My Queen

*Jack's POV* Mature content

We had a few arguments before the meeting was adjourned, everybody walked out of the room except for me with the King and Queen. But the wide function room seemed small for the three of us sitting in our own chairs.

"Son, please stay for a while. I think you and your Queen mother has something to talk about."

I raised my chin and focused my eyes at my Queen mother. Her eyes held a gloomy impression and her lips are tightly sealed. She has that kind of notion which rarely happens to a usually spirited individual like her. But somehow I know it's what she does to manipulate people, if there is someone who knew my mother so well. That's just me and my father the King.

"I am not happy with what you did, mother! You should stop manipulating people specially me, your son. I am an Alpha and the future King! I know what's best for myself and for the Pack."