Her Family

*Jack's POV*

I went out of my room with a heavy steps, today I needed to find her family and tell them about their daughter being my mate. I am not a savage as to just take her and leave this place, i know the rules of the treaty so the world would remain in peace. My family might be the strongest of the wolves and our pack is the mightiest but we follow rules just like everyone else, no exemptions.

My Beta is outside waiting in the Bentley, he knows where she lives from the moment she gets hired in the diner. As i get out of the house, i paused and looked back. My eyes went up to the veranda of my room hoping my mate would stay in place. But i know she have nowhere else to go, Maleficus and the rest has the whole house guarded.

After a few seconds I went inside my car and signaled my Beta to drive.

"Very well Alpha, it will be alright. Her family lives just twenty minutes away from here".

Beta Matias started the engine and drive.

"Have you ever meet her father?

I asked out of the blue, I'm not worried that her Dad would opposed the idea of his daughter as my mate but I want to know if what information does my beta has regarding my mate's family.

"No alpha, but i heard her Dad is a hunter so this might be a little challenging for us. But i do believe when he knows your the next King of all Alpha's then he has to agree. Especially that his daughter is your mate".

"Hmmm a hunter, interesting. So she came from a family that hunts our kind, that explains why she feared being near me".

My expression turned darker and my eyes narrowed. I hope this father of her didn't say anything bad about the wolves, as humans they are fragile and weak. They fear the creatures stronger than them and they sometimes put the blame on us when there's havoc in their lands.

But her family is a bit lucky, to have their daughter become my bride is a privilege because it would keep her entire clan safe and protected. The royal pack will give them access to our palace and give them the luxury that no human can ever experienced.

"Her father only hunts rogues Alpha, the bad wolves who roams the human lands without respecting the treaty." I believed he is an honorable man."

I relaxed a little after hearing my beta's opinion. As much as possible I don't want to start a fight with the humans. Because they will all just be killed, they could never defeat my wolf form and they have no means to hurt me.

"That's a relief beta, I hope you are right".

When beta Matias stopped at the front of a normal bungalow house, I sniffed the air. And notice the faint smell of peony and blush,so there's no doubt that this is my mate's house.

Matias quickly got off the bentley and turned around to open my door. We walked together in front of the house and i let Matias rang the bell twice. We heard the door clicked and someone opened it from the inside.

A man in mid forties came out, he is tall and his body looks trained. His eyes turned towards Matias and i heard him asked.

"Hello, can i help you?He frowned looking at my beta.

"Oh, hi. Sorry to have interrupted you're day, my name is Matias Juralbar and I'm the manager in Jack's Diner." Matias paused and glanced at me as i took slow steps forward.

"This is my boss Mr. Jack Langstone the owner of the place, we hope you don't mind if we'd like to come inside and talk about your daughter".

With that the man's face suddenly turned pale. He steps back and let us through.

"Please come in and have a sit".

I followed beta Matias inside a small living room, where he motioned me to sit first in an old black leather couch. I sit and noticed the sad look on the man's face. Looking closer at the man I see a slight resemblance with his looks to my mate. They have the same hair color and also the brows that is slightly thick.

"My name is Charlie White, please if you know anything about my daughter Carmela do tell me because she didn't come home last night. My elder daughter Hannah is now out to check on Carmela's friends". I do hope she is alright and just spend the night with anyone of them".

He looked at the frame resting on the top of the small table. It was a picture of four people and one of them is my mate. She looked really pretty in her academic dress with her face glowing and a small dimple in her left cheek. She's just cute, I thought and felt my heart throb.

"Before i proceed further we just want you to know our real identity Mr. White".

Beta Matias cleared his throat as he continued the talk. "My real job is a Beta to the Royal pack and this is my Alpha, Jack Langstone".

Carmela's Dad opened his mouth wide and his eyes are focused on me. As he stay silent i spoke.

"I am Alpha Jack Langstone of the royal pack, my father King Darius is the current King of all Alphas. We are here to tell you that you're daughter Carmela is at my place, she is safe and i swear no harm will ever come for her or to you and the rest of your family and friends".

"What? Why is may daughter at your place? And what is the royal pack wolves purpose in coming to this small town of ours. You're majesty with all due respect, if my daughter have offended you at work I asked for forgiveness in her behalf."

"She's a very sweet girl if you happened to get to know her better".

His lips trembles as he spoke, he knew my family's status and the prize of disrespecting the Royal pack.

"You're daughter have not offended anyone Mr. White. She is at my place because she's my... "mate".

I slowly said the words making sure Carmela's father heard it clearly. And I wasn't wrong he gasped for air and clutched his chest.

"Oh, are you alright Mr. White? Beta Matias asked him and quickly stand up to be at his side.

"I- i am ok, thank you Beta Matias. It is just i'm at a lost for words in this sudden news". My daughter has never entertained a boyfriend or bring a man to this house all her life. Then suddenly someone not human is going to take her away from me...

"I'm sorry Mr. White but that is the truth". Beta Matias walked back to his sit next to mine.

"You can't deny me you're daughter Mr. White, it's a rule not to reject a mate and Carmela is the future Queen Luna of the Royal pack as i take over as the Alpha King. You're clan will forever be protected and you are free to come to our Palace".

Mr. White lowered his head but i felt his disagreement in his form as he clenched both of his hands tightly.

"I don't mean to disrespect Alpha but can you let my daughter decide on this matter. I know she have a plan of her own regarding her future".

"Her future is with me! I am his mate and there's no way anything can separate us. I'm giving you a chance to see your daughter one more time Mr. White. So come to the mansion this evening and join us for dinner. But I'm warning you, don't ever plan on taking her away from me because you will only fail."

"It is the will of the moon Goddess that Carmela is forever to stay by my side as my Queen. As a hunter you cannot hinder that because of the Peace Treaty between wolves, humans and witches".

My voice was loud and clear, for the brief moment there i almost lost my temper. But thanks to the moon Goddess that i have kept my cool.

"I know and understand the situation Alpha Jack. I will come tonight and bring Carmela's things from her room".

Her father replied without looking me in the eye. I wonder if he would really do what he says, but he can't do anything as to fight me and my pack. He knows we are stronger and i am an Alpha. To plot against me means his entire bloodline will suffer the consequences. Beta Matias stand to shake the hands of Carmela's Dad.

"That is very wise Charlie, thank you very much".

The old man stood up and shook his hand, his smile is awkward and his heartbeat fast. I can hear it with my wolf's ear and i can smell his sweat of fear as he look at me. I didn't say a word and raised my chin as i stood up, he bowed to me in response.

"Thank you for coming to my humble home Alpha, i will be coming tonight to see my daughter..one m-more time".

I hear he almost choke the words in his mouth.

"Well then Charlie, I'll see you tonight and I'll see to it that you're family will be rewarded for your loyalty".

With that, his eyes suddenly opened wide and his face lightened. Humans....I thought, they are all the same..weak in the call of fortune and flesh.