Good Morning Japan

Every time I pass Jeanist I have to resist the urge to cry. I didn't think it would hit me this hard, I know I like him, but being told being with him is forbidden hit me like a bus. For the most part things are ok, but now that I have to go to his office to see what he wants to speak with me about I already feel the hot tears welling up in my eyes. "Oh, Miss L/N. You can go on ahead in, he's waiting for you." I nod as the first trickles fall down my face, opening the door I'm surprised to see Red Riot as well, when he sees the tears on my face his cheery smile turns into a frown. "You've put in a lot of work for this spot on Good Morning Japan tomorrow, I can only imagine it's been difficult arranging it all with only being allowed to communicate with Bakugo through email. You need to be there with him tomorrow, you need to prepare yourself to be professional. You can't cry in front of the interviewers and the staff. I'd take it as a kindness if you pulled yourself together and stopped crying every time I speak to you, it's been nearly two weeks now. Surely it wasn't that big a deal it's just a work crush." I bite my tongue so hard I taste blood, but still don't let up, the tears on my face falling harder, but I refuse to sob in front of my insensitive boss. "Red Riot will accompany you to and from the studio, to ensure you don't take any detours. Bakugo is almost finished with his move, you're not allowed the address and he knows he's not to show up at your place. We will have a conversation soon about how to handle things when everything moves to Musutafu."

The next morning I barely make it down the hallway from my apartment when I run into Red Riot. "Sorry, he said I had to be with you the moment you leave the building." I sigh and step in next to him. "So, are you ready for today?" Hell no. "Yeah, just gotta go do my job." He steps in front of me holding my shoulders and catching my gaze. "Look, I'm serious. You aren't like you were before and neither is he. He was mellowing out with you around now he's angrier than I've seen him in years. He doesn't know how to do sad like you do, the tears, the lack of the little things you used to do to make yourself look nice." He wipes tears from my cheeks and gives me a quick hug. "I'm not ready, but I have to do my best. I think, God help me Red, I think I might be falling in love with him." He doesn't say anything, he just offers me a tissue and walks me out heading towards the TV Station. When we walk in Bakugo is wearing his hero costume, he looks a little thinner and has bags under his eyes, when he sees me his face picks up and I give him a small wave trying to keep my heartbeat under control. When I see Jeanist suddenly come into view for the first time rather than want to cry I want to punch him in the face. I want to yell and scream at him about how unfair he's being and that he's treating us like children, but I know that approach will only make me look more childish. Jeanist motions for me to come over and as I do Bakugo stands to his feet watching my advance towards him. "Hello Miss L/N, been well last couple of weeks?" I won't look him full in the face instead just a glance towards his cheek, "I've been better." Jeanist moves about 8 feet away keeping his gaze on us.

"Since the article in the Magazine a few weeks ago didn't really sell well and we we're able to file an immediate rebuttal about how they didn't use any of the material we gave them this shouldn't be too hard. It's mostly just the photos getting around on social media. Just try to stay positive and jovial and this should help a lot. I know we said we would try to avoid any live interviews, but this is the best I could find to get you out there." When he doesn't respond I look up to see him staring at me, his face a mix of emotions. "I miss you L/N." My hands fly up in front of my face fanning at my eyes trying to stop the tears that desperately want to fall. "I miss you too, but right now we need to prove to Jeanist we can work together if we're ever going to be in the office at the same time again." His smile is so bright he looks like a different person suddenly. "I was afraid you didn't. I want to fight him about this, but only if you're truly interested in being with me. So are you?" I nod while pressing my fingers just under my bottom lashes trying not to let my makeup ruin and stop the few tears that didn't want to listen to me. When I feel him suddenly wrap his arms around me I no longer need to fight it. His sweet scent hitting my nose and the warmth of him against me feel amazing and I allow myself to just enjoy it for a moment. That is until the PA interrupts. "Five minutes DynaMight." When he releases me I whimper at the loss of his touch. "Will you come watch?" I give him a look that says "do you even have to ask?" and we walked towards the recording stage together, Bakugo brushing his pinky against my hand every couple of steps.

"Here to talk with us today for the first time on GMJ, please welcome pro hero DynaMight."

"Good morning, thank you for having me." I just know he forgot her name.

"So DynaMight, I never got the chance to read it, but it's my understanding there was an article written about you a few weeks ago that was misleading and you're hoping to set a few things right?"

"Yes, and thank you all for this opportunity."

"You've avoided interviews in the past, why have two like this back to back suddenly?"

"I've come to realize that talking with the public is more important than I realized it was in the past thanks to someone taking the time to really educate me on the matter."

"You have a reputation as being a short tempered man, is that accurate?"

"I like to think I'm someone who tends to enjoy getting straight to the matter. My personality is a little explosive, that much is true. Much like my quirk it's something I've been trying to learn to control better."

"I understand in four months you plan to open your own agency in Musutafu, is there any reason you choose there?"

"I grew up in Musutafu, the people there deserve a hero who loves the city as much as they do." Fuck that was good, they're all going to love that one.

"I know that you refuse to answer questions about Deku without clearing it with him, so I'd like to ask about these other photos circulating online if that's ok."

"Ok, what would you like to know?"

"It's well known you and Red Riot have been friends for years, you've been spotted all over on patrol, so that one has been mostly attributed to a fight between friends. However the other two people are talking about saying you abuse your employees. What do you say to those accusations?"

"The guy in the hero costume is one of Jeanist interns, I apologized to him later for being unprofessional. The girl being called my assistant, is not. Her name is Y/N L/N, she's a PR rep hired by Jeanist and she does an amazing job. The day that photo was taken haunts me, I never should have treated her the way I did. I've since apologized and we get along."

"I noticed she's here with you today, if it's ok do you think we could hear it from her mouth that the work environment is acceptable?" His eyes meet mine uncertain and I give him our signal that it's ok if he's ok with it.

"Yeah no problem. Miss L/N could you join us please?" I walk out as an assistant gives me a mic set up quickly attaching it to my belt then shirt.

"Miss L/N is it, you speak Japanese or do we need to speak with you in English?" I give a bright smile

"I'm more than happy to speak with you in Japanese, thank you for being so considerate."

"Oh wow, you're so polite and soft spoken, a stark contrast to DynaMight. Not that he's being rude, he just sounds like he's on edge of being upset." I give a playful laugh patting him on the shoulder.

"He always sounds like that, I'm sure it's just the deepness of his voice compared to my own."

"So how long have you been working for DynaMight?"

"I'm actual under the employ of Best Jeanist on behalf of DynaMight, I joined the team a little over two months ago."

"And are you comfortable working there? More specifically with DynaMight."

"I love working for the Genius Group, it's a dream come true for me. I couldn't ask for a better client than DynaMight, he sometimes needs redirection, but he's eager to do the best he can. As far as the working environment goes, it's true we did have that one bad day, but he's otherwise been very welcoming and professional."

"Well I don't know how professional it is that my PA say's he found the two of you hugging when he came to give you a heads up."

"Well, the hug was really more about stre-"

"Jeanist hasn't allowed me to see her for the last couple weeks, I missed her and she looked sad so I hugged her." I give him a wide eye stare that practically begs him to shut the fuck up.

"You missed her? So you've become close then? Was there another argument two weeks ago?"

"No, I told Jeanist that I'm in love with her and he fears the loss of her employ if I were given a chance to act on it." There are a lot of voices speaking around me but the second the word love passed his lips his was the only one I could hear, the others drowning into the background.