"Go as quickly as you can please."
The other man who was behind the man who was paddling the boat seemed to be afraid. His heart was in his mouth and his brain was doing some airy acrobatics which his consciousness could not dance to.
The guy at the front was fearless or probably was hiding his to impress the other guy. What was there to impress him about?
Reasonable as it seemed. The fearless guy was crushing on the sister of the other guy who was afraid. He had volunteered to go search for the creature which almost creeped his crush out.
Though he wasn't getting the best reaction from the lady despite all the sacrifices he had made, he wouldn't give up. He was trying to win the heart of her younger brother. That should be enough. The brother would talk the sister into liking him.
He had only three bullets left in his traditional rifle. He had wanted to hit the creature hard and make it fall inside the water.