Saint Nick

Nick and I were falling into a comfortable routine, nowadays I was staying at his apartment since it made more sense. Nick worked long hours and it made more sense he stayed in his own apartment where he could easily get dressed and leave early in the morning. And I hated to admit it because it made me feel like I was enjoying Nick's lifestyle too much, but his apartment was way more comfortable than mine. His huge flat screen TV was a blessing, watching my favorite horror movies on that was a whole new experience. He once or twice scared me to death by suddenly appearing beside me when I was watching a horror movie. He loved it, always pulling me to him and wrapping me up in his arms and engulfing me with his fresh cologne scent. I loved being with Nick and I wanted to tell him that, but even though we were dating for weeks I didn't dare to admit it to him. I didn't want to ruin what we had, I never wanted it to end. The press also settled down after realizing there was no hot story to chase, that was until someone tipped them off with the worst rumor possible. I was leaving school when a huge swarm of people approached me, cameras flashing everywhere. I couldn't make out what they were saying, everyone was throwing questions at me from left to right. Anxiety crept up on me, making it hard for me to breath as I tried to find a way to escape. I thanked God when Miles and two other men showed up, making their way through the crowd to reach me. Miles placed his arm around my waist and guided me through the crowd as the two guys made a pathway for us. They were rushing, being efficient but still protective of me. Miles helped me into the car and actually took a seat beside me, ordering the driver to head to Nick's apartment.

"What's going on?" I asked in a small voice.

Miles looked at me, his wary expression worrying me even more, "Someone leaked to the press that you're a waitress sleeping with Nick to pay off your loan. Somehow they also found out about the payment you received from those idiots. It's chaos right now."

He said enough, I knew exactly what was going on now. I wanted to dwell on it some more, but I kept telling everyone that I was fine. That I understood what it meant to date Nick, if I caved now I would never be able to stand beside him. I promised him I wouldn't run so I needed to suck it up and hold my head high. These people didn't know me, so who gives a fuck what they think about me. Encouraging myself, even more, I felt a lot better. It also calmed me down enough to think it through. There weren't many people around us who knew about the payment. I'm sure Mike, the lawyer, didn't blab about it. The guys signed an NDA so they wouldn't go back on their word, otherwise, Nick would destroy them. The only other person who was aware of that meeting was Giselle. She was also the one with a motive. She wanted Nick and since she knew she couldn't have him she didn't want me to have him either. In her eyes, I was unworthy of him. There was no doubt in my heart that she was the one who started this chaos.

I glanced at Miles, "I'm okay." I told him, seeing relief flash through his eyes, "But, you know, I'm glad I don't speak to my family that often because it would be pretty awkward to explain to them why people assume I'm a high-class prostitute."

"High class?" Miles asked amused.

"Well, obviously Nick has standards."

He laughed, lightening everyone's mood with his boyish laugh, "Someone definitely did this to hurt you." He reached for my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to reassure me, "Nick's PR team is doing some damage control. They'll find a way to fix this mess."

"I'm sure they'll do their best." I agreed, "I'm okay, really." I told him, knowing he was still worried, "I knew this was going to happen eventually. Someone like Nick is bound to get his private life exposed to the media. Evan warned me about it and I have been preparing myself for it."

Miles couldn't even hide his surprise when he did process what I told him he flashed me a grin and shifted his gaze to the men sitting in the front, "Nick hired a security detail to keep you safe for the time being. Once everything dies down you can move around on your own again."

"I understand." I wasn't going to argue, I knew how chaotic things were right now, "I do have a shift tonight."

"Not anymore." Miles reached for his phone, shifting his focus to the device, "They know about the club so Nick is making a few changes."

"What changes?"

"For months Nick has been focused on opening a new club near his headquarters. They finished up the last details a few weeks ago. Nick told me to keep it from you since he wanted to surprise you, but the current situation forced him to speed things up." Miles finally looked up from his phone, "I think he mentioned something about making you the manager of that club-"

"He can't do that!" My tone made everyone wary of me again, "Transferring me to his new club and promoting me at the same time will definitely make people think he is favoring me since I'm sleeping with him. And that idiot still refuses to sleep with me, so that's kind of ironic, don't you think?"

I had to bite my lip to make myself stop from grinning like an idiot since all the guys seemed very uncomfortable. I'm sure they didn't want to know about Nick's sex life, but like always I blurted things out without realizing it.

Nick met me at the club near his headquarters. It was still closed off for the public, but I had the privilege of seeing it before the grand opening. Nick didn't look pleased with me knowing his plans, I guess he wanted to share that information with me at home, while we celebrated. Fate had changed his plans though, and he hated it. He reached me, his lips formed a thin line as he placed his hand on my lower back and pressed my body against his.

"This is not how it was supposed to go."

I had been right, Nick was pissed.

"I know." I glanced at him, my calm reaction taking him off guard, "We have no control over the actions of the people around us. So we should make the best of it."

Nick's lips curled up into a smirk, "Yes, I'm trying...So what do you think? This club will be yours-"

My eyes widened at hearing those words, "Miles told me I was becoming club manager, he never mentioned this club belonging to me-"

Nick tilted his head to the side, his eyes searching my face, "Change of plans." His eyes glittered darkly, "You said it yourself, we should make the best of it. So I am."

"By giving me this club? I don't know...I don't know what to do. I'm a bartender Nick."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. My body was pressed against his and it momentarily made me forget about the conversation we were having. About his irrational decision to give one of his nightclubs to me.

"You have me." He tightened his grip on me, "I'm here to help you."

"This is insane, Nick. You can't do this." I cupped his face in my hands, "I love that you considered me for this job, I really do, but I'm not ready yet." I knew he'd protest so I pressed my finger against his lips, "I do know someone who is more than ready to become your new club manager."

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Who?"


He quirked an eyebrow at me, "You want me to give the job to the one guy I'm insanely jealous of?"

Hearing Nick admitting that so openly made me want to kiss him, and I did. I pressed my lips firmly against his and pushed my tongue into his mouth. He didn't saw it coming and was so surprised he just held me, letting me ravish him. After a minute he got his focus back and kissed me back. Our kiss so needy and passionate. He understood why I kissed him, and it only made me want him more. Nick pushed me against the table near us and helped me sit up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grinded against his growing erection. A low groan erupted from him, while he desperately clung to me. I lowered my hand, trailing it over his broad chest, lower and lower to his stomach. I felt him intake a breath and felt his muscles tense when I reached his belt. He grabbed onto my hand and nipped at my lower lip. Warning me.

"We can't."

I groaned in frustration, "It's like you're guarding your virginity for our wedding night or something." I brushed my hair out of my face, "It's so frustrating!"

He chuckled, the asshole chuckled and looked quite pleased with himself. He straightened his clothes, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Our wedding night?"

The heat rushed to my cheeks, I could barely breathe as I watched his eyes sparkling with amusement and a little mischief. We were dating for a few weeks and I already brought up marriage, what the hell was I thinking? I hopped off the table and tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm, stopping me from walking away.

"I also envision a future for us, Em." His voice was smooth as silk, reaching me to the core, "I'm not afraid to admit that, why are you?"

I swallowed, trying to recover from the sweet words. How could this guy be so in love with me? He had everything, literally everything and yet he wanted me in his life, talking about long-term relationships. It just didn't make any sense to me.

"I'm afraid..."

"Yes, I get that." He talked slowly, "What are you afraid of exactly? "

"That this all will disappear." I turned around, facing him, "That you'll walk away, leaving me behind."

He wrapped his arms around me, tightly making it hard for me to breathe, but I loved it. It made my head understand that he was here, that he was here with me.

"I'm not walking away from you, Em." He kissed my head, "What you don't understand is that my world starts and ends with you. When I wake up you're all I can think off. I want to hold you and never let go." He kissed my temple and brushed his fingers over my arm, "And at night I don't want to fall asleep because I'm afraid you won't be there when I wake up. That I somehow made you up and you'll evaporate into thin air..."

My heart squeezed, I could barely breathe and tears rolled down my cheek. I shook my head when Nick cupped my face, kissing me through the tears and hiccups.

"You're the kind of guy I'd like to marry," I whispered, clutching his jacket when he pulled away and just kissed my cheek lightly.


"You have it bad for me."

He chuckled, "You have no idea, Em. I'm obsessed."

Nick had to go back to work, so I asked Miles and his new friends to drop me off at Brandon's. They didn't leave though, one of them stayed at the front door and I'm sure the other one hovered around as well. Miles was waiting in the car. This was bizarre but I kept my tongue. This was the only way to keep Nick from freaking out.

I dropped down on the comfy couch next to Brandon and stared at him. A big grin spreading across my face. I couldn't help it. I had to share the good news with him, but I couldn't speak because of the big, ridiculous smile on my face.

"Stop smiling at me like a serial killer, it's frightening."

My smile only widened, "I have good news."

"I can tell, the creepy smile is hard to miss."

I grabbed his hand when he sipped his beer, surprising him by my sudden action. He sipped his beer and gestured to the pack on the table. I reached for a bottle and took the cap off, placing it on the table.

"Nick is opening a new club."


He didn't understand my excitement over a new club, considering Nick had hundreds of properties all around the world. Opening a new club was nothing new to him.

"He wanted to make me the manager."

That caught his attention, he smiled. He didn't look as excited as me, but he was happy.

"That's great news, Em. Congrats."

"I declined though." That really caught his attention, he sat straight and narrowed his eyes at me, "I'm not ready for that. I'm just a part-timer, I don't deserve it-" I held up my hand when he wanted to protest, "So I told him to hire you."

"You did what?!"

"I told him to hire you." I said more firmly, "You have more experience and you're responsible, caring and I know you can do this. Nick agreed you are the most capable person for the job."

Brandon didn't seem convinced though, "He is only agreeing because of the sex, Em. Guys are like that."

I rolled my eyes, "Nick isn't like that." I knew he didn't believe me, "We haven't had sex yet and he told me he is in it for the long run. Nick is not the guy you think he is. Nick L-"

"Loves you?" Brandon asked, "You know each other for five minutes and you're talking about love?" He shook his head, "This is not healthy."

I felt offended that Brandon still saw Nick as the bad guy. I understood why he was against it in the beginning, but he had to see that Nick was not going to use me and then leave me. Hell, we haven't even done anything yet and he was still here.

"Since when does love have a time frame? You could date someone for years and still not be in love with that person. You can't force something that isn't there. But with Nick and me, I know it's there. So yeah, maybe we know each other for five minutes...but five minutes was all it took to make us realize we love each other."

I placed my bottle on the table and grabbed my jacket and purse. I headed straight for the door and ignored his calls for me. The blonde security guy stood right in front of the door and I almost bumped into him.

"We're leaving." I managed to say, walking away.

Once I was home, or rather Nick's apartment I got ready for bed. Taking a shower and slipping into some comfy clothes. I needed the comfort to shake off the words Brandon told me. I settled in bed, watching some random TV show when Nick got home. He also got ready for bed and joined me, leaning against the headboard with a book in hand. Shifting my gaze to him I watched him, observing him closely as he enjoyed reading his book. He felt me looking at him and closed the book, giving me his full attention.

"What's wrong?"

I clutched the sheets, pulling it to my neck, "I went to see Brandon after our meeting at the club."

He laughed, actually laughed. Filling the room with his beautiful laughter. He looked years younger and almost made me forget about my anger. Almost.

"None of my meetings are that fun."

I smiled as well and brushed my fingers through his hair, "Brandon called our relationship unhealthy, so I got upset. I practically ran out of there, because I was angry that he...insulted you."

"You're still upset."

I nodded, "Brandon is my Evan. I can't ruin that friendship."

Nick leaned closer to me, "Brandon is your guy, I get that." He took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles, "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine tomorrow...because he gets you and you get him. A friendship like that won't get ruined just because of one stupid argument about me."

I couldn't help myself, this guy was giving heart melting words away like Santa gave away presents. I blurted it out before I realized what I actually said.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I grabbed onto his black t-shirt and pulled him to me, kissing him as if my life depended on it, and he responded the same way. If this was unhealthy I really didn't give a damn, because it was what made me happy.