Not Bad

"that wasn't bad?! How did you expect me to focus when you did that!" I scowled.

He chuckled, " I didn't think you hated it. It helped you focus. For once in two weeks, you hit the target. I loved the way you opened up your body to me. The way you pulled your back into me. And if I'm not mistaken, I could swear I caught a whiff of your pleasure." He unfolded his arms and slowly walked towards me.

He loved the way my body opened up to him? I pulled my back into him. Did I do all that?! I gasped and he smiled. As he was about to pull me towards him, Artemis cleared her throat and she pulled the door open the more.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, embarrassed. Could she have seen our little bump and grind?. Well, I couldn't deny the fact that I loved it. If I didn't, I would have forced my way out of his grasp. Unlike Poseidon, Apollo was a real gentleman. Knew how to work a lady's mind into a state of wants and needs. He always handled me like I was fragile. Like an egg. He knew when to attack, and when to back off.

But Poseidon didn't. He always wanted to take what he wanted when he needed it, the only sweet thing about him was his pancakes.

"I see you both have been, err, learning. " She moved towards the target my arrow struck.

"Ahh. That's progress. I see Apollo is doing a good job teaching you. You would have no difficulty coping without me." She said with a grin.

"You won't teach me anymore?" I asked, surprised.

"No. Not so. Zeus requires the presence of Demeter, Aphrodite, Eros, Athena and I on Mount Olympus. I don't know what it is yet but, it might be important. We might need to stay much longer. Eros could have stayed but, Since he always proves to be a troublemaker, he'd asked me to bring him along. We cannot risk having another lovestruck god."

"When will you be back then?" Apollo asked.

"Like I'd said, we might need to stay much longer."

Then the realization of how my life would be in the next few days dawned on me.

" You're leaving me here with two guys?!" I asked, alarmed.

"Yes. That was Zeus's orders."

"Zeus asked you to let me stay here alone with both Apollo and Poseidon? Why! What have I done to deserve this? Are we forgetting how this two men wouldn't let me live in peace?! No offense Apollo, but ever since Eros shot you, you seem to have no control over yourself. And Poseidon! That man always wants to shove himself between my legs! Please Artemis. Send me back home, or let me go with you" I pleaded.

They both laughed like I had just said the most funniest joke in the world.

" Apollo has to be with you. If I take him away now, the effects might be suicidal. That's how strong Eros's love arrows are. And as for Poseidon, Zeus had given him a warning of a lifetime.  But, he only said it's fairplay if you consent or fall for Poseidon. And since it's like the most impossible thing in the entire universe, then you're safe. And Poseidon has to keep an eye on Apollo. In case he tries to cross boundaries. We also need someone powerful enough to protect Olympia should anything go wrong." She said.

"Don't worry Hayley. I'm not the threat. And soon, you'd find out. " Apollo said, winking.

Artemis turned towards him, " behave yourself now, will you? You're a god. You should be able to fight the love spell. At least, until I get a suitable cure for it."

"You cannot cure it. Not until you know the real reason why Eros always finds Joy in doing this to me. Besides, I'm thankful this time around. At least, a little part of me wants this"

Okay. That's it. Both Apollo and Poseidon were risky. I cannot coexist with them both, alone!

"Don't worry Hayley. I still have until tomorrow before leaving. Though, the rest had gone already. Trust me, Poseidon wouldn't lay a finger on you. That includes Apollo too." She said, casting him a vicious glare.


I'd taken up a new hobby after my training with both Apollo and Artemis. It was swimming. There was another part of the house with a large pool. I enjoyed spending time beneath it as it helped me relax and think. But the fun part of it was that I always went skinny dipping.

And today was also one of those many days when I did. After my little chat with Artemis, I had to think. I could either run back home and forfeit my newfound life. Or I could take charge of the situation and put a leash on both Poseidon and Apollo. Truth be told, Apollo wasn't the threat like he'd said. It was Poseidon! It was always him.

As I did a backstroke in the pool, the door opened and someone walked in.

"Artemis?" I called out. She was the only one who knew I was here.

"On the contrary, it isn't Artemis. It is I." Poseidon spoke.

The voice that haunted me every single day spoke. Why was he here?! And most importantly, how do I get out of this pool?! I was naked for heaven's sake!.

"I didn't know you enjoyed swimming naked. Just the right view I'd wanted to see." He smirked.

"What! How did you know I was naked?" I said, trying to cover the little I could with my hand.

He just laughed, " trust me Jelly, that pool is as clear as the sky. And let's not forget, I rule the seas. I can see everything in and under water."

That was true! That was so true! Why wouldn't he just leave!

"Why are you here? Don't you plan on leaving?"

"Unfortunately, I don't. This pool belongs to me." He said.
