From the heart love each other

London Hospital.

Serena was very frightened even as they arrived near her son's room, Seiya as always protected her to try and calm down.

-How did you know I was here?

-I called your parents' house and they told me that you went out when I told you not to, I went to look for you in the room but I didn't see you and I assumed that the bastard had caught you.-See

-Seiya, Kenji told me horrible things that this evil born man had done to him so that he would not recover and I would have the courage to face him no matter what it took.

-I told you that I would do it in a way that nothing would happen.

-I know I made a mistake, so watch me hit you.

-That's nothing, I just hope Kenji is discharged soon so we can go to Japan.

-I want that too, so please don't be mad at me.

Seiya hugged her and she started coughing heavily as she drowned.

-What's wrong with you, Seiya?

-It' my bag please.-Serena was saying something choked and desperate.