35.) Y/Ns Day

There's an unmistakable slight chill in the air. I'm glad that as an Independent Rep I can decide my own dress code seeing as I've learned a lot of the companies here insist on ladies wearing skirts no matter the weather. Either way, being able to wear pants on a windy fall day like this is pretty amazing. When I make it to the front gate I stop and look up at the huge entrance. "Ah, Miss L/N, you've made it. Here's your pass, I'll show you the way to Principal Nezus office. I'm Shota Aizawa, by the way." I take the pass he's holding out to me and join him in walking. "I've heard a lot of great things about you Aizawa." He walks sleepily ahead not bothering to address me directly. "Never took Bakugo as one to tell old High School Stories." I giggle tucking my hands under my arms when another gust of wind hits. "Well, a little, but most of what I've heard was from Kirishima." He smirks and I see it, Uravity and Pinky both agreed that their former teacher had a certain sex appeal to him despite his typical sleepy demeanor and the age gap. "I also didn't take him as being ok with his girlfriend having male friends, guess I didn't understand my students as well as I thought." I laugh a little as he opens the door and we step into the warmth of the building. "He isn't. But he's working on it." He nods and we continue to the principal's office in silence.

"Ah, yes thank you Mr. Aizawa, please come in won't you Miss L/N. Would you like some tea?" I look at the adorable entity in charge of my boyfriend's alma mater and force back the aww I nearly released. "No thank you sir, I just had a cup." He crawls up into his seat and indicates one across from him for me to take. "I asked you here today, because I was hoping you might be interested in coming in for some lectures with our business course students. Every year we bring in talented individuals in the field to speak with them about the paths they've taken to get to where they are. I do usually try to keep the circle of guest we allow in the school a tight one, inviting former students or the close family of former students. I realize you do not fit in either of these categories, but from what I recall of Bakugo he isn't a man to let something go that he wants, so you will fit into that very definition at some point in the future." My eyes widen and heart pumps fast enough to break out of my chest at his surmising. "Oh dear, I didn't mean to make you blush. Do you need some water Miss L/N?" I shake my head slowly pulling myself together, why am freaking out, I know that's what I want, but to hear someone talking about it is… We've only been a couple for four months. "So, when is it that I would be coming back to speak with the students?" He sips his tea holding the cup in his hands? Paws? I'm not sure. "Oh good, you're at least intrigued and I haven't even discussed compensation for your time." I shake my head and open my mouth to refuse when he speaks instead. "Don't give me that it's no trouble at all, I'm happy to help out, it's an honor just to be included business. Everyone who comes in is compensated. We expect you'll be here for about 3 hours and we're prepared to pay you 3,200 yen as well as provide you with a voucher for lunch rush. It isn't much I know, but it's what the school can afford." I smile at him sweetly. "It's more than enough sir, thank you." We sit for another 10 minutes going over when I will be available to come by, then part ways.


When I enter my apartment it suddenly goes quiet. "Am I interrupting something?" Mom looks at me over the back of the couch. "Not at all. Didn't think to see you for another hour punkin." I step into the room and join them on the couch. "My last meeting didn't take too long. Principal Nezu wants me to come in and speak to the business student's next Thursday." Mom feigns interest and I feel even more like they were talking about something really important before I came in. "So since we have extra time before dinner maybe we can go get our nails done?" Amanda ask hopefully and I give a quiet nod. It's not that I don't like the way my nails look once they are done, it's just that it feels so weird while they do it. She gets excited and rushes to the door to put on her jacket and prepare to go, mom and I following behind her. I take us to Tatooine Shopping district and go into the parlor Creati suggested to me at the hero billboard awards. Mom and Amanda get to choosing a color while I just stand there waiting for them. "Aren't you going to choose something?" I look up at my mom holding a bottle of deep purple polish. "No, I wear a lot of different things for work so I'm just going to get a clear coat." Amanda huffs at me. "At least get French tips." I sigh nodding my head to agree just as a man directs us all to a chair. Just as we are getting closed to finish my phone rings and I ask the lady doing my nails to press answer and put it on speaker for me. "Hello. And before you begin you're on speaker."

"Um, ok. Hey Amanda, Hey Ms. L/N." They both yell hey towards me and he continues. "I was just calling to let you know I'm running behind. I got a little scrapped up in a fight so I have to go by my place and clean up, get fresh clothes. I called and moved the reservation back by half an hour."

"Are you ok?"

"I would have led with that if I wasn't I know things were a little scary a few weeks ago with everything that happened, but I'm going to keep my promise. I won't make you worry again."

"I told you, that is a promise you'll never be able to keep, no matter how hard you try."

"Ok fine, I'll do all I can to keep you worrying down as much as possible. Even if I'm unable to say where I'm going exactly or what I'll be doing you'll know I'll be away and assholes won't be breaking my phone."

"I know baby, I'm glad you're ok. I'll see you soon ok?"

"Yea, see you soon." He ends the call and Amanda looks over at me hopefully. "Welllll now it's almost 3 hours until dinner. I vote we check out a shop or two, I wasn't prepared for a nice dinner to celebrate his Agency opening and I could use something better than what I have at your place and you could always use something too." I side eye her hoping my mom will shut down the idea for me. "that does sound like a good idea, it'll have to be quick though." I officially hate them both. "It's not that big of a deal. It's just us, his parents, his close friends, Jeanist, and Aizawa. That last one I'm not even counting on because he probably just wants to go home and go to bed." They both pout at me and I cave. "One condition. There will be no pressuring me into buying something revealing." Amanda pokes her bottom lip out more. "I'm serious, I promised Katsuki." She groans throwing her head back. "Oh my god, don't tell me you're going to let a man tell you what you can and can't wear." I bite down on the inside of my cheek taking a deep breath. "Look, we both know I always feel a little uncomfortable showing that much skin and only let you talk me into it because I'm trying to be more confident. So yes if my boyfriend is a little uncomfortable with it as well why not give this one thing when it isn't something I personally prefer." She just stares at me for a moment mouth open. "Ok, seems like you don't need the confidence of sexy clothes anyway, you've never been that firm with me about something." I let my shoulders relax. "Being with a man who says what he wants and just goes for it is rubbing off on me I guess."