“I’ll ask again, who are you people?”
The girl asked for the second time and the atmospheres around them changed in an instant, from the cold and eerie feeling to a tense and terrifying sensation that made the armed personnel accompanying Anastasia draw their arms and point it to the girl in case the situation calls for them to defend the miss.
But the girl in front just stood still, as if she is not wary of the situation making the people on her front raise their alarms to the highest possible degree.
But before the situation worsens, Anastasia commanded the troops to put down their weapons that are pointing towards the girl by slightly raising her hand commanding them to drop their hostility.
“We beg for your pardon and for the late introduction.” Anastasia said, moving forward closer to the girl.
“My name is Anastasia serving the house of la Bervier, and these are my companions.” She added.