The Light I Want To Touch

It is dark. I can barely see a thing, but I can hear some people's voices. They all want to get out of this strange dark house, but only few are trying. It seems like I just woke up from a seemingly different world. A woman comes close to me, "You're finally awake." I do not remember her but she claimed to be my mother. She told me everything. We are trapped in this house for years. However, I can feel that my body has changed. It is not the same as it was before. I do not feel hunger nor fatigue. I cannot really see very well in the dark but my ears and other senses are heightened. I can feel the presence of other people in this large dark house. I can hear them screaming in agony. I can feel their desperation to get out of this horrific house and see the light.

Escaping this house is not really easy. The only exit is at the top. Rumors say that nobody was able to reach the top up to until now. This house is extremely tall. People have to walk over a plank and step to another more elevated plank in order to reach the top of the house. However, it is difficult as the planks are fragile. Step in a wrong plank and you will fall down to the ground. Most of the people in here gave up on reaching the top. They do not want to feel pain anymore. They just want to sit on the corner and stare at the darkness for eternity. Some even tried breaking the walls, but it is just unbreakable. It is purely made of cement walls.

I wanted to try it and be the first one to escape this house. My mother warned me not to, but God knows how eager I am to see the light, to see the truth outside this darkness. The first time I tried, I fell down right away at the second plank. I took my second try. However, I fell down again right away. I took my third try, same thing happened. Then my fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh try, it only lead me to a serious injury. But I am dumb, persistent and tolerant of pain, I did not give up after all that. I will try and try until I finally reach the top. At my eight try, I was finally able to step on a tough part of the second plank, however I fall down again after stepping on the fragile part of the third plank. I have no idea how many times I have to fall before I reach the top, but only one thing is keeping me to stand up and try again. It is my curiosity of seeing what's beyond this house.

I take my chances all over again. For a thousandth time, I finally was able to see a glimpse of light coming from the outside. It feels like, two or three more planks and I will finally be able to feel the light. I shout at my mother, "Mother! I can see the light! There is light! It's beautiful!"

However, after I shouted it, I heard laughter below me. It seems that people do not believe me. I continue my way to reach the top. I am nervous and scared. If I step on a fragile part of a plank, I am surely will be in a lot of pain, or worse death. I stake everything on my faith and luck. I breathe deeply before stepping. However, sometimes, fate won't just favor you. I stepped on a wrong part of the plank. I close my eyes. As I am falling, I cannot think of anything else but achieving that light. Unexpectedly, someone grabs my arm. I open my eyes. It was my mother.

"This plank is too narrow. I think I have to jump off for you to stand here." she said.

"Mother..." I have no words to speak.

I can see her faint smile, and it warms up my soul. It feels like the pain in my body fades away. Now, I realized that I am not only doing this to see the light. I am doing this for my mother. That reason is not enough to keep me moving. "No, let me fall down. I will come back and we will see that light together." I want her to see the light. I want her to have peace.

I gladly let myself fall down. When I reached the ground, I ignored the pain. I stand up right away to catch up with my mother. When I catched up with her, I taught her where to step on to. However, someone shoved my mother, so she fell to the ground. I shout in extreme anger. It is unclear who shoved my mother. I quickly jumps off from the plank I am stepping on to check for her, however she died. Her head landed on a solid object. I cry. I am losing all my hope, all my courage to continue. Out of anger, I murdered anyone in this ground. I am going insane. I suffered all that but because of a fool who shoved my mother. All the sufferings I have been through are all for nothing. I am bruised up, injured, and extremely weakened. I lie on the ground and stare at the top as I breathe heavily. I ask myself, "Why do I have to reach the top, again?" At first I have only one reason. But then I have two. I just lost the other reason, but my first reason still exists. I want to see the light, at least, for myself. I am sure that my mother would not want anything for me but to reach that light.