Location 27

As we are standing by a ruined building. I try to remember my past and my identity. Who I am? What happened to me before I came there? My head suddenly aches. I am remembering a woman. She is dressed like a scientist. "To revolutionize this world..." that is what she said, but it is not complete. After that, the aching stops.

"I really cannot remember anything about myself." I said unto Daniel and Miko.

"Do not force yourself. Take a deep breath and try to remember it bits by bits." Daniel responded.

"There was a woman. I think she's a scientist. She is saying something about revolutionizing the world. I have no idea what that is."

"Revolutionizing the world? I wonder what it could possibly mean."

I heard the species's sound again. "It is coming! We need to get out of here." I said.

We run again as fast as we could. However, instead of one, there are three species chasing us now. They are creepily strange. They destroy anything they pass through.

"Are we just going to let them chase us for eternity?" I queried.

"Ummm... what else can we do? We cannot defeat those monster." Daniel answered.

"I don't want to run away forever! I will kill them right here and now!" I shouted.

"What? No! Don't be ridiculous!"

I stop running and face the species. "Come on here!" The species growls. The three of them take on me. Miko and Daniel fire their machine guns on the species. They catch the attention of the other two, while I take on one of the species with my bare hands. I jump over its head and stays on it. I try to poke its small eyes using my fingers, however it throws me away. I quickly stand up. I rush toward it again and jump to its shoulder. I punch its head. Then, I grasp on its neck using my arms and choke it. The species wildly spins around. It strikes its co-species. With all my might, I struggle to pull its head from its body. Blood bursts out after I pulled its head out.

"How the hell did you do that?" I heard from Daniel as they are firing their guns at the species. Even I myself cannot believe what I just did.

Then, I try to do the same thing to the other species. I jump on its head and break its neck. The species falls down to the ground. I see that it is still alive though. I jump high and crush its head on land. The remaining species strikes me away. I got flung by its heavy strike. I landed on a pile of junks. I wipe the blood coming out from my lips.

Miko quickly rushes to help me, while Daniel gets the attention of the species. He gives me his hand, "Get up. Now I know what you are capable of."

I shout at Daniel to stop firing. I will murder that species myself. I will crush its head and tear apart its arms. I charge toward it and kick its small feet. I repeatedly kicks it with my powerful legs. It falls to the ground. Then, I step on its back and repeatedly punch it. Soon after, I break its neck. I press it with all my might. I can feel its bone crushing because of the force I am exerting. The species is not moving anymore, so I stop. It is dead. I am all covered with their purplish blood.

Daniel and Miko come close to me. "How can you- Are you alright?" Daniel asked.

I look at him with my cold eyes. "I want to murder them all. I have never been so satisfied like this. I want to crush every bones in their body." Then, I look at my shaking hands.

"Our commander is right." Daniel said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We were really sent here to find a certain guy, and it is undoubtedly you. We need to get to the Location 27. In there, you will learn a lot."

My head aches again. I see the same woman. She is injecting something on a man lying on a bed. Then, I hear people screaming. I want the noises gone. It is irritating my head. Daniel and Miko are asking me if I am okay. I am definitely not. After a couple of seconds, the pain stops again. I ask myself what could those memories possibly mean. I do not have any idea who is the woman neither what she is trying to do. Revolution? These species? Nuclear War? I am so confused, my head would explode. Daniel and Miko accompany me to the Location 27.

When we arrived in there, I found out that Location 27 is a vault. There are strict military forces that are guiding the place.

"What is this place?" I asked unto Daniel.

"Location 27 is the 27th room of the Human Federation Vault. Years ago, the atmosphere was really harmful due to the nuclear war. To survive that, humans have built an underground vault. Governments from different nations funded it. This vault is wide and extremely large. Currently, there are 28 floors. However, Location is commonly used in replace to floor. Thus, Location 27 which means Floor 27." he explained.

We enter the vault. The guards are all heavily equipped. There are numerous security cameras around. When we entered the vault, the first floor is full of guards. Who would dare enter in this area without legal permission? We get on an elevator to go deeper and deeper until we reach 27th floor.

When we got there, a scientist greets our arrival. "Daniel! Finally, you have come. Who is this with you? He looks like a strong man." he said.

"He really is. He cannot remember his name." Daniel replied.

"Oh! Is that so? Commander Dever is waiting for you. Go meet him." he said then he left.

We continue our way to the commander, Dever. I cannot help but look around. This place is too lightened up. It feels like I can relax for quite a bit. Daniel opens a door and he lets me go in first. I enter the room and I see the commander.

"Daniel. Finally, you're here with the man I'm looking for." he said.

He asked me to sit on the chair. When I look around, I did not see Miko. I ask Daniel where he is.

"He went to Location 11 to repair the damages he received." he answered.

I just nodded. Commander Dever then shows me a syringe with green liquid inside.