
Chapter 08

Mike is somehow injured. And I think we have to stop in a nearby medishop. Luckily, we found one and the best part of it was, there was not any nightwalkers in our field of vision. Chris breaks the lock of the store and we get in quietly.

"Its paining please do something", Mike yelled in agony.

"Let me handle this. I was a good first aider in my school", I replied to him as he sat on the desk.

"Then do it fast. I can't able to handle it anymore".

He got a gruesome wound on his left shoulder. And its bleeding badly. I manage to stop the flow of the blood by bandaging his wound. I have also a good knowledge in medicines to. So, I hadn't any problem to find the appropriate medicines. While I'm treating Mike, Chris said that he was going to check the outside and goes out. Cindy turn her face to other side. I think she doesn't like this things, like bloods and all. Finally, I finish doing it and it slowed the process of blood flowing.

"Are you okay now ?", I asked to Mike.

"Much better", he replied.

Suddenly the door open and Chris came in exhausted and in a hurry.

"What happen ?", I asked frantically.

"The nightwalkers are closing in. We have get out as soon as we can", he replied after a short pause.

I nodded and we immediately get out of the medishop. We entered the car and start off. I can see the nightwalkers sprint towards us. We hit the road, but the nightwalkers climb up onto the vehicle. Its hard to control the vehicle. Sometimes, Chris shot one but if one get down then another climb up again.

"Control the vehicle", Chris said to me.

"Why ? What are you going to do ?", I asked shockingly.

"These things doesn't stop at all. Take care of others".

"What ? No. You can't do this",

But before I could say any word more, he jump off the vehicle. I slip myself towards the driver's seat and saw that Chris is distracting the nightwalkers. I can't able to do anything if I really want to. The camp is just a little far. I can see the guards at the entrance. At least we reach our destination. That's it, we survived. The guards check us and let us in. They took the injured Mike away and Cindy and I walked to the camp holding hands. I turn around but didn't see Chris anywhere. I have to believe that he was dead. I'm going to the camp. But for last time I turn hoping to see Chris. Miracle, I can see Chris, he is cover in blood but he's still alive. I run towards him and hug him.

"Thank god, you're still alive. I think you're dead", I said to him with tears on my eyes.

"I already said that I can cheat death", he replied as he hug me.

We return to the camp happily. But the nightwalkers didn't stop right now. We have to fight against those things and bring the life they took from us. I feared that what if this plague spread to another countries. We have to rise and exterminate all those nightwalkers before they exterminate us.