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She feared him

His voice.

No I am dreaming. He can't be him. He can't be back. Asad has left him somewhere far away from me. Yes! Asad will protect me. He will.

She struggled to get away from him. Not wanting to even take a breath near him. But it was all in vain. He was much stronger than her.

Seeing her struggle, he pulled her more towards him.

"You didn't give me my answer baby? Did you forget me? Or did you thought that I wouldn't come for you?" He spoke in an arrogant way hurting her with his tight hold in her.

"Leave me you pathetic man." She yelled, struggling in his arms.

"Why? Why would I do that?" He mocked her.

"My husband wouldn't spare you this time." She told him courageously. He was shocked to see the change in her attitude. She never back answered him. And now she spoke of a man in front of him. That to that man who he despised the most. She needed to get in check. Pulling her hair, he slapped her on her face.

"Husband, so that bastard married you? Well one more reason to kill him!" He yelled.

"You wouldn't do that..."she replied, fear now masking her face.

"Ohh really? After betraying me you have guts to speak for him." He pushed her.

"What do you want?" She yelled, trying to free her hand. Looking at her he thought for a while. Contemplating on what move should he choose.

"Hmm... I won't waste time... if you.... run away with me I may think about sparing your husband." He proposed, eyeing her expressions.

"What! No..you can't ask me to do that. Why don't you let me live in peace? Why can't you get a life of your own?" She cried, feeling helpless. This was not how she planned to spend her night. And lastly with her nightmare.

"Life! Enough of your nonsense! Anyways you are going to pay for it. Either ways that son of a bitch is going to bleed to death." She snickered, pulling the trigger of his pistol.

"No... please.... -"

"Firdaus? Are you in there? Firdaus?" Asad knocked the door loudly. She glanced at the door and then turned to look at Ashton who had an evil smile on his face.

"Well looks like that luck is on my side. He came to death himself. I will kill him and no one will know about it. Ha! how superb!" He said with a sinister hint to it.

"Asad go away!" Firdaus helplessly shouted to stop him from entering as she can see that Ashton has already pointed the gun towards the door.

"What? Why are you so scared?" Asked Asad, but all the doubt in his head were coming true. His love was in danger. But he needed to act as if he didn't know anything.

"Look please I will do anything. Just don't harm him. I am ready to run away with you." She pleaded him, crying in between.

"Ahan! There you are. How about we hurry up."

"O... okay." She nodded her head, while her heart was drowning in pain and sorrow.

"Firdaus are you there?" Asad asked her from the other side, knocking on the door again while fumbling with the lock.

Ashton pulled her towards the balcony, as she eyed the door. She could see that how her husband was pulling hard on the lock. She changed her vision as she felt Ashton nudge her.

"Get the hell down fast or if your husband rushes here, I will kill him. "he snarled at her.

Picking up her heavy lehenga she slowly tried to balance herself on the thin slope. She tried walking fast by gripping the recliner of the balcony but because of her heavy clothes and jewelry it was difficult. There came a time where she almost slipped and she shrieked loudly which was not missed by Asad. "You dumb women, can't you even do that? What's there so difficult? I have done it so many times for you and you can't do it even once!" He mocked her, as he also started getting down.

'Yeah I have swinged like a monkey all my life from one balcony to another!" She thought sarcastically trying to grip the recliner tightly, as her palm were all sweaty by now.

"It seems that now I have to piggy bag you princess!" He remarked, keeping his gun in his back pocket. Just when he held her by her waist to carry her down Asad barged in breaking the door. He rushed to the balcony and the scene taking place boiled his blood. There stood Ashton with his hands holding Firdaus by her waist. No one is supposed to do that. Now no one was saving this shit of a man from him. Ashton quickly pushed Firdaus to ground to which she fell on her hand and cried loudly due to pain. Asad quickly jumped besides him and Ashton removed his loaded gun pointing towards him... Asad threw him a punch on his face catching him startled.

"You shouldn't have done that" Ashton growled, kicking Asad on his knees and he fell down on the ground.

"And you should have not touched my wife." Asad quickly got up and back handed him and threw him off the wall where Ashton was standing. in this the gun fell on the grass where Asad was standing, quickly picking it up he aimed it at Ashton who got scared as if he was to piss in pant.

"This time no mercy. You will face your end with my hands. Say goodbye to the world Ashton. And if anything, else about you felt bad about regarding my doing's I am sorry but I am not sorry." With that he shot Ashton between his eyes and he died on the spot.

"Are you okay?" He asked Firdaus, but she was to startled to move. She saw him killing like that. Without hesitating. Without thinking. How could he do that without thinking? As if it was his daily chore.

What was he?

"Who are you?" She asked him pushing his hand away.

"What are you saying Firdaus? Don't you remember me?" He asked rubbing her cheeks.

"No, I don't' know you! Where are my parents? Go away!" She yelled pushing him away.

"Calm down! Calm down! I am here with you. No need to be scared." He spoke tenderly to which she reacted by pushing him and slapped him on his face. Controlling himself, he once again tried to calm her but all in vain. Getting tired he shouted her catching her off guard. He hated doing it but she needed to think clearly. She stared at him as silent tears filled her vision.

She felt as though she couldn't cope up with it. It was hard for her brain to register with the reality. Anyone couldn't. Growing up in a family where men are gentlemen and being protected, loved and nurtured by them, they created an image in her mind. And out of suddenly they stand out to kill in a go. She could feel that her palms were sweaty again, her heart beats drumming slowly and that's all she could hear in that moment. She felt as she would vomit any moment because of the nauseous smell of blood. Her head spinning. And with that Asad saw her lose consciousness in front of him. He called her a few times as he saw her eyes rolled back but she didn't respond. Quickly picking her up in his arms he walked away. The crowd had already formed around them.

"Asad. What happened? There was such a loud noise of firing. Are you all right? What happened to Firdaus?" His dad asked him as he put her down on the nearby bench.

"Dad I will tell you that later on. Just call the ambulance." He pleaded while looking at Firdaus. He felt very low. If he could have handled the situation very before than this wouldn't have happened. He should have killed Ashton much before. Then Firdaus wouldn't have seen him like that. She wouldn't have gone through that trauma. Her face was still registered in his mind. How her eyes openly showed it. The fear. She feared him. As much he hated to admit it but he didn't like it.

"Asad the ambulance is here." His mother drew him out of his reeling thoughts. Just as he got up to pick Firdaus up someone stopped him. He turned around to see a man dressed in a uniform. Or more like an officer.

Police officer.

"Mr. Asad you are under-arrest."