
watched as the other gods hurriedly moved around the Mansion. Zeus, the father of the gods, and Hera, his wife emerged from the doorway in all their glory and might. His majestic outfit shone like pure gold, and his chest-length beard, swept freely along his neck. His waist length, white hair brightened the room.

Hera wore a similar gold outfit, she had an Halo crown on, and her lips formed a thin line. Trust hera to always look serious, like breakfast was a battlefield.We all made two straight rows, letting them walk in the middle, like we did on Mount Olympus, when they'd arrived to sit on their throne.

Here wasn't Olympus, and here wasn't a kingdom, or a castle. We'd strongly advised against him erecting a castle on Mount Olympia, as he'd named it. It wasn't a replica of Olympus, but, the Mansion was decorated to look more like a palace.

Zeus's chair at the dining table was made in a more throne-like manner. And, his favorite cushion too. As he walked through, we all bowed courteously, rendering his appraisals.

When he'd got to me, he tapped my shoulders lightly.

"Father" I whispered.

"Sit! All of you." Zeus commanded.

We all did. My brothers and sisters took their place at the table. Even father's brother was present-Poseidon. It'd been long he'd left the vast seas to come live with us, amongst the mortals.

Hermes and Apollo, my brother, sat beside Poseidon, and Demeter, Aprodite, Athena and I, sat beside Hera.

"Brother, I see you have taken an inkling to the mortals, after dwelling with them for a long time." Poseidon said, chuckling. His bare chest visible. His body looked like they were forged out of steel and iron.

His tightly toned abdominal muscles and biceps flexed as he chuckled. He looked enormously huge as his crown settled on his head, and his dark waist-length hair danced, as he chuckled. He wore dark jeans, evidence of blending in with the humans, and had his trident in one hand.

" You too. I can see you somewhat love to be in their clothing." Zeus replied smugly.

"I do, but, once I get back into the vast seas, they're rendered useless. They seem to rip right off." He said, forking up a piece of food. His huge hands made the fork look incredibly small.

"That's because you're too big for it, once you're in the water." Hermes added, Chuckling.

"Enough! Nobody talks until we're done eating." Hera added with a Stern voice. She never had any subtle bone in her, maybe she does, maybe she pretends not to.


After our food session had been over, we all still sat down at the dining.

" Have you seen him around yet?" Poseidon asked.

"Artemis, have you?" Father turned to me, asking.

"Had-" remembering Zeus forbode that name in his house made me cringe as I remembered his threats, 'whoever mentions that name in my house would be struck to death-by lightning!'.

"No father. He seems not to find interest in troubling the mortals anymore" I added quickly.

"Do you think he's had his fair share with the mortals? His anger would always make him keep coming. He'd been jealous the very day we'd split territories." Poseidon scoffed.

"Well, I'd be jealous if I was given the remains of an underworld. He cannot associate with the living. Just the dead. Unlike Zeus the father of gods. He could form mortals at will, father's numerous gods, give life. He just feels inferior." Athena added.

"Inferior?! He didn't feel inferior when he took my daughter away from me, making her queen of the disgraceful underworld.!" Demeter scowled.

"If he'd come to you, asking for your daughter's hand in marriage, you would have refused, calling the underworld-disgraceful. Your daughter became one of the most powerful gods. Even Zeus couldn't venture into the underworld for fear of Hades. His power supersedes that of a living god, wielding the souls of the dead" Apollo shrugged.

We all gasped at his mention of 'Hades' father has specifically warned about that name. Not only that, he'd compared Zeus to Hades. One thing Zeus hated was his powers being compared to others, especially Hades.

As if on que, Zeus had begun to boil with rage at Apollo's remarks. I'd wondered why he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Sounds of lightning and thunder were heard, as Zeus's eyes and body glowed, and the Sparks flew, and there it was- Zeus's lightning bolts, his favorite weapon. The whole mansion shook, as the lightning struck even outside, the lightning bolts came down fast, and, Apollo didn't seem to care, nor tried to plead.

Poseidon got up quickly, he knew Pleading with Zeus now was useless. He channeled his powers into the waters in the jars on the table with his trident, using it to shield Apollo, the lightning bolts couldn't get through Poseidon's shield.

"Take off the shield !" Zeus ordered, as his voice thundered.

"No! You need to stop this madness. You cannot do this! He's your son."

We all went on our knees, pleading, and Hera spoke, "if you kill him now, you only prove his words to be true. We all know you're the strongest, most powerful of all gods- the father of gods, Hera's crown."

She tried to talk him out of it. Zeus looked like he wouldn't budge, but, after a little more persuasion, he calmed down a little.

"I will let this go! And I'll put into consideration what punishment befits you." He said, then, he raised the lightning bolts off him, channelling his rage into them, as they striked the ground heavily, outside.

Suddenly, a scream and a loud thud was heard outside.

Hera sprang up from her knees, as if sensing something, she looked towards us, as she exclaimed, " Zeus, you've killed a mortal!".