"What do you think she meant by that Angel!?" Joyce asked worriedly. "Calm down Joyce. She said she'll be back. Don't worry, maybe she went to go get something important for you or us." "Okay, you're right, you're right. I'll try not to think about it," Joyce says and sits on the couch.

Angel thinks to himself, "I hope Nana is okay. She wouldn't just leave without telling Joyce, right? But she left a note. It said that she didn't know when she was coming back. Wait! Can't that also mean that she might not come back? If she's not back soon, Joyce is going to lose it. Dammit!"

Angel looks at Joyce. She lacked the feeling of happiness and not just because her foot was messed up. She was still thinking negatively that Nana might never come back. Angel thinks for a little and says, "Hey Joyce!" She looks up at him.

He continues, "Let's go somewhere fun." "Where?" she asks. "Anywhere you like to go for fun." Lucy comments, "Oh! I know a place. It's a fun carnival. You can play games such as dunking people into the water, throwing pins at balloons, riding horses, and that's all that I know as of now. There could be more fun stuff."

"You see Joyce! There's a lot do," says Angel. Joyce says, "True, but two things you got to look at here... One: we don't have any money and two: I can't walk that much. I'll get tired."

Angel proceeds, "Right, right, of course. I'll tell you what. I'll go find a job and-" Joyce interrupts, "How are you going to find a job if no one knows who you are and we'll... you would be thrown into a foster place. No offense."

"None has been taken, that is true." Angel thinks for a little while more and then it hit him. "I know," he says.

He continues, "I'll go to the city, help cut the grass, or clean someone's house. Whether inside or outside to get some money. Lucy, stay here and take care of Joyce. I'll be back soon."

"Wait!" Lucy says. "Yes, Lucy?" "I'll go help you out. I mean since we want Joyce to have fun and well... You never know when you might need a little extra cash."

Angel responds, "Look, I appreciate it, but you have to take care of Joyce. She can't stay here by herself, so please stay here."

"It's okay Angel. She could help you out of she wants too. I'll be fine," Joyce says. "Are... Are you sure Joyce?" "Yeah, go on you two. I know you would do anything for me, so go." "Okay, we'll be back Joyce. Come on Lucy let's go work our butts!" "On it!"

They proceed to walk out into the city. As they are walking, Angel asks Lucy, "Hey, is there school today?" She responds, "I don't know. I haven't been in school for a while, but usually, when the carnival is here, there's no school for a day or two. That's what I remember."

"Hmm... Okay, I'm a try to find someone who needs help with their house," Angel said to Lucy. She responds, "Okay, I'm a try to get someone to hire me here in the carnival."

"All right then! I'll meet you at the pie stand... I'd say right over there when I'm done working," Angel says while pointing at that direction.

They both split up and try to find a job. Luckily, Lucy was able to help with the balloons. She would fill them up and sell them. She was getting paid fourteen dollars an hour.

Meanwhile, Angel found a house that had some grass on it. He knocked on a golden door. A person came out. He was wearing a gold wristwatch and gold neck chain. His hair looked nicely combed. His clothes were very fancy.

"Hi, um... I was wondering if you needed any kind of help with your garden? I'm trying to earn a little cash." "Actually, yeah! I need help with the grass, the dogs, inside of my suite. Tell you what. You help me out with everything I tell you, I'll give you $200 dollars in cash when you're done." "Seems fair," Angel says and proceeds to walk into the man's house. Now both Angel and Lucy were busy working with their bosses.

Meanwhile... Joyce was at her grandmother's house all alone or so she thought. Joyce turned on the TV watching her favorite show. There were two people on the show. A young lady and a young boy. They were in the moonlight. The boy asked the girl, "Would you like to go out with me?"

Joyce was waiting for the girl to answer his question. Joyce even thought to herself, "I wonder if Angel and I will ever get to that point." Joyce was daydreaming when all of a sudden the TV changed to a black and white interruption. Then, it turned to a different show.

Joyce looked closely. It seemed as if the girl was about to kill the boy. The only thing Joyce heard was: "I only used you so I could kill you at this instant." The girl was carrying five knives on her left hand. She was just about to kill the boy when the TV suddenly turns off.

Joyce was scared. She held her blanket over her face. She tries to get up. She grabs her crutches and proceeds to walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. She hears someone say her name: "Joyce, Joyce... " It echoed more and more silently.

She looks through the window. Someone was there. She asks in fear, "Who are you!? What do you want!?" She drinks a sip of water. Then she looks at the window once again, no one was there. "That's... that's weird," she whispers to herself.

The lights turned off, still the voice she heard earlier: "Joyce, it's me, your brother." "W... Where are you!? My brother is dead! Whoever you are, leave now!" Joyce says while backing up to the window.

She hears the voice again: "Joyce, listen to me. Get rid of that boy. He's a murderous killer. He seems innocent, but no one in this world is innocent! Kill him however you want. Shoot him, slaughter him, hang him. Drown him! Or better yet, all four. He's using you, Joyce!"

Joyce proceeds, "No, No! He's not a murderer. He's not using me. He would never do that! He's... He's... Protecting me from... From the shadows." Joyce feels someone breathing on her from the window. She turns her head slightly to that direction, no one there.

"There's no one here?" Joyce whispers to herself. She turns around and drops the glass cup she'd been holding. Her face was paralyzed. "Br... br... brother!?"

(Her brother was right in front of her. About four feet close). "Yes Joyce, it's me, Fern. Your one and only brother, and I have a question to ask you." "Y... You cant be Fern. He's d... d... dead!"

Fern ignores what she said and continues, "Joyce, my question is why? Why did you throw me with those shadows and turned me into a psychopath?" "No, you were taken by them," she says.

"Really? Because the last words you told me were: "Get the hell out of my life. I wish you were never my brother. Why don't you go die out there and if you come back... I'll kill you myself."

Fern continues, "And so you did kill me! Right in front of our parents! You know it Joyce and now your lying to everyone one of your so-called friends." "No, that wasn't me. I swear. I loved you so much. You are the only sibling I had and-"

Fern cuts Joyce off, "And now he's gone, just kill the boy Joyce. You know you want to. Do it! Or I will!" Fern gets closer to Joyce. She's backing up little by little until she slips, hits her head against the wall and falls unconscious.

Angel and Lucy were already done working. Angel had finished a rich person's house and another seven houses. While Lucy's shift was over, she got paid five dollars extra for cleaning all one-hundred stands. They met back at the pie stand.

They look at the clock of the city to check the time. It is 7:00 PM "Okay Lucy, how much did you get?" Angel asks. She responds, "Okay, let's see... I've been working since 12:00 in the afternoon, so ninety-eight dollars and I cleaned one-hundred stands for five dollars. Which is five-hundred, So five-hundred and ninety-eight in total. How much did you make?"

"Let me check. One man gave me two-hundred dollars. The other seven houses gave me forty and below, so my estimation would be two-hundred and ten." Lucy says, "Okay, so we made about four-hundred dollars. Nice! The carnival doesn't end till 11:00 P.M." "All right Lucy, let's go get Joyce." They proceed to walk back.

Meanwhile... Sheriff Sherrie was off duty. She was sitting down in her bed. She takes off her work clothes and changes into a white T-shirt and into some comfortable black pants. She then lies down on her bed, still thinking.

"How did that masked person know who I am?" He had no time to look at my badge, or did he? Why was I scared? I'm usually not scared of anything or anyone. My past is past. Although, it still haunts me at night sometimes."

She hears someone opening her door. She grabs her gun, points directly at the door waiting for someone to enter. She did not say a word, so when that someone enters, she has a straight advantage to shoot. She hears a little girl's voice. Sherrie puts down the gun. It sounded as if... No, it couldn't be.

Sherrie hears "M... mom I'm scared." Sherrie runs close to her daughter "Cherry! Where have you been!? I was worried. I thought you were gone forever," Sherrie is hugging her closer.

"Mommy, I missed you." "I missed you too sweetheart," Sherrie then cries at that moment. "Mom, why did you leave me to die?" Cherry asks. "Wha... what do you mean?" "Don't you remember mommy?"

Sherrie begins to think of her past, she hears the police sirens. The radio goes on: "We have a murderous spree on the streets. Their heights are unknown, face unknown. We have no information on these suspects. Possibly gangsters? Any luck chopper 2198? 2198 you there? Copy."

Chopper 2198: "There headed north of town into the city. Other of our men are evacuating the townspeople." (Sherrie hears the choppers on her handheld transceiver. She's next to her police car. She's at the bottom of a bridge).

"Dammit, Larson! My daughter is there with my mother! Make sure she's in a secure place once everyone has been evacuated!" "You got it! I'm surveying the area right now. Sh-!" "What is it, Larson!?"

"There's a shooting going on in that area, not all civilians have been evacuated. I can only see-" "See what Larson? What do you see? Larson! You there? Copy!" No response from Larson.

Sherrie looks to the sky. She saw that the helicopter was in flames. The pilot had lost control. It went crashing down the bridge, causing some vehicles to explode. Sherrie thinks to herself, "These are no gangsters. They can be part of the mafia. They're dangerous! We can't let them run free!"

"Sheriff Sherrie, this is Lance from chopper 2199. We have orders to take down these suspects at once. The town looks clear. We are going to fire when advised. I need you to check the perimeter for any more civilians that could be in immense danger." "Roger that Lance, I'm on it!"

Sheriff Sherrie proceeds to drive to the destination until she makes it two-hundred feet near the area. She hears: "Mommy?" She turns around. It was her daughter. She was running close to her, about to hug her.

That was when one of the unknown suspects got closer and closer to her daughter. Sherrie tries to get her before the masked figure snatches her daughter first. Sadly the figure had her in its arms.

The masked figure speaks in the voice of a man. (Its voice was rough). IT said, "Officer Sherrie, would you like to see your daughter die today?" "Leave her alone creep!"

"No, I won't. Let's make this fun. You're a sheriff. You're the law, right? Okay then, since you're the law, you have the power to control other people. Then come on, control me from killing your poor little girl. You have... let's say hmm... five seconds to control me. Do whatever you want. We're starting right about... now! Five... four... three... two..."

Someone shot the masked figure as well as Sherrie's daughter. To Sherrie, everything looked as if everything was in slow motion. Her mouth gave a wide open scream. She ran towards her daughter. She screams to her comrade, "What the hell officer Cody!?"

He responds, "We didn't have a choice, Sherrie." "Help me with my daughter!" "Sorry sheriff." "Why would you shoot my daughter!?" "She's going to die anyway. Now come on, hurry the hell up before more of these bastards show up! Just leave her there. She's not worth it. We both have to g-"

The figure got up and shot officer Cody. The figure says to him, "Next time you should check if a man is actually dead rookie!" The MAN shot him seven more times nonstop. "Okay sheriff, this is what we're going to do here. After I'm done finishing off your daughter, you're next!"

He's about to shoot when all of a sudden, someone grabs Sherrie's daughter and puts her close to Sherrie. The person runs back to the masked man, grabs his gun, and shoots him 14 times in the head. Then, slices the inside of his heart. "He's dead now sheriff. You're safe. Now let's get you out of here!"

"Wait! What about my daughter!?" "Hmm... she's hurt real bad. Take her, but she might not make it. I'm sorry sheriff. She's going to die." Although Sherrie was scared of whoever saved her, she saw something in this person. The voice did not sound like a man. He or IT was different from the masked man. The difference between this fellow was his eyes... They were different. They were the color..."

"Damn! More of these men. Sheriff, we need to escape. Now!" Sherrie ran with this person leaving her daughter behind or she would die too. Her daughter looked at her. She was crying and picks up her right hand, trying to reach out for mommy.

Sherrie did not stop looking at her. Then, she heard more gunshots as her past fades away. She goes back to reality. She was hugging mid-air. She was back in her bedroom, eyes looking directly at the ground. She got up and lied on her bed.

Then, she began to question herself: "Who the hell saved me? Why do I torture myself with this job? Is it always the masked people that are the most dangerous?" She had said all these words in her head while rolling around a heart-shaped necklace in her hands. "I'm just glad that I was saved from that fellow. One day, I would want to thank him."

Meanwhile... Lucy and Angel were still walking. When Angel suddenly stops and looks at the ground. Lucy turns back and asks Angel, "Why'd you stop?" No answer from him. She looks down and notices old teared up police tape in that area.

She asks him, "What is it? Did something happen here?" "I guess you could say that. Now come on. We have to get back to Joyce." As they continued to walk, Lucy had been having a conversation with Angel. "Oh! Hey, did I ever tell you the story about when I and Joyce were just a little younger? That we would flirt around with boys. They would act all nervous. We found that funny, or they would try to flirt back. It was hilarious."

"Hmm... Nervous you say?" "Yeah, I'm surprised you're not nervous." "What do you mean?" Angel asks. "Never mind," she says while giggling. They finally made it to the house. Angel opens the door. He says, "Hey Joyce! We got enough money so you can have some fun today and tomorrow."

He then notices that Joyce was on the floor. He runs to her. "Joyce! Joyce!" He says while shaking her. Lucy was hiding in the back of Angel. She was in shock. "Lucy, call 911 now!" "On it!" "Joyce? Joyce? Please be okay," Angel said while holding her in his arms, crying desperately. "Joyce! It's me! Angel! Wake up! wake up! Please! Joyce?? Please! JOYCE!!!"

Word count 2,814