"Please just let me go."
Lude flipped the pages of his eyes open. He had been having a dream. A dream about being kidnapped, abducted and taken captive and tortured mercilessly. He was glad that he was back to reality. But reality seemed to suck. Seemed to suck eighteen bags of ridicule.
He looked around. His neighbors were trees. There were fallen twigs all around him and he had no idea how he had gotten there.
If he was familiar with the formation and breeds of the trees he would say which was which and of course arrive at a sane conclusion. But he actually had no idea of what they were.
There was a less throdden path glazed with shrubs. He saw footprints from the rear but couldn't be sure if twas humane or just some animal's.
To his left was another path which aided the one which bore the eerie footprints. He looked away. Nothing made sense to him. He needed to agree with his instinct firstly before making a decision.