Training with The Cold Warriors

*Carmela's POV*

The unfamiliar scents of other warriors assaulted my nostrils when we arrived at the dome training grounds which is located outside the Royal Palace. I had put on a training suit, ready whenever Jack allows me to have a spar. Because before we left the chambers, he had told me not to.

"You don't have to join the pack warriors for training my love. But you can be there, if you promise to only watch."

So I smiled and answered "of course". But right now I would really love to try and stretch my muscles out. The last time I did it feels like a very long time ago.

The huge door is open outside the some, with the two wolf guards from our pack. There eyes was directly looking at us when we approached near.

"Good day King Alpha Jack and Queen Luna Carmela".

Both warriors are feeling uneasy while giving us their greetings and I couldn't help but wonder why. I haven't asked Jack from which region is the Alpha that proposed to help for the training today.