Sitting in a cluster inside Aubrey's house, the pack chattered amongst themselves, they were now twelve strong altogether thirteen to include Nike (who wasn't officially a pack member)
This is because two omega werewolves had found their way to the pack when they heard a new pack was being formed and the danger that was on its way as well.
Alicia had been born a werewolf but she was in a manner of speaking (and a bit of appearance) a runt.
She was slim and of average height with azure eyes that seemed unable to focus on one thing at a time, she had long faded brown hair, but sometimes it seemed as if her hair could blend with the background,
typically she is a shy nerdy type of girl who has more concern for her books than for her looks,
she had hid herself away living in seclusion after so many rejection and even mockery from different packs.
Naturally she hadn't wanted to come join the pack because of that reason but Jacobi had convinced her otherwise.