Chapter 8

The two boys flew down the stairs in a jiffy till they were in the sitting room like everyone else. Adam was just about to give them a piece of his mind on what he thought of them running around in his house when Lucy beat him to it.

Her arms were on her hips as she glared at the two younger boys.

"You both had no right to roam around freely in Mr. Adam's house," she told them sternly. Adam couldn't help the slight nod showing how impressed he was with Lucy's cordinating skill.

Caleb looked away while Reece jutted out his chin stubbornly.

"So what? It's not like we'll be here tomorrow. So why can't we have a look at all the cool stuffs the big shot has? And who gave you the right to talk to me? You ain't my mom," Reece said with a stubborn scowl.

Caleb mumbled some words that supported Reece.

He had really liked the games room.

Lucy tsk-ed at them and grabbed both their ears in each of her hands.

"Ow..ow...ow...," Caleb hissed in pain as she twisted his poor ear.

"Lemme go, Lucy! I didn't say nothin' wrong," Reece protested.

"I might not be your mom, Reece, but I sure am like your big sister. So from now on, you both shut up and behave. Understood?" Lucy said sternly as she glared at them one after the other.

They both nodded and she let them go.

Adam decided he'd had enough.

"Alright, bed time, everyone," he said. "Follow me and I'll show you the rooms you'd be sleeping in for only tonight." Adam stressed the 'only' so as to remind them that he wasn't going to change his mind about them leaving.

Reece was about to complain that he slept at later times than that but a hard look from Lucy quickly shut him up.

Scarlett ran to walk beside Adam. She held his hand.

Adam frowned again. "Don't do that, kid," he told her as he tried to remove his hand from her clutch.

"She's Scarlett," Matt reminded him.

Adam frowned. "I don't need to know any of your names; by tomorrow you'll all be out of here and that's all I need to know. We are not friends."

"You could adopt us," Caleb muttered in a grumble but Adam didn't hear him.

"Walk faster, I also need to rest," Adam snapped at them when they were taking time to look at the paintings on the walls as they passed.

Adam pushed open a door.

"Here's where you three would be staying," he said, looking at Matt, Caleb and Reece.

Matt cautiously entered the room. It was like he was stepping into a small story book.

Everywhere spelt luxury.

The silk, dark blue drapes were slightly pulled back by their golden-colored rope binders.

The bed was a huge, king-sized bed; it would conveniently accommodate the three boys and have enough room to spare.

It had lots of bolsters on it and six pillows were neatly arranged on it. The bedspread was also dark blue in color but the huge comforter on the bed was similar to cyan in color.

There was a huge flat screen television in the room as well as a small set of comfortable settees and two single wingback chairs.

The rug was sky blue while the walls were done in navy blue.

There was a small bookshelf filled with books and beside it was a writing desk.

There was a rather exotic lamp on the bedside table.

"The bathroom is this door," Adam said nodding towards a door that was in the room.

Caleb cautiously opened the door by pushing the knob.

His eyes swept over the huge bathtub, the dark blue curtains covering it. Over the water closet and the huge towels in the towel racks.

Reece was bolder to brush past him and enter the bathroom but he had on a look of undisguised awe as he stepped in. The sweet fragnace of lavander hit him.

He couldn't help burying his head in the towel, feeling the unusual softness.

Adam watched the three boys check the room out like children that were given Christmas presents in may.

He cleared his throat.

"Are you going to be comfortable here?" Adam asked even though he knew the answer.

"Are you kidding me dude?!" Reece asked open eyed. "This place is freaking amazing!"

"Just like a palace," Matt added as he glanced at the bookshelf again.

"It's so cool!" Caleb said honestly.

Adam didn't know why he felt a small leap of triumph that he had impressed them. He wasn't even aiming to in the first place.

He left them gaping at their room while Lucy and Scarlett followed him.

He showed her the room they'd spend the night in.

It was similar to the boy's own except the color was different kinds of green all over.

After making sure they were settled Adam sighed and turned round, heading to his own room.

He heard tiny footsteps following him.

He paused in his walking.

The footsteps did the same as well.

Adam looked back and saw Scarlett standing behind him, looking a bit teary.

"What's wrong?" He asked before he thought the better of it.

"I'm scared," she whispered.

"But Lucy's with you," Adam pointed out but Scarlett shook her head.

"The lights at off and Big sis is asleep already. It's dark ....and I'm scared," her lower lip quivered.

Big sis? Adam wondered in his head. When did that start?! So if Lucy is the sister, the boys are the brothers then I'm definitely the father.

His head sparked at the thought.

Her voice had a tint of helplessness in them. It was like she was expecting Adam to send her off. Adam's face hardened. He didn't like all the googly face she shot his way. He didn't like the way they invaded his privated life, they just barged in, taking him by suprise.

Adam's look then softened when he looked at Scarlett again.

He saw she wasn't trying to butter him up or anything, she truly was scared.

He saw her for a small kid that she was.

He walked closer to her and bent to her height.

"Hey," he started in a soft tone he didn't know he possessed. "It's going to be okay. Shawna right?" He guessed her name.

She looked away making Adam lose sight of her pure green eyes.

"You don't even know my name."

She then stepped back, about to cry.

" no, I know your name...It's ...It's um don't remind me, I'll get it now." Adam said in a joking manner and closed his eyes tightly as he tried to remember her name. He sighed inwardly, he had never dealt with kids before.

"Scarlett," she murmured softly.

"Scarlett!" He snapped his fingers and looked at her again.

"Did I get it?"

She smiled a bit and nodded.

Adam smiled a little too.

"Okay Scarlett, so, you can put on the lights. I'm sure Lucy wouldn't mind," Adam told her slowly. Scarlett shook her head.

"Can I come to your room?" She asked, making her eyes grow big and googly.

Adam groaned inwardly but he sent her a stiff smile.

"Just tonight." He said in a stern tone.

"Yaay!" Scarlett grinned.

Adam stood straight and held her hand.

"Tomorrow, you'll be in mummy and daddy's room," he told her as they walked.

Scarlett looked away.

"I don't have any."

Adam didn't know how to reply so he didn't.

Anyway it's not my problem. He reasoned. By tomorrow, they'll be out of my life for good. He thought determined.

Adam pushed open his room door.


Adam groaned when his alarm went off.


But he still stayed in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling. He remembered he woke up in the midnight to see the tiny girl clutching him tightly and letting out small whimpers.

She was still asleep but she might have been having a nightmare.

Adam had turned to the other side to avoid her but she just wrapped her chubby fingers around him.

He looked around.

She wasn't in his room anymore.

She must have gotten up early. He mused inwardly. If not for the small noise coming from downstairs it was almost like they were never there.

He rolled his eyes and groaned.

That's it Adam. Get up, you've got work to do today. He chided himself and got to his feet.

Within ten minutes he had showered and dressed up in his usual business suit. He put on his black socks and put on a neat pair of oxfords.

He then headed downstairs with his briefcase.

He decided to ignore the children and headed straight for the main door but Lucy spoke to him before he could open it.

"Good morning Mr. Adam. Won't you have breakfast before you leave for work? It can be tedious on the way to get something to eat."

Adam paused then he turned and headed to the dinning room.

They were all seated on around the table, expecting breakfast as well.

"Good morning sir," Caleb greeted respectfully.

"Morning ol' dude," Reece said with ease.

"Good morning!" Scarlett said in a happy chirp.

"Good morning Mr. Adam," Matt said before burying his head in the book he was reading. He wanted to read as many books as possible before he left. He was amazed by the wonderful books the bookshelf in their room held.

Adam answered all their greetings with a grunt of his own.

He gazed Matt, curious as to why the boy was holding a book in the dinning room.

"Isn't that a book?" He asked, letting his curiosity get better of him.

Matt looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "Yes, Mr. Adam. It's titled Ultimate gift, and it's very intriguing. You see it's about--" Matt wanted to start narrating but Adam waved him off.

"I don't really care."

Matt lowered his head.

"Okay," he said quietly.

Adam felt a twinge of guilt as he watched Matt continue reading his book. "So...," Adam started after he had cleared his throat. "You like reading, huh?" His question was directed at Matt.

Reece snorted from his seat.

"Thought you said you ain't interested," Reece said.

"I wasn't talking to you," Adam said and glared at Reece.

"No one ever does, not a big deal to me anymore, dude," Reece muttered and shrugged but Adam heard him.

Adam clutched his spoon in annoyance. They were the ones intruding on his private live yet they were making it seem like he was the bad guy.

"Listen buddy," Adam growled, gripping the table cloth a bit harder that he intended, giving Reece a hard look. "This is my house and what I say goes. If I want to talk to Mark here I can, so you best be quiet. Afterall I'm doing you all a favour by letting you be here."

Adam leaned back in his chair, feeling satisfied he had left Reece speechless.

Matt slammed his book closed and everyone turned to him.

"It's Matt not Mark," he muttered.

"Way to go, hero." Reece smirked and slouched on his own chair.

"Behave Reece," Caleb frowned at him.

Adam angrily yelled, "What's taking you so long, Lucy?! Are you preparing to feed the emperor and his empire or what?!"

"At least he got her name right," Reece murmured under his breath. Caleb held him and stiffled his laughter. Adam swiftly turned to glare at the both of them.

"Did I say something funny?" He cocked his eyebrow questioninly at them.

"Nah," Reece gave a dramatic sigh that made Scarlett giggle as well.

"Are you making fun of me," Adam's eyes narrowed at Reece as he stood up. "Reed?"

Reece also stood up.

"My name's Reece not Reed. It ain't cool to go about calling people names that ain't theirs," Reece said with a scowl.

"You will--" Adam started but Lucy walked in just then, pushing the serving cart. She noticed the tense atmosphere.

"Food's ready," she said, her eyes darting between Reece and Adam.

Reece slouched back down on the chair but Adam didn't return to his seat.

"I'm going to be late for work," Adam said with ticked jaw and started heading for the door.

"Pardon his manners, Mr. Adam," Lucy started in a quiet tone. "He's just too used to street life that's all. The change is too sudden for him."

"Well then he won't have to worry about any change of any sort because before today ends you're all leaving! I never planned on letting you all stay anyway!" Adam snarled.

Lucy just nodded.

"At least please eat something, don't let us ruin your appetite." She smiled a little.

"Hmph," Adam scoffed proudly and went back to his seat.