"of course. The most fairest of them all. The most beautiful. Only she is capable of mothering a god of perfection!" He spoke, with lots of pride in his voice.
" Wait, I thought Apollo was the perfect male figure? And 'mothering?' that sounds funny. " I said.
"Humph. I don't think you know the meaning of perfection. Perfection is love. It's sex. It's the relieve you get after coming back from a stressful work. Good sex is perfection. And there are no sexual desires without me. Imagine there were no sexual desires, this world would have been a boring place for all ye mortals." He paused, then eyed Artemis wearily,
"Though, I kind of pity those who reject the sexual desires, and stay untouched. I see them as hypocrites who fail to appreciate the gift that has been given to them by me. I mean, what use are your body organs if you don't use them. You cannot even experience the joy of a good orgasm." He said and I could hear the disgust behind his words.
Artemis chuckled, " not all of us care about your gifts, besides, when last have you enjoyed that so called joy of good orgasm?"
"Trust me, if I need it now, I would get it. I'm the god of sex anyways."
" You said you weren't the god of sex?" I asked confused.
"You're free to call me whatever darling."
He moved closer to me, and touched my chin, and at that moment, my brain was zapped by an electricity of wants and needs. He held my gaze, stroking my chin.
"I love your eyes. Those beautiful grey orbs. And your lips, would be wonderful to kiss. Those curly jet black hair, I haven't seen a woman as close to perfection as you are. Though not like my mother, she's pure perfection, but, almost. And–"
Then a pair of hands grabbed him, pulling him away from me.
"Enough!" Poseidon spoke.
Suddenly, the zaps went off, what the fuck is he doing to me?! And how was he doing it?!
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The good old man of the seas." He said with a smile.
" You think it's funny going around pushing sexual desires into random women?"
"As a matter of fact, I don't. I can see you've got eyes on this one. Be careful though, the arrow doesn't sting, but, the results may."
"Don't you dare!" Artemis said, pushing herself in front of us.
He laughed, " easy sister. I'm just kidding. I don't need to shoot an arrow at Poseidon to make him want her, from what I see, he already does. Mother would be so pleased to see me. Though, I would be more pleased to see Apollo." He smirked before walking out.
"And you, why are you here?" I asked, eyeing him with contempt.
"Huh, well, I just thought to come check up on you when I saw that disgusting seed of aries trying to touch you." He said.
"Well, thanks but there was no need for you to intervene."
"Really?" He said, cocking a brow. " You know, if I hadn't, he could have done things to you, and it would have been too late to cry when you finally realize what had been done. Even Artemis here wouldn't have been able to protect you. She couldn't even protect her own brother when he was assaulted by him."
"Okay that's enough! Get out of my room. And you have no right to come into my room without my permission." Artemis said, and for the first time, I saw anger in her eyes.
"You know you cannot deny the truth. You better keep an eye on him. He could do something more deadly to him this time. Where there's Eros, there's trouble. He's just like his father." He said before walking out.
He walked towards his mother's room, pulled the door open, and walked in. She'd been splayed on the bed, when she saw him, she hurriedly climbed down and ran to him. They both wrapped each other in a warm embrace. And after a few minutes, they walked over to the bed, she spoke as they sat.
"Eros, I thought you were in Paris. How are you here?"
"I missed you mother. And I'd heard rumors of father been spotted here in Golden City. "
She dropped her head low, and he lifted her chin, " you've seen him?"
She looked up, grabbing his arms, "I did. But Zeus must never hear of this! He said he's no longer with Hades, but Zeus would never believe him."
"I also think you should stay away from him. Aries could be lying. He cannot be trusted. He could still be with Hades." He said with a scowl.
"Why do you say so?" She asked, bothered.
"I just feel he shouldn't be trusted. I don't want him to harm or much worse– kill you"
"Eros! Aries is your father! Why would you say something as terrible as that about him, he could be with Hades but he had reasons for not coming back. Zeus would have killed him" she said.
"Then why didn't he let Zeus kill him?"
"Huh?" She said, pulling away from him.
"Yes. He's better off dead anyways! What use is he to you or us anyways? He's useless!"
Before she could control herself, her hand came down fast on his cheeks.
"How dare you?! Aries is your father! Even if you hate him, you shouldn't wish him dead!" She warned.
"Really? You hit me cause of him? When he left you, when he abandoned you, who was there for you? Me! When you cried every night after he left, who was there for you? Me! But I see you love him more than you love us. More than your children. Did you even care to find out where the rest are? No! You're too busy chasing after Aries!" He scoffed.
A tear slipped past her eyes and she struggled to resist breaking down in front of him.