Chapter 26

Adam finally woke up by himself and stretched on the bed and yawned. The space beside him was empty and Scarlett wasn't in the room.

His eyes went to the clock and he saw it was 9:37am.

He threw his leg to the other side of the bed and put on his slippers, he then walked into the bathroom.

After a while Adam came out with damp hair, wearing a bathrobe.

He then went downstairs and saw Scarlett in the sitting room, watching a cartoon while Matt read a book beside her.

Caleb and Reece were talking and checking each others phones as they laid on the rug. Lucy was seated on the couch beside Matt, with her new phone as well.

"Hello," Adam said once he entered the sitting room.

All at once Scarlett got up and ran towards him and greeted him with a hug.

"Yaay! Yaay! You're awake!" She grinned widely.

Adam chuckled. "Yeah, I am."

"Good morning, Mr Adam," Lucy said with a smile as her gaze landed on him.

"Morning sir!" Matt waved at him.

"Good morning," Caleb said.