Hospital stay

Annie found out she was having a quintuplet and one of them, have a hole in the heart. She has been here for a week.

Annie p.o.v

I have been here for a week the doctor come and monitor me taking my blood pressure and they took blood too.

Carson has been staying with me this all-time he goes home to check on the boys and come back. I express milk for the twins I can't believe they turning one next week. Hopefully, I will be out by then. I miss my babies.

Carson p.o.v

I arrive back at the hospital and went to Annie's room she was eating lunch but I could see she didn't enjoy it. I walked to her and kissed her on the cheek.

Carson: Hey baby how are you feeling today?

Annie: Good I just want to go home I miss my babies and the food is disgusting.

Carson laugh.

Carson: It's a got you food chepolet don't worry I got the health option I got Chicken salads, and water.

Annie: gimmy gimmy.

Take the food and start to eat.