Finally, it's an early Wednesday morning. It's going to be 5:00 A.M. in about 10 minutes. Joyce and Lexie are still sleeping. Yet Angel and Lucy are fully awake. Angel was having a conversation with Lucy.

Lucy says to Angel, "So we both had a crappy day. Let's start with you first. What happened to you in school?" Angel continues, "Let's start with last night." "Okay, what happened last night?" Lucy asked. Angel continues, "I encountered agent Sherrie." "Agent Sherrie? Who's that?"

"She is an FBI agent right now. The point here is that I remember that one night. When I was younger, I tried to save her daughter from getting killed. Some police officer in duty shot a bullet -at what I know now as of now- is a shadow. Before, I did not understand it was a shadow. When the officer shot a bullet round at IT, he also hit Sherrie's daughter. I tried to get her. Although, either way, her wound was to open. She would've died anyway. I had to leave the area quick. Sherrie did not want to leave, so I forced her to come. Without force she would've died too and-"

Lucy interrupts, "Wait a minute! Why didn't you just grab a hold of Sherrie? And Sherrie should've grabbed a hold of her daughter. Don't you think?" "I was getting to that part," Angel says.

He continues, "There was a police copter and some shadows there. I wanted to save her daughter, but the copters were already shooting. I may know Martial Arts. I may be stronger when I have a blade in my hands, but that doesn't mean I'm invincible! One of those shots could've killed me! I wish I could save everyone, but I can't. Not when I know it's too late."

"So, does that mean we're in danger?" Lucy asks. "It appears we are. I'm sorry Lucy." Lucy bites her nails. Angel continues his dreadful story, "As I was saying, last night I had to save Sherrie again. We were being chased by a shadow. That one followed me wherever I went. Until I stopped him. Although, what's strange is that IT didn't kill me. IT just laughed and told me that I had twelve chances left."

"What do you think that means Angel?" "It means if twelve more shadows come and I reject to go with them, I will lose everyone I love!" "So if you have one chance left, what will you do Angel?" "I'm not sure Lucy, but I will do my best to keep you all safe!" "And if you can't?" Lucy asks worriedly.

Angel looks at Lucy in the eye with a serious face and gives no answer. He puts his head back down. "Okay, you don't have to answer. How come you're all beaten up?" "The jocks at the school beat the living crap out of me!" "Damn, didn't you do anything!?"

"I'm sorry to say this, but I don't know what I was about to do. All I know is that at the last moment I was aiming my blade to one of the jocks. That was until the principal got a hold of my hand and I got into more trouble."

"Wait! You were about to kill him!?" "I think so." "Why!?" "I don't remember Lucy." "How could you not remember that!?" Angel ignores the question. (Lucy was pulling on her hair). "Fine! What about this girl here Lexie. Huh?"

"She was being bullied. They were calling her emo. I did not appreciate that! Plus, after a little while, I had to go to her and I made her laugh. We had a little talk at breakfast and lunch."

Angel gets closer to whisper to Lucy, "Look, those cuts that she has, it's not because she cuts herself. It was from a blade." "Oh, okay." "Wait, let me tell you something. That blade in a way matches mine." "Wait so you were the one that cut her?"

"No, my blade is very rare. There are only two in this entire world like it." "So you're saying that someone else has a blade like yours but this person doesn't care if someone feels pain? Judging by all the scars and cuts she has." "One more thing you have to know about this blade. It can slice someone's neck so clean that even crime scene investigators can't figure out what kind of weapon a murderer used."

"So the point is, there's a killer out there roaming the streets and no one has figured out who it is?" asked Lucy. "It is possible, so if you go anywhere by yourself, be very careful. Do not trust anyone!" "What about you?" Lucy asks. "I've been protecting you. Don't worry. "All right, I trust you, Angel."

Lucy afterward says, "Hey, I need to go to school today." "I thought you didn't have school." "Well I had independent studies at home, but as you can see that didn't work out. And today I believe I have to go back to school."

"All right, you might need this high tech communicator." "Where did you get this?" "You don't want to know." "Angel? Tell me." "Fine, I might've stolen it from Sherrie's car." "Really? Look... Whatever... I need to go."

Angel says to Lucy, "You might also need this map. In case you get lost." Lucy says to him, "Stop stealing Angel! Also, why do I need these two things?"

"In case there is an urgent emergency, and as said before, we're in danger. Be careful whom you talk to in school. Don't trust everyone."

Lucy continues, "What about Lexie? How can we trust her?" Angel looks at Lexie for a little while and says, "Trust me, she's not a suspect. She's a victim. Oh! That reminds me, don't ask her anything about her cuts when you get back! She's a little emotionally unstable."

"I won't ask. I promise Angel." "Good. Stay safe, be careful, and have fun, Lucy." "All right, you take care too. Bye."

Lucy was heading to school. She got on a transport bus to take her there. The subway was kind of empty. Once she got on, there were only four people. An old fat man. A young man in his twenties wearing a suit. One young lady in her thirties, and last but not least one person the same height as Angel.

He had a dark hood on. His head down, not wanting to show his face. Lucy sat down next to the boy. (One seat away from him). She looks at him and looks down to try and see his hands, but his sleeves covered them up.

All she could see were his fingers. The hooded person turns his head sideways to look at Lucy. Lucy looked back. He made slight eye contact with Lucy. Lucy managed to see a scar on his left eye.

Lucy asks the person, "Hey, are you okay?" He does not look at Lucy, but answers, "I'm fine." "Okay, my name is Lucy by the way. What's yours?" "I know it is. The nickname's Grieve."

"That's a very interesting nickname, and what do you mean by you know?" This time Lucy asks with fear and backs up a little.

He continues, "The card that you still have on your chest. It's a hospital card when you go to visit someone. It says Lucy-" Lucy interrupts, "Don't you dare say my last name!" "Don't really care," he says.

Lucy thinks to herself, "But he did not look at me at all. Unless he somehow did, but when? Should I call Angel? No! Not right now. I don't know if this person here will do something to me before I reach for the handheld transceiver! Dammit!"

On the second stop, the old man gets off. On the fourth stop, the young man in his twenties gets off. The tenth stop, the young lady in her thirties gets off.

Finally, only Lucy and Grieve were on the bus. Were they both headed to the Thirteenth stop? Could it have been the very last stop? Grieve asks Lucy, "Heading to school?" She responds, "Yeah, you?" "I was going to... Lucy Daly! But now, I'm just gonna take you with me!"

He grabs Lucy, one arm tightening all around her body and the other, a blade close to her neck. Lucy screamed, "HELP! ANYONE! HELP!" She tried resisting, but Grieve would not let go. He gets a needle and injects it in Lucy. Lucy expresses pain until she falls asleep.

The bus driver sees everything through his back view mirror. He's just about to grab the emergency caller. Grieve looks at him, knowing what he was about to do. He gets his blade and throws it towards the mirror. The mirror cracked. (Blade on the ground).

Grieve quickly goes to the blade, grabs it, and cuts the man's neck clean. (Throwing the blade at the mirror was to distract the bus driver, so Grieve could have the advantage to slice him clean). No one was controlling the vehicle.

Grieve quickly gets the body and throws it out front. Then, runs over it, causing it to turn into big pieces of meat kill. Grieve grabbed control of the vehicle and headed to the Thirteenth stop, at full speed.

The Thirteenth stop was very far. It was about 17 hours away. Not many people go there. Most people choose not to go there.

Grieve cuts all communication on the bus. He grabs his own handheld transceiver and speaks to an unknown voice. The voice was changed on purpose. It sounded like an anonymous person with a deep voice.

The voice said, "Did you get them!?" Grieve answers, "I caught the girl. Lucy Daly." "Good," the voice says. It continues, "What about the others?" "Don't worry, they'll come for her soon."

"Good! Now look, that boy is trouble! We need to get rid of him from all his friends! Do you have a plan!?" "No Sir." "Then how the hell are you going to get him to understand that we need him!?"

"Why do you need him when you have me, Sir?" "That boy is stronger than you. He just doesn't know it! Be careful with him." "I have some good news, Sir. The girl Joyce, she's in the hospital. It appears she doesn't remember who she is." "This makes this entire plan easier," the voice laughs maliciously.

"I will not fail you, Sir!" "Good." "One more thing Sir. Do not fail me either or I'm coming after you next!" Grieve cuts the voice off. He looks at Lucy and thinks to himself, "I'm a have a lot of fun with each and everyone!" He continues driving.

Two hours later... Joyce wakes up to another nightmare. Lexie and Angel, we're there to calm her down. "Angel!?" Joyce asks. "Yes?" Angel responds. "Oh my god! Angel! I remember you." She starts to hug him." And I would never forget you, Joyce," he says in the sweetest way possible.

"Hey, Angel... Where's Lucy?" "She should be in school. She's most likely busy." "Oh okay. I want her to be here." "Well, I could try and communicate with her through this handheld transceiver."

"Okay, please do. I really want to talk to her." Angel gets the handheld transceiver. "Angel to Lucy, are you there? Copy." No response from her. He says the same thing and still no response. "Here let me try," says Joyce. "Hey Lucy, it's your friend Joyce. Are you there? Copy." Nothing out of her.

Lexie asks Angel, "Do you think she's all right?" "I don't know Lexie." Lexie then says to Angel, "How many hours has it been?" "Four exact hours. We'll wait a little more, see if we get a response from her," Angel says calmly.

Lucy has been knocked out for four hours. After forty minutes later, she barely wakes up. She remembered that she'd been attacked. She slowly reaches out for the handheld transceiver and manages to grab a hold of it.

She Speaks as quietly as she could, "Angel, help. I need help. Respond back quietly." "Lucy? Where are you?" "I'm on the subway. I'm headed to the Thirteenth stop. There's some-"

"Lucy! Lucy! Damn!" Grieve had grabbed a hold of the handheld transceiver and crushed it with his bare hands. He grabs Lucy's head and smacks her face full front. (four times).

She was now bleeding from her nose, her mouth, and her eyes. Grieve says to Lucy, "Who the hell did you call!?" "It's none of your business!" She spits blood at him.

He grabs Lucy and throws her in the left side mirror. He grabs her again and punches her face four times. Then he throws her on the ground. Lucy did not have any more force to get up.

Grieve says, "Wait till we get to my destination. Only then you'll understand what hell really means!" He injects more of the drug to put her to sleep again.

Back in the hospital... Angel and Joyce were worrying. Angel says to Joyce, "The last thing I heard was thirteen. She's in the subway... I got it! She's in- Oh no!" "What is it!?" Joyce asks worriedly. "You don't want to know Joyce."

Lexie whispers to Angel, "Why did you say 'oh no'?" "Lucy is in the Thirteenth stop on the subway." "Okay, so what's with the worried face?"

"No one has ever been to Thirteenth Street. People say that's where the sinners go." Lexie says to Angel, "We need to go after her." Angel responds, "I can't!" "Why not!?" she asks. "Who's going to take care of Joyce?"

A voice from afar said, "I can!" It appears it was the nerd from school. "Who are you!?" Angel asks, about to take out his blade. "Woah, calm down. I just want to help." "Did you follow us?" Lexie asked. "Well... Yes..." "Why do you want to help?" Angel asks.

The nerd continues, "People in school think I'm a nobody. Although, if I do this, they'll know me like a somebody." Angel says to the nerd, "Let me tell you something. Everyone has their own unique personality that makes them somebody. You're already a somebody to me." "Wow! Thanks!" "But I need your name for a little more trust."

"The name's Douglas, but you can call me Doug." "Okay Doug, the name's Angel. This is Lexie. (Lexie gives him the peace sign). Now follow all my rules. Here are some GPS trackers that way we all know where we're at! Keep them on silent. Here's another communicator. Here one for you too Lexie. We'll keep in contact. Okay, Doug here's a taser. (Douglas raises one eyebrow up). Don't ask. Also, be careful Doug. We'll see you in a couple of days. Take good care of Joyce. Lexie! Come on. Let's go!"

Angel and Lexie were heading to save Lucy. They reached the subway. The lot was empty. No one in, and no one out. They got on the subway and Began searching. They saw cracked windows and found Lucy's handheld transceiver hidden underneath a seat.

Angel just looks at the broken pieces. He looks closely and says, "Damn the memory card is gone! This means whoever took it is smarter than-" Angel pauses his last words. "Smarter than what Angel?" Lexie asks.

He continues, "This person might be smarter than me!" "So now what?" Lexie asks. "Now I'm going to try and power up the vehicle." Angel looks at all the wires underneath the driver's seat. The wires are all cut. "Dammit!" Angel says impatiently.

"What's wrong?" "I need two specific wires to power this up. Hmm... Hey, by any chance, do you have a little money?" "Yeah, why?" "How much do you have?" "A couple hundred." "Okay, I need you to go to the motorcycle store and go buy one. Here's some money. I'll wait for you here."

Lexie gets to the store and gets her fake ID out. She says, "I'm in a hurry, so make it quick." The seller just looks at her with suspicion. The seller scans the card. It failed once. The seller scans the card again. It failed twice. It didn't work on the third either. "Are you sure this is your ID?"

Lexie responds, "Scan one more time. Please." Angel had been waiting for 40 minutes until finally, Lexie arrived driving the motorcycle. Angel gets in the back and says, "All right, let's go! Full speed!" "Sorry I took so long," Lexie says and steps on the gas.

Meanwhile... Doug was taking care of Joyce. Joyce asks, "How does it go for you at school?" "It's not what I expected. Basically, everyone makes fun of who you are. No friends to help sooth the pain." "But you should be proud of who you are. Who cares what other people think. Hey, I'll be your friend." "You mean it?" "Yeah."

Doug was just about to say thanks when a shadow shows up. Doug tried to shock the shadow, but the shadow ended up throwing a bucket of water. The water caused Doug to get shocked severely.

The shadow then covers up Joyce's mouth with duct tape. He then ties her up with a strong rope. The shadow carries her and takes her with him.

The nurses go up to Joyce's room and see Doug on the floor. He's injured in every part of his face. (Still breathing). The nurses pick him up and put him in a different room.

Joyce was squirming around. The shadow lands on the ground. IT puts Joyce in the trunk of a dark and mysterious vehicle. IT proceeds to drive at 180 miles per hour, without stopping once.

Angel and Lexie were on their way. Angel was tired, he had not slept well for days. Lexie says to Angel, "Hey, don't sleep. We're almost there. You said it was the fourteenth stop, right?" "Yes, fourteenth." "All right, just eight more hours left. Try not to fall asleep." "Okay, I'll try," Angel says.

Eight hours later... Angel and Lexie finally arrived. "Today is Thursday?" Angel asks. Lexie says, "Yeah!" "Do you know what time we'll make it there?" "Let me check." They both look out into the open. Not one clock in sight. They kept looking everywhere.

No house in sight. Only broken concrete floors and not even a piece of grass. "Where are we?" Lexie asks. Angel responds, "They call this place torture, dreadful, hell, and the underground. It's a place where no one should come!"

Lexie says, "Look there's one house way over there. Let's go." Angel and Lexie see that the house is all locked up. Lexie gets the motorcycle and crashes inside. They search the area thoroughly, deeply, and eventually found Lucy!

She was tied up to a chair. Next, a voice said, "Welcome to Thirteenth Street. The real hell is right here." "Who are you!? Show yourself!" yelled Lexie. "The name's Grieve!" (Grieve was hiding among the shadows of the house). "Let her go!" Angel says. Grieve continues, "How about I just burn her! Right in front of all your friend's eyes!"

"What do you mean all!?" Little did Lexie and Angel know, the other shadow that took Joyce was hidden close to the house. The shadow says to Joyce quietly, "Now here's a front row seat to watch your friend burn down in flames!"

Joyce tried so hard to scream, but nothing would come out!" Grieve continued, "So what's it gonna be!? Watch your friend burn!? Or, come join us and she might just live!" Not one word came out of Angel. Grieve was furious.

He says, "ANSWER ME YOU STUPID ORPHAN!" Still nothing from Angel. Lexie says to Angel, "Hey, are you okay? Angel? Angel! What's gotten into you!?" Angel seemed paralyzed, not knowing what to do.


Word count 3,342