Once Angel makes into Douglas's room, he pulls him up with two hands. He's very furious. His eyes are filled with blood and rage. His teeth were grinding. He asks Doug, "WHERE THE HELL IS JOYCE!!!?" "I.. I... Don't know," Doug says with fear.
"I NEED ANSWERS!" Angel says and then throws him against the wall. Doug is on the floor, trying to get up. Angel gets his right hand on Doug's neck and pulls him off the floor. Angel says with so much inpatient anger, "One chance left! ANSWER ME!!!"
"No! Wait! Wait! I remember... She's... Something took her." "WAS IT THE SHADOWS!?" Angel asks while punching Doug in the face seven times. (He's still holding Doug's neck with his right hand as he punched him).
With his left hand, he turns Doug's neck. He's almost about to break it until Doug says with little breath, "Please don't murder me! Please." He starts grieving. Angel let him go. His eyes are back to normal.
All Angel said to Doug was, "I'm not a murderer... I'll never hurt nor kill one of my friends!" Angel sits on the chair of the hospital. Doug looks at him, wondering what happened. Doug responds, "Hey, thanks for not—" Angel interrupts, "Don't mention it. Plus I need your help.
Doug continues, "So all I know is that someone took Joyce!" "Do you know where they took her?" "No. I'm sorry." Angel's eyes are turning bloody red again. He tried controlling himself, but he could not. Doug asks, "What's wrong with your eyes?" "What do you mean?"
Angel doesn't realize his eyes are bloody red this time. He looks at himself in the sink mirror. He looked exactly the same as the nightmare he had in Joyce's room. "No! This can't be happening! Doug, I need to say something!"
"Y... yes?" Doug responds shaking. "When I was beating you, I was about to kill you. I... I was about to murder you. I'm sorry." Angel had said as he puts his head down in shame.
Douglas looks at Angel. He side punches his face. Angel's eyes turned red. Douglas examines Angel and says, "Hey, I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me, friend."
Angels eyes were blue. Doug had punched Angel on purpose to see what each color meant. Now that Angel's eyes are blue, he examines Douglas.
"Your pain... the pain that you have resembles a pain of shame. A huge disappointment to a lot of people. But, to your family, you're a very special one. They respect who you are, but you have a negative way of thinking. You think that they don't understand your pain. You feel as if no one can understand. You feel hopeless. Everyone calls you by different offensive names. They tend to call you by someone you're not. Doug... Your parents do understand. They'll do anything for you. They cry for you every day. They know what you put up with. Every single day you go to school, they treat you like a worthless animal. They treat you in such a very inhumane manner. Every day you think about killing the ones that treat you like a pile of garbage... But, if you kill them... Wouldn't that make you the same as those bastards?"
Doug hears everything Angel had to say. But the only answer he gave Angel was, "Your blue eyes examine people's background. You're red eyes determine how angry you are at this world or how angry you are at someone... The bloody red eyes mean you can not control any of your emotions. Instead of people fearing you... They'll be traumatized at what they see. To much fear in their head will turn them into... No, wait... You'll turn them into a mentally insane psychopath. Who or what did this to you?"
"I don't believe all those answers are correct, Douglas." "They're? They're not? I'm usually never wrong!" "I still don't know fully either, but through time, you'll figure it out. You're smarter than you think. Enough of this! We need to focus on finding out who took Joyce."
"Right! I think You should start by looking at that window over there," Doug says as he points directly at the window.
Angel proceeds to walk there. He looks at the window. He examines every little detail in his mind, "This window is fully broken. It couldn't have been a gunshot. Hmm, someone must've entered, then escaped out of this window. Question is, how the hell did that person get all the way up here!? Only a shadow can! With the help of someone leading them!... Right! The person I encountered at three in the morning today."
Angel goes to Douglas, "Can you stand up?" "N... No! Ow! It hurts!" "Forget it! I'm going to examine the bottom. You keep watch from here."
Angel goes in the elevator, down to the bottom. outside are cars aligned in perfect order. One car seems to be missing. Possibly stolen. He looks closer. There seems to be oil in the parking space where the vehicle was stolen.
"This oil is most likely recent," Angel whispers to himself. Then, he heard a boy scream! It screamed: "ANGEL! HELP! PLEASE!"
Angel quickly goes back to the elevator! He's just about to close it! Until Lexie comes up and says, "Wait!" She was running towards the elevator.
Now Angel and Lexie are in the elevator. Angel says to Lexie, "You're good now? You heard the scream too?" "Yeah, I'm okay. I have a little strength left in me. Now, let's go after these punks!" She said as she gave Angel a wink.
Angel says, "Here, let me take these out of your legs." He grabs the knives that were stuck to Lexie's leg and yanks it out. She expresses pain but toughens it out.
Later, they waited for four minutes, hearing some soft music. "Well this is getting uncomfortable," Lexie says. All Angel said was, "This is taking to damn long!" He takes out his blade, cuts the main power generator and rewires it.
Now the elevator is going upward at full speed. "Grab onto something!" Angel says. The elevator wouldn't open fir it was damaged. Angel cuts the door, making a huge circle. Lexie kicks the door open. They quickly go to Doug's room.
Angel looks at the suspect. "YOU!" "Oh, so you didn't forget me this time?" "What are you talking about!?" "Don't act so innocent! You remember everything, but don't remember who I am!?" "Yes, I know exactly who you are! You burned my friend Lucy and caused my friend Lexie to grieve!"
"How do you know she grieved!?" "None of your damn business. Now for making my friends go through hell, I'm going to do exactly what I said I'd do!" Angels eyes are bloody red. "Not one step closer," Grieve says. Angel ignored him and kept walking.
Grieve says out loud, "SHADOWS NOW!" Second, by the second, a lot of shadows appeared. Angel stops walking. "What's the matter? Are you scared?" Grieve asks. Angel is looking at every Shadow. He tries to count how many there are. "Seven, nine... "
Grieve says, "SHADOWS! SCRAMBLE!" Angel lost count. Grieve says to Angel, "I know you would try and count them! It won't happen on my watch!" "Damn you! Lexie! Lock the doors!" "Already locked!" "Why would you trap yourself? You idiot! Doesn't matter. Let's have some fun!"
"Lexie! Here's my blade! You're going to need it. Show no mercy!" Angel is going after Grieve. Meanwhile, the shadows are going after Lexie. One shadow is about to jump on top of Lexie. She manages to cut through its stomach. Another shadow is about to punch her. She slices his arm, then kicks him. She grabs one of their legs and breaks it.
All of them are coming at her now. She spins a full 360 as she cuts everyone. She's counting as she goes. Some of them hurt, some of them almost dead. One more behind her. She throws the knife directly at his forehead.
"Lexie! Blade!" Angel says. Lexie puts the blade on the ground and kicks it to Angel. Angel grabs a hold of the blade and is going to attack Grieve. As he's about to attack him, Grieve says, "You're so predictable. You've always been."
Angel strikes his blade with his right arm. Grieve blocks it with his blade from the left arm. They're going at it. Left, right, over, under. Still, neither of them have managed to get their blade through one another. Angel decided to jump and aims a punch towards Grieve.
Grieve moves out of the way. He's on the left side now. He grabs Angel's leg and throws him towards the edge of the broken window. Angel did not have any more strength in him. Lexie goes after Grieve. Angel can't see clearly.
With all the little might he had in his voice, he says, "Lexie! Don't! He's going to... Ow! Damn!" Grieve is going to kill Lexie. Angel throws the blade towards Grieve. Instead of hitting him, Grieve got out of the way. Angel's blade fell directly on top of Lexie's foot.
"SCREW YOU!" Angel's eyes are now bloody red. Grieve tries slicing him, but Angel had so much anger, he forgets his pain. He gets up and kicks Grieve's blade out of his hand.
He then grabs Grieve by the neck and starts pressuring it. His hand's pressure got harder and harder. Angel says to Grieve, "Why do you even want to see everyone here, including me, grieve!?"
Grieve responds with a cracked voice, "Because you left me to grieve. You didn't even bother to save me!" "Save you from what!? Why are you so important!? Why should I save you!?" "Not yet, you'll know the answer later!"
He laughs maliciously as one more shadow appears in front of Angel and knocked him out. Angel's vision now blurry. Grieve is leaving. Grieve got his blade back and Left.
After two minutes, Lexie hops and hops, until she falls right next to Angel. She says to him, "Hey, I knew what you were doing. I counted and there were twelve shadows." Angel responds, "Actually there were thirteen in total!"
"So what now Angel?" "We go to Douglas, he's our friend." "We tried to save Lucy and now she's gone! We can't do this by ourselves! You can't do it by yourself! We need help from more people," Lexie says.
"That's true. The question is: How many days do we have?" Angel asks. "What do you mean?" Lexie asks confused. Angel says, "How much time do we have for both Joyce and Douglas before that bastard kills them!?" "I don't know Angel. But we should do anything to save them!"
"I can't believe I'm saying this Lexie, but I have no idea where both of them are at! Not one clue! This person is more than thirteen steps ahead of me! He knows how I think, where I strike, he knows my mind!"
"Really? Damn!" "Yes, I've failed again! He cut off the tracker!" "Why you say failed?" "Because I can't track Douglas Lexie! It's hopeless."
"Hey, why did he say that you left him to grieve? Do you know him?" "No, I don't know anything about him. At least not yet!" Lexie says to Angel, "We have to find people in school and-" Angel pauses Lexie's words.
He continues, "School! That's it! Lexie, you're awesome!" "What did I do?" "That one person that's leading the shadows knew your first and last name! Which, if I'm correct, he knew Lucy's full name too."
"So you're saying that someone in school is helping him?" "Yes! But who? Lexie, it's time to go to school, undercover!" "Undercover?"
Angel continues, "It's twelve in the afternoon right now. A couple more hours later and then it's time to go to school. It gives us a chance to prepare ourselves for what's coming." Lexie says, "All right then. What do we need to do?"
Angel tries getting up, but couldn't. He tries again, but he still can't get up. Lexie's legs are weak, she too cannot get up. Angel decided to sit down. He then notices his blade is still stuck on Lexie's leg. He grips his hand on his blade. He says to her, "Ready?" "Just do it," she says.
Angel takes out the blade as fast as he could. Lexie in pain wanted to scream. Instead, she squeezed her eyes, tears running down her face. Angel uses his arms to force himself to gets close to one of the knocked out shadow.
He cuts a piece of his black clothes. He then looks at the shadow with a curious expression and tries to unmask him. The shadow awakens and grabs Angel by the neck. Angel had had enough. He gets his blade and slices his neck off. Blood spitting out of his mouth.
Since the shadow was lying down, he choked on his own blood. Angel's eyes are bloody red. He saw every shadow and he wanted to kill every single one. He's getting closer to one and cuts his lip, then his ear then slashes his eye.
Lexie from afar says, "Angel! What the hell are you doing!?" Angel looks at what he has done. His eyes turn back to normal. He just looks at Lexie. He had no idea what's gotten into him. He says, "Lexie! I'm sorry." "Hey, remember we're supposed to focus on that person that's leading the shadows! The one that took Joyce." Angel heard: 'The one that took Joyce' It echoed more and more.
His eyes still bloody red. He says to himself, "THAT BASTARD WILL DIE FOR WHAT HE'S DONE! I AM A NIGHTMARE TO HIM! IN THE NIGHT, I CAUSE TERROR! I AM FEAR!" Lexie asks Angel, "Hey! Aren't we going to save Doug or Joyce? You love her don't you?" Angel heard the word 'love'
His eyes turned blue. He says to himself in an angry but yet sad tone, "Joyce! I will save you! I promise." He continues, "Yes Lexie, I do love her!" "Good, then let's focus on her!"
Angel gets the black cloth that he had cut from the Shadow's clothes. He wraps the cloth around Lexie's leg. He asks, "Better?" Lexie nods 'yes'.
Then she asks, "What do we do with these shadows?" "Some of them will awaken in 10 minutes. They will not escape." "Escape from what?"
Angel ignores Lexie and breaks the glass of the hospital lights in two. Electric current was still running through it. He cuts other wires from the machine next to the bed. He ties those wires to the one that still has an electric current. He makes a straight line leading to the dead shadow.
He then takes out his blade and grabs a lamp that's still connected. He makes a spark. The wire and energy were so hot, it turned the shadow on fire. "Let's get out of here before it blows!" Angel said. They walk out. Then the explosion burst.
Later outside... Angel and Lexie are planning on how to get ready to snoop the school. Angel's handheld transceiver was broken. Lexie's communicator was broken as well. Angel says to Lexie, "Well I still have some money left, so you know what that means."
Lexie says, "Yes! Shopping!" "How many hours till school starts?" Angel asks. "Like one or two hours. We have enough time. Especially, since we have my motorcycle!"
"Nice, let's go!" "Do you still have the map?" Angel asks. "Yeah, here, you're the navigator," responds Lexie.
She gets on the motorcycle. Angel is in the back of the motorcycle. Lexie is now driving. Angel says to Lexie, "Hey, there's a store called: Gadget Ware, near It Street. It's fourteen minutes away." "All right, we're going there. This is gonna be one awesome day."
Once inside, they decide to look around. Angel is where all the watches are at. Lexie is at the place where they keep the sunglasses. Angel finds a watch with a button for recording, voice recognition, and a hidden camera that can zoom in and out.
The clerk at the store says to Angel, "We have a special offer today. We'll give you that watch for thirty dollars. It'll include an earpiece communicator that can reach up to seven thousand feet. That is if you pay an extra twenty-four dollars."
"I'll take it." As the clerk is scanning the items, he says to Angel, "If there's anything else you need, feel free to come back." "Hmm well..." Now Angel was going to see where Lexie is at.
Meanwhile on Lexie's side... Lexie sees a ring. "Wow, that looks shiny and real." A women clerk says to Lexie, "It may look shiny, but it's actually an amazing gadget!" Lexie looks at the women, confused by what she meant. The Lady grabs the ring and shows Lexie what each and every button can do.
The lady continues, "If you press this button right here, there's like a miniature knife. Ah! But be careful, it's really sharp. The button on the left can trigger a very thin wire that has a strong electric current. There's more, so feel free to check it out for yourself."
"That sounds cool!" Lexie looks to her left and notices something. "Oh! And what about that lipstick over there? Oh my gosh, can it shoot somebody?" "Actually that's normal lipstick sweetie." "Oh, okay."
"Although, we do have this bracelet. All you have to do is flick your wrist, like if you're going to check the time. It creates a holograph. It's like a phone. The difference is that it works like a computer." "Computer?" Lexie asks. "Yeah, you can decode, track, hack other people's accounts, etc. You can do a lot with this bracelet.
"Hmm, I'll take both. What about these sunglasses?" "Oh well, those can actually scan anyone completely. It can scan their background, their past, their height, weight, all of it. There's a camera, night vision, heat thermal scanner, etc."
"Wow! I'll take two sunglasses, two bracelets, and two rings. One ring for me and one for a male." "Oh... A male? Something going on between the two of you?" "Just give me the rings please." "Okay, anything else sweetie?"
Lexie goes to find Angel. Both their items bought. They finally meet up. "What did you get?" Lexie asks. Angel responds "I got an earpiece communicator that can reach up to seven thousand feet. I also got a watch and a chain, you?"
Lexie says, "I got two rings, a bracelet, two sunglasses, and some lipstick." "Oh, can the lipstick shoot somebody!?" "Um, no, it's just normal lipstick." Angel looks at her with one eyebrow up. Lexie says, "What? A girl can't look amazing while undercover?" Angel laughs and says, "All right, let's just go."
They're headed to school. Still Thursday. It's 1:40 in the afternoon. Angel says to Lexie, "We can't go today, there's not enough time!" "Yes, there is. We can make it. We'll get some information today and some tomorrow." "All right, let's see what we can get."
They made it to school at the exact time it starts. Once there, they go get breakfast. Later they sit on a table. Angel says to Lexie, "First things first, we need to know that the shadows only want orphans-" But Angel, this school is full of orphans!"
Angel continues, "I know. What I was trying to say is they only target orphan's that are on their own!" "Wait! Then why target Lucy and Joyce?" "He killed Lucy on purpose to ruin my chance. He counts as a shadow! Now he'll do anything to ruin it again! Now! About Joyce... I don't exactly know. She has her grandmother. Maybe this is a punishment for not joining them... wait!"
"What? What is it?" "They were alone when they were targeted." "So we have to find out who's going to be left alone next?" "Exactly! Let's go to the hallway during lunch and scan the area." "All right, let's do this!"
During lunch... Lexie and Angel meet up in the Hallway. They put on the gear. They are only going to test the sunglasses. "Is it working?" Lexie asks. Angel scans Lexie. Height: Five foot two. Weight: One hundred and thirty-six pounds. Background: Raised by a family of FBI. (Deceased). Trained to defend herself at eight years of age. One little brother (lost at five years of age). "It works."
Lexie puts on her sunglasses. She scans Angel. Height: Five foot six. Weight: One hundred and forty-six pounds. Parents: Two of them. Background: Information has been denied. Brothers/sisters: Unknown information. Error! Error! Unknown Error.
"I think mine is broken," Lexie says. Angel says to Lexie, "Keep watch from here. I'll go get information from the Principal's office." "All right got it!"
Angel presses the left button on his watch. A tool to unlock any doors came out. He gets in and unlocks every cabinet inside. He found some private papers. Then, he goes close to the computer. He spins the watch, leading it to take out a USB.
He takes out all the information from the computer. Lexie sees some shadows from afar in disguise. Through the earpiece, she says, "We got company. Get out! Now!"
Angel does as Lexie says. One shadow grabs Lexie by the mouth and waist. She kicks him on the knee. He's about to get Lexie again until Angel gets close and slices his fingers off. The shadow did not scream. Angel makes quick escape with Lexie.
Lexie evades with Angel on her motorcycle. They're headed to a restaurant called: Teresa's Hideout. It's near Will Street. Who knows what secrets will be unveiled there...
Word Count 3,636