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10 days

Respect. Love. Happiness. Longing. What I was feeling right now was contrary to all these emotions above. How can a person be so selfish? So inhumane. Because of this person my life was a walking mess. I couldn't breathe freely. But he? He doesn't have any problem with it. He just sees me as a prized possession. Which he dreams of making his soon. Only if he knew that I am married already. My name has been joined with someone else's. But do I tell him that? No! Never! He is a psychopath. And being me I don't know who else would also be the victim of his terror.

"you know how much I missed you baby?" he asked me as he made himself comfortable on my bed. I cringed at his endearing.

He speaks again seeing my silence.

"Really I was waiting for these studies to be over. Every day I used to think about you. And look finally we are together. And now no-one can separate us." he sighed. His eyes were showing emotions which is don't want to see. After all whatever it is, he is a mentally retarded person.

"come on speak something dammit. Tell me you are happy" he yelled making me shiver. Quickly I nodded my head. " yes I... I am" I told him.

He smiled proudly.

"I know you love me. It's just that you are not used to it. And I know why you are like that. Because your culture doesn't support a female getting closer to other males than her family ones" he told as started looking around my room.

"Come on women, speak up. Are you going to treat me like this? I am meeting you after such a long time." he looked at me irritated. Ya Allah! Why did his studies get over? I mentally grimaced at the thought.

"I... When are...? You going back?" I asked him. He looked up to me as if he was taken back.

" you don't like my company?" he questioned me reversely.

"what? N... No. I was asking to know about you." I replied fearfully.

"good. I am shifting from California. I am thinking of starting business in Italy." he told me. I felt happy at that. That means he would be leaving again. Thank-

"but this time I am planning of taking you with me. I am tired of this. Staying away from you. Like I said. Nothing can separate us." he said with determination. All my hopes came crushing down. Nothing could.be explained.

" but how?" I questioned him trying to make sense that I can't go with him.

"simple sweetheart. We will run away." he said nonchalantly as if it was not a big deal.

"what? This can't happen." I shrieked which seems to make him irritated.

"everything is possible-" he was of with the banging on my door.

"Firdaus? Beta? Are you okay."? It was Abbu. Ashton glared at me daring me to say anything suspicious.

"N... No. Abbu... I am fine. I was talking to my friend." I replied to him.

"open the door now Firdaus. Now!" Abbu told me from the other side of the door. Ashton stood up swiftly making his way to the balcony.

" will see you soon sweetheart. I have made preparations for our leave too." he winked at me. And got down the railing.


During dinner...

"Firdaus take some daal, why is it that you are not eating anything." Mom told me as she passed the bowl of daal towards me. Dad glanced at me frowned at mom words indirectly telling me to eat the food and share with him that is going in my head. I smiled at him and shook my head and started eating. Rafay Bhai was not here. He was busy with some work relating to his upcoming project. We didn't have the privacy to talk about what was currently happening in our life's. I am sure he will bombard me with questions once he come back.

"Zayn had called" dad said once he finished his food. Mom looked at him telling him to continue as she filled his bowl with rabdi (sweet dish).

"It was about fixing the date for ruksati." He stopped again as mom placed the bowl in front of him.

"We have finalized the date for it." He stopped again now it was not because he was watching mom or something but it was clear that it was because he was trying to control his sadness. I looked down at my plate. I could too feel the tears brimming in the corner of my eyes.

"It's after ten days from now." He told as he swiftly got up and left towards his study. Mom smiled at me warmly although I could see that she herself was sad and happy both at the same time but she kept quiet.

"Tomorrow morning you would have to finalize the design of the dress so that I could forward it to Jannat." She told me as she gave me my bowl of sweet dish.

"Mom...I ..." I was perplexed as to what is happening with my life. I could neither tell my family about Ashton nor could I deny the ruksati because it was all decided. Although my dad would listen to me but the ceremony of ruksati has been delayed for four years because of my study and on top of it Asad has demanded it himself, so who would deny him.

"Bolo beta. (say child)" she cooed softly. I could see that she had already measured my hesitation. She was becoming aware of my comfortless. She came and sat beside me.

"Ammi... It's just that I am... scared." I told her honestly. She kissed my forehead as I rested it on her shoulder. I don't know what but mom kept quiet. As if she understood what was going in my head.

"It's okay Firdaus. Every girl faces this situation. Where she is scared, confused perhaps distressed. But u don't have to worry. I am sure that Asad will take a good care of you. More over Jannat, Elnaz, Zayn Bhai are all loving and caring people. There is nothing for you to worry child." Mom responded calmly.

I don't know how much time I sat like that but l felt at peace for that moment. With all the things going in my life at last the suspense would come to over within a few days.

Within 10 days.
