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Off to California

Wednesday evening...

I had left the office early today after conducting the board meeting with my board of directors and barking and directing orders I left for home. Well Sumaiya aunty had pressed all my clothes by now, and I on the other hand was packing my bag.

After I was done with packing my luggage, I switched my laptop on to check on my pending work. Well there was a time difference in here Ahmedgad which is to be in India and the time there in California. California is to the west of the globe whereas India is to the south of Asian continent.

After getting updated with some mails and going through the inventory records, I was done for the day and decided to call it night. As packing was done, remaining packing of my office bag would be done once I get up in the morning.


In the morning...

Everything was packed. I had called my secretary to inform Mustafa my pilot, to keep my jet ready as I would be flying to California. I would be leaving soon, as soon as I am done with my breakfast and bidding my farewell to mom and dad, whereas Elnaz has gone to college as she has to submit her assignments.

I went out of my room, directly approaching straight to the dining hall, where I saw mom dad already sitting. Mom was applying jam to bread whereas dad was busy with the newspaper. As I moved my chair, which made a screeching sound on the flourished tiles mom and dad tilted their heads up.

"Assalamualaikum Ammi and Abbu." I greeted.

"Walaikumasalam beta (son)." Replied mom and dad, mom kept smiling at me and dad went back to reading his paper.

"What would you like to have beta? Paratha? Bread-butter-jam? Or cereals? " mom inquired.

"Obviously mom paratha and some orange juice." I replied, warmly.

"So, you are leaving today? For California?" Dad looked up from his paper.

"Yes Abbu. I am leaving today, after breakfast.” I replied.

"Is all the packing done Asad? Do you want me to do something?" Mom asked, getting up from her chair.

Seriously, moms are so sweet, really caring. No matter how old are you, but you will always stay their child, even an adult but then too small child for them.

"No Ammi. All is done. Everything is ready. Only it has to be kept-" I was intervened off as the door-bell went off.

As one off the maid rushed to open the door. My breakfast was already ready, only it needed was to be devoured. As I was having my breakfast, our maid informed that Shakeel uncle, our chauffeur came in.

"Sir you called?" Shakeel asked.

"How many times I have to tell you Shakeel uncle to never address me as sir, next time don't or else your whole month payment would be curtailed." I said, softly.

"But-" he tried to speak, but mom cut him off.

"Shakeel Bhai you are elder than Asad, don’t let us mention you over and over again." Mom mentioned.

"Okay Bhabhi." He replied, softly.

"Would you like to have some breakfast, Shakeel?" Dad asked him.

"Jazak Allah. (thanks & may Allah do good to you.) I had my breakfast before I came for work." He replied bowing his head.

"Shakeel Chacha, I wanted you to put my luggage in the car. Is the driver ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah Asad. I will proceed with the luggage, and driver is waiting for you in the car." He reported.

"I will be there in fifteen minutes." I informed him, as he proceeded with my luggage.

After I was done with my breakfast, I took my farewell with mom and dad, mom was having a grimaced face, whereas dad was standing unrelentingly stern. You guys might be thinking that we dad-son don't have a good relationship. No, it's not like that, dad loves me a lot, just he doesn't express it randomly.

"Here take this." Mom motioned me a tiffin-box.

"What is this mom?" I asked.

"Your favorite parathas. Have it on your way." She told.

" hmmm..." was all I replied, year Indian moms are always overly protective and caring. I took the box and handed it to Shakeel Chacha. I went and hugged my mom and dad. Tears were brimming in her eyes, as she told me to take care of myself. I also wished them the same. When I was nearing the door, dad called me.

"Asad" he called.

I turned to look at him.

" yes Abbu?" I answered.

"Take care" he sounded stern, but I can see the concern dancing in his eyes.

"Of course, Abbu. Khudahafiz" with that I left the house.

Sitting in the car, I gave some orders to the production and finance manager, not forgetting to let them know if any crisis or problem is faced to inform me immediately. The driver was heading towards the airport, while I called Elnaz. She picked it up on the second ring.

"Assalamualaikum Bhai." She greeted, happily.

"Walaikumasalam Elnaz. Assignments submitted?" I asked.

"Yup Bhai. Will be coming home now." He said.

"Okay. Elnaz I am leaving for California. So, take care of yourself as well as mom & dad, don't try anything stupid, okay. I will be back in a week or two. If there is emergency call me right away. Clear?" I asked her, authoritatively.

"As crystal Bhai. Take care of yourself too. I will miss you." She chirped.

"Okay. I will try to miss you." I teased her.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Don’t try anyways don't forget to bring Firdaus Appi. Okay?" She questioned.

" hmmm... bye Elnaz I have to go now." I said as I heard her respond me and hang-up.

Again Firdaus...

Can't a day be good where I can't think about her? because even if I do someone or the other do mention her making my thoughts run towards her.

But things have changed now I am not the same boy I used to be....
