Tachibana's Past

The day before the match against Takashi, Tachibana walked to the park and sat down.......

(This guy..... I have never seen him being this serious before..... maybe this time it is a bit too far?)

Tachibana bought a can of coffee from the vending machine and started to think about Takashi and Yui.

Suddenly, a loud crying sound appeared from the children's playground.

"No!!! that was my toy!!!" A little boy was crying at the playground and three boys were surrounding him.

Tachibana walked beside those three boys, and he shouted" What do you think you are doing!!!! now get out of here!."

The three little boys ran away and the other little boy hugged him.

"Thank you!!! you are so kind-hearted!"

Tachibana smiled, and he asked

" Do you have family nearby? here, use my phone to call them, I will stay with you to make sure you won't be bullied again before your family arrives."

"Thank you!!!" The little boy smiled and he called his family.

Tachibana sat at the bench, and looked at this little boy, and he started to think about the past.......

Six years ago~~~

"No!!!! no!!!!!!" Tachibana was screaming.

"Give us your food, little punk!" Three bigger boys were bullying Tachibana.

"Please no!!! that's my lunch!!!"

The three boys forced him to give them, and kicked Tachibana.

At lunch time, Tachibana was sitting alone and didn't know what to do, and he started to cry.

a girl walked past and asked,

"Are you Ok? what's wrong?"

Tachibana looked up, and it was his classmate, Rikka.

"You can laugh, it's weird that a boy is crying, isn't it?"

"No, I don't think so."

Tachibana stopped crying and looked at Rikka.

"You must be having a hard time, do you mind sharing it with me?"

Tachibana talked with her.

"But why don't you fight back?" Rikka asked.

"Because I don't want to hurt them......"

She smiled and felt surprised.

"Finally! I have found someone that has the same thought as me!"

"?" Tachibana felt confused.

"Actually, I have always been thinking that kindness is the only way to make the world better. Even though something may hurted you, you should still forgive them."

Tachibana learnt a lot that day, and he became friends with Rikka.

Everyday, Rikka talked with him. played with him, but things didn't go well.

Rikka, one day, didn't show up at the place they used to meet, Tachibana was scared, and tried to search for Rikka.

Rikka was badly hurt.

Tachibana rushed to her and asked her what happened.

"Nothing, I was just bullied by a group of girls.... they don't seem to like me......"

Tachibana was extremely mad and told her that he will go and revenge now, but what she said shocked him.

"Please no, remember what I said? kindness is the best way to make people communicate with each other, so, please don't go revenge, that's my wish....."

Rikka fainted after she said that word. He sent her to the hospital, luckily, she was safe.

As Rikka was hurted, so she will be staying at the hospital for two weeks, he tried to do what she said, being kind. And in these two weeks, he got more friends and lived more happily than before.

but things didn't go well......

"Um.... today, I have an announcement. Rikka has changed school due to her injury, her mother said that it will be better if she changed school. And some students reported that they have seen someone surrounding her, if anyone got further information please report to me, class dismissed."


Tachibana's mind goes blank.

After a while he figures out something, he thinks that kindness is useless, kindness is only weak, and he regrets being so weak. Because.....

He was actually in love with Rikka.

The feeling of can't protecting the one he loves gives him too much depression, and at that moment.... he decided to turn into someone who controls the others, the one who is the strongest.

And this made him the bully in Takashi's school.

Tachibana chatted with the little boy, and told him many things. But why does he help him?

It is actually because of his childhood. In these few days, all the things Hiro has done make him think that he is such a good person, and how much Takashi loves Yui, makes him think about the old days.

They are just like him.

Just like the younger Tachibana.

"Hey little kid, remember, kindness is the only way to make the world better. So don't take revenge, ok?" It is the first time he has said that to anyone.

Even he himself didn’t know why, but the feeling of being kind suddenly popped up in his head.

"Ok!!!! I know that!!!!"

Tachibana smiled.

"Actually, someone told me that before too!"

Tachibana felt shocked.

"Hey! Futaro! where are you?" A familiar girl's voice appeared from the other side of the park.

"Hey sis! I am here!"

And when the girl came, Tachibana couldn't control his tears but to let them out......

"Rikka?" Tachibana asked the girl.

"Hi Tachibana, long time no see, how are you?" The girl seems to be a bit shocked at first, but she soon smiled in front of him.

"sorry.... Rikka, sorry......" Tachibana cried.

"You don't need to say sorry, are you having a hard time again?"

"I am sorry that I couldn't protect you, I am sorry that I couldn't keep my promise! I am not kind, I am not a good person!"

"Tachibana kun, don't cry, I know you are still kind deep in your heart. So can you promise me once again?"

"Yes!!! I promise!! I will be kind!!!!"

Rikka hugged Tachibana

"that's good, I am glad that I can see you again."

"Rikka, me too."

"And .. Rikka, I have got something I need to tell you. I should have told you six years ago, but I didn't have the chance, can I say it now?"


"I love you Rikka, can you be my girlfriend?"

Rikka stood still for a while, and gave out her answers immediately.

"Me too, and I think it would be great to be your girlfriend."

Tachibama hugged her once again.

While the birds are singing, two people have become a pair of couples, and there is also a boy who decided to change himself once again to treat the others kindly.