The Vision of War

*Jack's POV*

I saw the beginning when Maleficus hold my hand. It felt real getting into the scene, my wolf blood stirred inside my body as I ambled in his mind.

It started with me leading the Royal pack against the rogues and as we prepared for battle I noticed the company of a familiar wolf. The big black wolf standing closed beside me is the wolf form of my father Darius.

How did he came along? I remembered telling him to stay at the Palace!

"Father why are you here?!

I asked with a worried and irritable scowl, mind linking him in the middle of the battlefield while we are looking at a thousand rogues against us. I never knew they were this many!

"You know I would never stay behind, I wouldn't let you deal with this alone! There were enough battles that you have won while I stay seated in the throne. Now let me help you at least, to win this war against this scoundrels ".