A Dark Moon

“What? Why? What do we do?” Willow asked.

“I don't know. I can't break the door down!” I panicked. The agents were far enough from us.

So I pounded loudly on the door.

“Juliet? Juliet!” I knew it was stupid of me to ask but what else could I say I was panicking.

“She was in there a minute ago.”

“ Damn it.” I continued banging on the door, but it was quiet on the other end. Why was the door locked?

“Juliet are you in there?” I yelled. I stared at Willow for some answers.

She shrugged and said, “She was there when I left.”

I sighed heavily then heard heavy footsteps coming back up the stairs.

“Oh no! Let's go.” I grabbed Willow but she was so stubborn she wouldn't leave Juliet. I was frustrated and just wanted to grab her and leave but she wouldn't budge. Luckily the other medical rooms weren't locked and thankfully vacant. We hid under the beds and held our breaths until the footsteps disappeared.