Angel sat there wondering if he should stay a little longer or leave. He decided on staying to see if he could relax his mind and not overthink the situation he has been put in. Sadly as he waited, he began to overthink. He stayed there, not in the hopes that Sherrie would come.

That hope was gone. He stayed to comfort himself, for he had no one else to comfort him. He hasn't been comforted from his parents in a long time. Nor has he been comforted by his once called love. How is one to be comforted when they have felt abandoned even in their presence?

He stayed to think how and where he was going to kill himself. Was it even worth it? Was he just emotionally downhearted? Did he need to just take a very long walk? He wasn't sure whether to hold rage or cry in distress. One thing's for sure, not in this forsaken town. He had no one to talk to. He had no one to share his thoughts or feelings with. The only person he loved turned on him.