I want to.

Ami took Serena back to her room after all the previous tests to find out what had happened, Seiya went in with her to stay by her side.

-How are you?

-Well, I just have a headache.

-It's normal, Serena, your mind was a little off about your asthma.

The blonde just felt relief kissing Seiya-Thank you Ami.

-I'll leave you two alone while your parents arrive.

-My parents," Serena said fearfully.

-Yes, I called them to tell them you were awake.

-Why did you do that? The blonde was angry.

-There's nothing wrong with that, they're your parents.

-But they don't know anything about us, they don't know that we've been in a relationship for three years.

Seiya looked at Ami in a daze, the blue film came close to the girl.

-Serena, what is the last thing you remember of your life?

-Seiki proposed that I go with him after my graduation," Serena said firmly.

-Just that," she said.

-Yes, is something wrong? The blonde noticed her friend was a little dubious.