Bottled Feelings

*Carmela's POV*

It is already eight in the evening and i am sitting anxiously inside our cold and quiet room. My heart beats excitedly, that it gets louder with each passing minute inside my chest, thinking about Jack coming home in any moment from now. Just like how he promised.

I have chosen an incredibly short lingerie with just a lace thong inside. I stayed for about an hour in a bath with essential oils and some rose scent. But an hour have passed and still there's no sign of him coming home. A deep sigh escape my lips and I am starting to worry..that's when i felt him calling in the mind link.

"Carmela, are you still awake?."

His voice sounded troubled and i felt the exhaustion entangled in his breathing.

"Yes my love...i am actually waiting for you".

I answered without reluctance, hoping he had finished the patrol in the borders of the Royal Pack.