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His always

Asad's POV:

Elnaz told her to bring lunch for me and without even listening to Firdaus I harshly dragged her here. Ya-

"Son I have seen how you are treating her now a days. I have sensed it from way earlier but I didn't wanted to interfere in your personal life but now with your behavior and the humiliation Firdaus is seeing I can't keep quiet." Dad said sternly as he sat down on his leather armchair.

"You are right Zayn. It is not how I bought my children's up. That poor girl for four years was blackmailed by some stupid stalker and she didn't tell anyone because she was way too naive to handle it properly. And she doesn't know anything about her father and brother or more so ever even you Asad. She took his threat seriously." Mom huffed disappointingly.

"What are you saying mom? He was her boyfriend. You didn't saw it but I saw how close they both looked. You-" I felt a sting on my right cheek. I got slapped but it was not my mom or dad who did it but it was my wife. Firdaus. I turned my face to look at her who stood in front of me glaring through her tearful eyes. She seemed different. As though her eyes were pleading me to stop saying and somewhere were disappointed for loosing hope in her. Tears started pouring down from her eyes as she stood there. No one said anything as all of them were astounded.

"Yes, you are right that you saw us together. Yes, he was trying to hug me but remember he was trying. I was not hugging him and No he was not my boyfriend. I do respect my parents and the upbringing of them that they have invested in me and I'm not a girl to stoop so low. And for your information even if you think that you are right about me then go ahead because I can't change your perception so is to I can't even live with you who can't respect my dignity and my character." She spoke as she jabbed her finger in to my chest whenever she would address me. Her whole-body trembling with the way she spoke. Her eyes never blinking even if the tears flew by them. Her chin quivering because of the grief she is feeling right now. It was as if all my ego, hurt, frustration has changed Its side.

From me to her.

All the feelings I was feeling was no longer present in me. My brain was numb to comprehend any scenario and my heart was thudding with ache that it was feeling from the hurt I gave her. I was not feeling anything right now.

joined her hands.

""Beta No. You can't leave this house." Mom pleaded her as she shook her head and Aunty please." She again shook her head.

"Beta I know he is wrong but please don't take decisions in a hurry. This is your house. We are your family." Mom took a hold of her hands gesturing towards us.

She was sobbing as she muttered her next words

"Aunty I can't live with a man who thinks of me as a promiscuous woman."

"Beta as you said you don't want to live with him okay. Don't share a room with him. You can have any other room but don't think of leaving the house. I am a father to you, please don't deny me." Dad told her as he stood in front of her.

A month later...

Days were passing by. Everyone seemed calm but deep within them was the fear and worry about future. They are a family so they cared about each other. There were thoughts running in the family. On the other hand, both Asad and Firdaus were silent. It was impossible to talk to them. Both would be quiet in front of each other or if in each other's or anyone's presence. They were drowning themselves in their silence that now filled their life. Asad would work day and night to accomplish his goals whereas Firdaus had taken up her time to pursue her degree in master. But deep within them they knew from what they are running from. Each other. For Firdaus it was difficult to face him as he thought of her so lowly and took her compromise to another meaning. She ignored him whenever they would face each other.

Asad was ashamed of himself. He was guilty that he accused one woman he vowed to love for. He saw himself nowhere in comparison to her. She was innocent. Naive. Who was a victim to an obsessed psycho? And who won't fall for her. She was an epitome of beauty, compassion and innocence to him. She calmed his evil thoughts. He blamed himself for even thinking of her as a woman who be with another man when she was wedded to be his. Were he should have been there and be her light in her darkness he let her down?

Where he should have been her hope, he proved himself as a loser.

Where he should have stood by her he left her.

Where he was supposed to love her, he just blamed her.

Day by day his thoughts were eating him up. He was neglecting himself. Trying to ease himself he worked hard. But even when he would after his tiring day would lie in his bed her thoughts would barg his mind.

Her scent.

Her smile.

The sound of her clanking bangles.

Her sad face.

And her innocence.

He knew that day by day he was losing his sanity. He knew that he needed her. He knew that by wasting time he is losing her yet he couldn't bring himself to confront her. He was scared. One hell of a man was now scared from a girl. Many times, he would sneak out of his room and stand in front of her room clutching the knob of her door but every time his fast beating heart and his sweating palm and the nervousness won't let him pass through. He was happy on other hand that she had caught herself up in her studies so that she doesn't have to think about such an idiot. He was happy to see that at least somewhere she is not struggling like him but that too in the back of his mind snatched his hope of her falling for him.

He was scared that one day a day would come when he would lose her.

What if she falls in love of another man?

The thought was enough to enrage himself.

He won't let her go.


She was meant to be his.

She is his.

And she would be his always.

And absolutely nothing would stop him from taking her in to him.

He would do anything to make her forgive him.

With that he fell in to his deep slumber.

Next day.

Firdaus POV:

I was ready to go to college. Grabbing my sandwich I rushed out in the veranda waiting for driver-baba. She was munching on her breakfast when she heard a car honk. She turned behind and froze on seeing the person as the window glass rolled down. Asad.

He had his glasses on. He motioned her with his hand to come and sit in the car but she stood there looking at him. After so many days he was in front of her and actually looking at her. It was becoming difficult for her to gulp as well as breathe. Her hands started shaking when he came out of his car and came towards her.

Ya Allah what is he doing?

"Firdaus?" He called her again. Shaking her slightly. "Huh?" She responded coming out of her thoughts. "Come I will drop you off to college today." He told her smirking a little as he sensed her comfortless towards him. He really has an effect on her as she did to him. "Ohh. No I mean no. Diver-baba will drop me off as he does every day. " She told him looking everywhere but him. "Come on aren't you getting late. And actually driver-baba has gone out with some work. Come now." He motioned her again but she stood at her place not moving an inch. She saw him huffing out some air from his mouth and came towards her. Without saying anything he slipped his hand in to her and dragged her towards his car.