricious child who only wanted to take advantage of me.

"Don't lie, I know what kind of person you are and you better go.

- Wait a minute, I did not come here to talk about him, but about your family that I have fully identified.

-Not true, did you do something to them?

-That's up to you.

What do you want.

"Stay away from Seiya and plead guilty to everything or I will kill you.

-Time- Guardia.

Serena was so frightened by that threat that she didn't even want to eat in days, nor did she want to receive visitors until the day of the trial.

Seiya sat next to her, but she refused him to touch her hand, Seiya was strange.

-Well let's start Miss Tsukino.-Judge

"Lord Judge, may I have a few words?" Serena stood up resolutely

- As you wish. - Judge

"I will only say, that I was Jedite and Seiki's mistress for so many years, I was the best in her bed, not just in her business."

- A moment you want to say - Judge

"I plead guilty to everything I am accused of." Serena said very convinced.

Seiya didn't understand what was happening to her.

- What are you doing, Serena?- Seiya took her hard from her arm looking at her.

-I understand that your lawyer freed you from a place where they had you for some time- Judge

"I was no one's slave, I just wanted to play with every man I would arrive and go that payment well, so I followed the current, it was a hobby for me.- Serena said this in a mocking tone before her angry look.

"Serena..." Seiya didn't understand anything and she let go of him with a laugh.

"Well this is no more, Miss Serena, I sentence you to 10 years in prison."

Serena was taken by the guards, Seiya tried to stop him but he didn't get it.

-That he said cannot be right.- Seiya

-But it is sonver.-Kiro

-What can be expected of her if you almost get killed.- Misako

"They are wrong and I will prove it no matter what it costs." Seiya immediately left that place really angry at the attitude of his parents.



Serena arrived in her cell, her tears sprouted with rage.

"Forgive me Seiya, I did not mean to hurt you, but I did not want anything to happen to you, my son or my parents.

That night I cried bitterly alone in that confinement just as Seiya cried with her memory.