
Chapter 25

Ken's POV,

How could it be ? I can't believe what I'm seeing through my eyes. Johnson is dead. He had holes in his abdomen that can caused by stabbing with sharp cylindrical structure. And his body was badly burn. But how ? Why ? Many questions were roaming inside my head and my heart pounds faster that it beats normally.

"Well, did you like surprise ?", the boy asked.

"Did you do this to him ?", I asked to him but I can barely spoke.

"One of my loyal friend do this but he is dead now".

"I'll not spare you", I said to him furiously.

"Yes you could but not this time", he said as he push a button inhis remote and a huge explosion occurs in the top of the well as a huge metal gate fell down.

I can see a huge horde of nightwalkers approaching downwards. The gate gave them an inclined platform to reached to the bottom of the well. I again glanced at the boy, he was smiling.