"...I intend to find out!" Angel had said. He proceeds to walk to Nana's house. It took him three hours to get there. The door was unlocked. He checks the time in the living room as he walks in. It's 2:20 A.M. "Wow it's late," he says to himself.

He goes up to Joyce's room, gets some of her brother's clothes, and walks into the bathroom to take a warm soothing shower. Once out, he grabs a towel and dries himself up. He gets out of the bathroom to keep track of the time again. It's 3:00 A.M. He gets a couple of pillows and a very soft blanket.

He proceeds to walk back calmly downstairs. He sits on the couch and is about to lay down. He yawns and is about to go to sleep. Although, he felt that he forgot to do something. It took him a while to remember something.

Then he suddenly remembers he forgot to lock the door. He goes and locks it, but through the window on the right, he sees light. He's curious, so he slightly opens one side of the curtain.

Outside are the lights blue and red. There are two police cars, along with four black Suburban vehicles. "What's going on?" he whispers to himself. To be safe, he covers up the windows, then goes back to sleep.

He wakes up the next morning to get ready for school. He decides to change into black slim jeans and a light blue V shirt. He brushes his teeth in the bathroom. He looks down on the floor to pick up the clothes he just took off before he got in the shower.

He grabs the pants, digs in the right pocket, and there it is... His blade that his father gave him. He also picks up his old wet clothes and feels something smooth in his right pocket. It was a gray silky handkerchief.

He puts both the handkerchief and the blade in his right pocket. Yet, what's very interesting is that he did not bother to check his left pocket of those clothes. Could there have been anything important? If so, then what could it have been?

He is now walking to school. He made it there 40 minutes early, so he decided to enter through the main entrance. Little did he know what was to come. He enters, looks from one side to another and what he saw was just not worth seeing.

Angel's thoughts in first person point of view:

I could see sex addicts on one side, drug addicts on the other. Bullies beating up defenseless nerds. Girls judging and being a bitch to them. Some of the girls were dressed in all black, and I knew that's where more of the judging went to. I heard so many offensive words from every side.

I heard someone say: "look you smart ass nerd, give me the money, or I'm a beat your ass! I don't give a crap about your life. Give it now!" Then I overheard what some of the mean girls had to say. These were the words: "Oh my God, you're always wearing black clothes. You're so emo. Do you cut yourself because you can't handle the pain? That's sad sweetheart" "No, I'm not emo." I heard the girl say in all black."

"Really? Then what's this?" One of the mean girls pulled up her sleeve. I didn't know why at that time. I couldn't hear.

"You see, you are emo. You poor little thing, maybe that's why you don't have any friends. No one will love a person that cuts themselves."

That I heard, and it offended me instantly. I was in a rage. I had so much anger. These people are the reason why defenseless feel like they can't do anything. That they can't live because of all of these freaken low life imbeciles who don't know how to properly socialize anymore! There's to much anger and rage in me right now. I was officially thrown off. I had to do something.

Angel's words in first person point of view:

I approach the mean girls that were calling the unknown girl emo. With so much rage I said to them, "Why don't you girls back off and leave her the hell alone. Now!" They look at me with ugly faces and the middle one said, "Whatever you freak," and then they all left.

I look to the girl closer. She was leaning on the locker, covering her face with her two hands. Her eyes looked as if she was about to break down in tears. I couldn't ask if she was okay. Obviously, she's not. Instead, I say to her, "Hey, don't listen to them you're worth more than what they say about you." Still no response from her, so I tried a different method.

I tried to make her laugh by saying, "You know they call me Angel. People say I'm sweet so I call myself sugar. Do you want some of this sweet sugar? I got plenty to give around." I then give her a wink. "know what I'm saying?"

She just giggled a little and cleaned off a couple of her tears. I ask her, "You want me to make you giggle again? Because I got some sugary jokes. Do you want to hear them? Oh, but be careful. I'm like a tiger going after you." I made a funny and most embarrassing tiger roar in my entire life.

She smiles and says, "No, no, it's okay. I'm good." "Glad I made you feel better," I said. "What's your name?" I asked.

She answered: "It's Lexie and yours? Oh wait- it's Angel, right? Why did you come to me to make me smile?"

"I just had to do something. I couldn't have just stayed and watched. I got offended. Those girls don't even know the difference between a potato and a rock." "So, you're basically calling them dumb?" she said while chuckling. "Yes! They is stupid," as I said this, we both laughed.

Third person:

After they had their laughs, the bully that was bullying the nerd was the same jock that threw Angel to the floor a couple days ago. As the jock passes by he stares at Angel in a very angry manner.

The jock then gives the two-finger gesture that he's watching him. The staring made Angel really uncomfortable. He suddenly stops staring and walks away. "What's his problem?" Lexie asks Angel. He responds, "I don't know," out loud.

Then whispers to himself, "But whatever it is, it's not good." "Hey, Angel, it was nice of you to make me smile and laugh, so thank you. I have to go now," said Lexie.

Before she could walk away Angel asks her, "Wait, I'm a go to breakfast. You want to come?" "Um... why?" Angel proceeds, "I uh, I just don't want anyone to talk bad about you." "So, you're saying you want to take care of me?" asks Lexie. "Yeah, as a friend! So come on. Let's go." "Okay then," she says while smiling.

Now they proceed to walk the hallway and make it to the main entrance of the lunch door. They get their breakfast and as they looked around there were hardly any tables. Except for one.

Lexie says to Angel, "Oh look, there's a table over there." Angel looks at the table, not wanting to go there. That's the table the jocks threw him off last time. "Angel, are you all right?" "I'm fine, let's go."

They finally sit down and begin eating their breakfast and then talk with each other. "What are you going to do after school?" Angel asks Lexie. She responds, "Well from here, I go walking to this workplace. I get a fair amount of money. I need it to buy clothes and my food since-"

She pauses her words. "Since...?" Angel waits for an answer. Lexie takes a while to tell Angel her words. "Since one day my family was taking away from me. I have no idea where they're at right now. They even took my little brother! Why do they have to take away the innocent!? I loved my little brother and now he's gone!"

Tears start running down her face. Angel gives her the gray silky handkerchief to clean off her tears.

"Thanks," she says while cleaning her eyes.

"Hey, how old is your little brother?" Angel asks.

"Right now he would be nine." "How old are you right now?" "I'm fourteen," Lexie says.

Angel's thoughts: "So, they took him when he was only five. Hmm, she said that her parents were taken as well, which means wherever her brother is... That's where her parents should be too. But Lexie is right here in school. She said that they took him away! Which must've meant she saw everything with her own eyes! Which leads to her escaping from someplace. No! Wait! Someone!? As I can see, both of her hands have cuts in them. Her sweater is short. There are more cuts close to her wrists as I can see. Someone took her, but she escaped somehow. Those cuts are not from a knife but from a blade. One that in a way matches mine... Dammit! I can't ask her right now. Not at this time. Not like how she is right now. I don't want her to cry, so my guess I'll have to ask her about it later. Hmm, maybe during lunch."

"Angel, Angel? Angel!" He finally here's Lexie. "Huh?" "Hey, I asked you what do you do after school? And why are you asking me this?" "Oh, well I uh-" (Bell rings).

"Well, I got to get to class Angel. Wanna come back here during lunch?" Lexie asks. "Yeah, sure." Lexie hands him back the handkerchief and winks at him.

Now Angel walks into his history class and sits on his desk. The teacher takes attendance and Mr. Lowe asks Angel, "Angel, where's Joyce?" He responds, "She's sick, so she couldn't make it today." "Well, are you going to present your project about what you think of fear?"

"Yes, my fear and Joyce's fear are a bit of the same, in a way."

"Where's your paper?" Mr. Lowe asks.

Angel goes up to the board and grabs a marker. "I'm a present to you this way." "All right, carry on then."

Angel's project: "The word fear, it can mean many things. Such as the fear to die, the fear of getting hurt. It may be physically or mentally. Fear that you will not be able to help anyone or someone special to you because he or she is either sick or in the hospital. You fear their thoughts are always negative. Fear can also mean you're scared of the dark, or the fear of new things. Such as this school, maybe. Fear of making new friends, but have you noticed that fear is everywhere? In the dark night! In your nightmares! In your past, and interestingly what about in real life!? At any moment something FEARFUL can happen. Fear can be chasing you! Trying to make you feel worthless to do anything. The question still stands: How do we get rid of fear? How do we beat it? The only option is to become FEAR itself. Making sure nothing stands in your way. Although, becoming fear itself is very dangerous. It can lead a person to psychotic insanity! An animal that can not be controlled! So in my conclusion, the only way out is to fight fire with fire or... For the sake of this presentation, fight fear with fear! Thank you for listening."

"That was some very vivid and specific presentation you had there Angel, thanks. Okay, who's next?" Mr. Lowe asked. Every student had a very haunted, yet surprised look on their face.

Suddenly the fire alarm rings. Everyone evacuates quickly. Angel is barely getting out the door and little did he know, the same jock that threw him was to his left. He was there the whole time, waiting to cause trouble.

Angel looks to his left. With panic, he runs the hallway and out the exit of the school. His heart was beating harder and harder. He was running out of breath, coughing, until two other jocks were waiting for him outside.

One of them put their foot out and made him fall onto the floor. Angel slammed his face on the concrete. His face now bloody. Two jocks picked him up. Angel looks closer to their sweaters. One of them had the word Spartan all over it and the other Warrior.

The jocks pick up Angel by the elbows. They have a good grip on him so he doesn't run away. Finally, the main jock shows up. His sweater had two words: Above All. The main jock said to Angel, "You're going to see what I meant by this place is hell!" The jock kicks Angel's face. His lips got bloodier.

Then, he throws a fist punch at his gut, kicks his throat, and then taunts him. "You stupid orphan! You're just going to let yourself get the crap beat out of you!?" Angel whispers something, but the jock could not hear what he had to say.

He says, "What was that? I can't hear you, I think your lips are trembling from fear. Though it could also be swollen from me kicking your stupid little face." "Please, stop hitting me," Angel said while coughing out blood. "Poor you, is it because you're chickening out from a fight?" the jock says. "No, it's a different reason."

The jock then says to Angel, "Where's that bitch to save you now?"

Angel looks up slowly. His eyes are red and he's smiling. "The hell?" The main jock was shocked.

Angel proceeds, "Oh she's not here to protect me and neither is she here to protect you! None of you! You’re most likely question why I said she's not here to save your life?”

“Life?” The jock was more than shocked.

“Yes, you’ve heard what I said!”

Angel hits his head against Spartan, causing him to let go. Then, Angel cuts Warrior's hand. He gets his blade out of his right pocket and cuts close to the eye of the main jock. With pain, he screams.

Angel then covers up the main jock's mouth with the grey handkerchief. He's about to go after his neck until... The principal grabbed his hand. Angel's eyes faded to the normal color.

The principal said to him, "Come with me Angel, now!"

Angel is freaked out inside. He's scared and whispers to himself, "What was I just about to do?" He walks with the principal to his office.

Once there, the principal said, "Let me see what you have there son."

He gives the principal his blade. "This is some blade you got here son. It's very rare. I feel like I've seen one of these before." "Really? Where and when?" Angel asks.

"Those are some specific questions you got there, but I don't remember. Look, I'll give this back to you at the end of the school. Just promise me you'll never bring it back. You got that?"

"Yes, I promise." "Now head back to class young man.." Angel is walking out the door.

Meanwhile... Principal Will is looking at the blade. "I've seen this before. I just know it. Wait! Could it be...?"

Angel goes to his second period. Then he goes to his third period, and now to lunch. He knew he had to meet up with Lexie.

She was already waiting at the table. She looks at Angel. His face still bruised. His left eye purple. His lips and teeth filled with dry blood. "Hey, what happened to you?" "I ran into trouble," he said. "You didn't start it? Did you?" Lexie asked.

"No, why?" "Just, I don't like people who cause harm. You already know." "Right, your brother- right okay." "Yeah, so as asked before, what do you do after school?" "I have to go to the hospital now since someone that took me in is sick"

"Oh, well I hope he or she is okay." "Yeah, she's okay Lexie. Thank you… Hey, Lexie, Can I ask you something about your brother?" "What about him?" "Did someone in all black take him away?" "Wait! What? What kind of question is that? That's way to personal. I'm not telling you. Besides how does that benefit you in any way?

"Because Lexie, if you tell me that someone in all black took him away, it's possible I might know who took him." Lexie sighs, "Well I’ve only known you for a few, but I could tell you’re an honest person. So in other words,yes, It was a person dressed in all black. Actually, there were a lot of them." "It was the Shadows!" Angel stated. "The what?" Lexie asks.

"The Shadows are a group of people or figures that somehow make people go insane. They'll act like a wild animal and have no desire to love anymore." "Wow, that's harsh!" "Also, I will help you find your brother. He could still be alive!" "Okay, can I come with you?" "No! It's to freaken dangerous! I will not let you"

"Hey, I can be of immense supportive help. Plus, you don't have an option! If I can find more information relating to my brother, it will be worth it!" "Fine!" Angel says. He continues, "At the end of school we're walking to the hospital. I'll explain the details when we get there. Can you handle that?" "Yeah, okay then. I can't wait!"

The bell rings. Angel and Lexie go to their fourth, fifth, and sixth period. When finally the last bell rings.

They meet up outside. Angel says, "Okay, let's go."

Little did they know in the far back was the nerd that got beat up by the jock. He had been stalking them.

They proceed to walk for a very long time.

As they were walking they had a brief conversation…

They go to Joyce's room. The room number is nine, nineteen. Lucy asks Angel, "What happened to you?" He responds, "HELL HAPPENED!"

He continues, "This is Lexie by the way. It's a long story. She's here to help us apprehend the Shadows. What we know is that they come from HELL!" "Shadows?" Lucy asked.

"How's Joyce doing?" Angel asked. "She just remembered something last night. Right now she's asleep and stable. Last night she was out of control. She was anything but calm. I had to call a lot of doctors, so I suggest we let her sleep," said Lucy.

"Hmm... She remembered something last night," Angel whispers to himself. Then asks Lucy, "Hey, what time did she remember?" "It was at 3:00 A.M." "It was a nightmare, wasn't it Lucy!?"

"Yeah! How did you know?" "I'll explain tomorrow. Let's all sleep." Everyone had fallen asleep, except Angel. He was fully awake. His eyes burned flames of red fire.

Word count 3,116