I don't need a man

The next day, the twins received a sermon from their mother. Freya, the twins mother, saw the cctv footage earlier from last night. She saw Thalia coming home drunk and a man brought her home. Her anger burst out, Thalia is only 17 and yet she already knew how to drink alcohol and sneak out of their house at night. They're having breakfast when Freya started to scold Thalia.

"Thalia Eunice Esquivel, didn't I told you that you're not allowed to go out and attend any party not until you turn eighteen?"

The twins were silent as they bent down their head and looked at their plate. Tatiana was inevitably nervous because she knew she would be scolded as well.

"But its Sitti's birthday, Mom. She's my best friend and I can't say no to her invitation." Thalia reasoned out. "And this is the first time that I broke your rule Mom." She added.

"First time? Your lying honey, I know, all of your doings outside and inside this house. I just let that slipped but last night? I won't tolerate that Thalia! You got home dunk and a guy take you home? You 're only 17! We have a rule that you'll do anything once you turn 18' right? Your not yet 18!"

"I'll turn 18 five months from now Mom! Its the same!"

Freya held her temple in frustration, she did not know where Thalia inherited her stubbornness. She took a deep breath and exhaled as well.

"Don't stress yourself Sweetie. Your kids are big enough, they already know what they are doing. Just trust them." Said Tyron, the father of the twins.

Thalia smile from ear to ear. "Yes Mom, Daddy is right, I'm big enough - Tatiana and I,"

Freya shook her head in disbelief, on what Tyron said. "I don't know if I can trust both of you. You are already learning to lie, and worst, you two are secretive to us. And Tatiana," she turned to Tatiana who was eating quietly and bowing her head to avoid her Mom's eyes. "You're tolerating your twin's bad deeds!"

Freya could not believe to her twins. She knew in herself that she had taught them good manners. She always reached out to them so that they would be open and not to be secretive. She wants to know everything about her daughters. But now, they are able to keep a secret from their.

"I'm sorry Mom. Thalia loves to socialize, I don't want to stop her from what she loved to do."

Freya let out a deep breath, she looked at the twins and her husband who's silently eating and just listened to what was happening to them.

"Fine." Freya gave up. "You two are already old enough to know what is right. Do whatever you want, but once you make a mistake outside of this house, whether you like it or not, you two are not allowed to hang out with your friends or attend any party unless you have a permission from me. Understood? "

Thalia applauded with joy while Tatiana can't hide her smile seeing how happy her twin is. On the other hand, she's happy 'cause she doesn't need to cover up Thalia anymore.

"Yes Mom." They both answered in unison.

"About the man who brought you home last night Thalia, who is he?" Freya said seriously and started eating.

Thalia smiled. "He will be my future husband Mom."

Freya held her temples again. It seemed like she's having a headache at what Thalia said. While Tyron laughed and Tatiana shook her head in amusement. Thalia is always been straight forward and Tatiana adore that attitude of her, 'cause she'd never been too straight forward to her Mom and Dad. She's afraid to be scolded that's why she always choose to be silent and just obey what her Mom wants.

"Tell something about him honey." Tyron.

Thalia nodded excitedly and faced her father and started talking about Aedion. Freya did nothing but listen to her daughter's story. While Tatiana continues to eat and occasionally looks at her twin who's now daydreaming her crush.

"He's a graduating student in our department Dad. I meet him at the Student council office when we once have a meeting. He's so cool, handsome and smart. He's famous, he is known as the smart bad boy of Engineering."

Thalia is one of the Student Council in Augustine University. She's taking Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering while her twin, Tatiana took Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing. The twin doesn't have the same interests. The two are very different from each other so their parents decided to let the twin choose their courses and make their own decisions in their life.

Tyron and Freya are not that strict when it comes to their twin's choices in life. What the twins want is what they follow. They don't want to cage them and dictate everything they want. The twins have their freedom to choose and make their decisions in life.

Thalia just kept talking. Tatiana couldn't help but think of Aedion, the man that Thalia were obsessed with. She remembered what Aedion told her that she doesn't know Thalia and that's leaving her a big question mark in her head. Even the last thing the young man said before he left their house was imprinted on her mind. She shook her head to erase all of her thoughts about Aedion and continue to eat. She didn't want to think about what Aedion said because it just messed up her peaceful mind. After all she should be thinking about a man that her twin's obsessed with.

"How about you Tatiana? Do you already have a crush like Thalia?" His dad, Tyron, change the topic from her twin's crush to her.

Tatiana turned to her father and shook her head. "No Dad. I don't have a crush, and I don't have a plan to have one nor having a relationship with someone" She said calmly.

"That's right Tatiana, don't imitate your twin. You're still young to have a boyfriend." Her mother said.

Thalia pouted. "Why are you so mean to me, Mom."

Tatiana just chuckled and give a little peace sign to her twin who is now looking at her deadly. Tatiana received a lot of attention from her Mom than Thalia but Thalia has all of their Dad's attention. But they treated them equally, but Thalia has a big jealousy from Tatiana for having their Mom's attention. As well as Tatiana who also has a jealousy for her twin for being a sociable person.

After having a breakfast, the twins went to their room. But Thalia followed her sister at her room. Tatiana just let her into her room. Thalia dropped her body on Tatiana's bed while Tatiana went to her study table to read again.

"What happened last light Tatiana? Did my future husband carry me like a princess?" Thalia asked and clasp her hand over her chest and imagine things like a fairytale.

"Yeah, she carried you all the way inside your room." Tatiana answered.

Thalia jump out of Tatiana's bed and walk towards her twin. She sat right on her twin's thigh.

"Thalia! You're heavy!" Tatiana shouted and she tried her twin to push away.

"Did he kiss me like sleeping beauty?" Thalia said, seemed to be dreaming.

"No! Get off me Thalia!" She shouted and push her harder. But Thalia wrap her arms around her twin's neck and pouted.

"Weak." she whispered and get off from Tatiana's lap.

"You're crazy Thalia." Tatiana stated and gently massage her aching thigh.

Thalia smiled creepily. "I'm crazy about him."

Tatiana shook her head by what Thalia said. She turned her gaze back to the book that she was reading but she can't focus because Aedion was constantly popping on her mind. She can imagine the fictional character as Aedion because the book she's reading has the same features as the fictional character has. She took a deep breath and closed the book she was reading. Aedion occupied her mind. She turned to where her twins were. Thalia was lying on her bed while staring on its cellphone and pouting while stalking Aedion on her social media account.

"Thalia, does Aedion know you?" Tatiana asked, confused. She's really curious about the two. Thalia acted like she knew everything about Aedion and the man doesn't know her?

Thalia raised an eyebrow at her sister's question. From lying down , she sat on top of Tatiana's bed. She laid down her cellphone on the bed and took a pillow and hugged it.

"Yes." Thalia's answer confidently with a little smile on her face.

"I asked him last night if he's one of your friends and he answered no. I also asked if he knew you and I just received the same answer no." Tatiana said, confusement is all over her face.

"He told you that? That's impossible, he knew me." Thalia furrowed.

Tatiana look her twin intently but Thalia just shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"You don't believe me? Okay." Thalia stood up and got off Tatiana's bed. "Get dress." she commanded.

"What? Where are we going? Mommy will be angry, Thalia."

"Duh! She already give us the permission to do anything Tatiana. Don't be a killjoy and just get dress. Faster. Just come down later I'll wait you at the garage."

Tatiana did not complain again when her twin left her room. She just dressed like Thalia commanded. She was wearing a simple button up blouse and skinny jeans and a white pair of sneaker shoes. She also bring a small sling bag in which she can put her book that she was reading, phone and wallet. Then she looked at herself last look at the full length mirror located near at her closet. Her hair was in a high ponytail and she's wearing her anti-blue light eyeglasses.

When she made sure that she looked okay, she left her room and went to the garage where her twin were waiting. She didn't see her parent downstairs, they are definitely busy working on their own office right inside their house.

"Sally," she called to a helper who passed by. Sally immediately stopped and confronted her.

"Yes Ma'am?" Sally asked politely.

"Please tell Mommy that Thalia and I will go out." Tatiana informed the helper.

The helper nodded. "All right Ma'am. Be careful."

Tatiana just smiled at Sally before leaving their house. She saw Thalia inside her Raptor. Their Dad's gift when they turned 17. She have one too, but she's afraid to drive because she feels like any time she'll bump into a car in front of her.

"Faster Tatiana. You're slow."

Tatiana quickly headed to her twin's car and opened the door of her shotgun seat and entered.

"Where are we going? Did you bid goodbye to Mommy?" Tatiana asked as she fastened her seatbelt.

"No. I'll just text her later." Thalia.

"Just make sure that there aren't too many people there huh?" Tatiana making sure about the place that they were going.

"You lock yourself up too much at home, Tatiana. You need to see the world twin sister. Stop being an introvert, timid woman, a man will not like you if you are like that."

Tatiana focused on the car window and watched what they were going through. She is used to her twin sermons.

"How many times have I told you that I don't need a man Thalia. I can live without them." She hissed.

"You are wrong, you need a man in your life Tatiana. Time will come when a man will captivate your heart."

Tatiana shook her head. Never in her life that she dreamed to be with someone.

"Believe me twin sister." Thalia whispered.

"Whatever, Thalia. Where are we going?" Again, Tatiana asked

"Aedion's place." Thalia answered and smirk like a pervy woman.

Tatiana doesn't know what to react. By just hearing Aedion's name make her nervous without knowing the reason. The man's appearance last night flash through her mind and leave an unknown knot forming on her tummy.