Twin Brother


"CINDY, just stay here," he said. His face is dim because the light was behind him but I can still see his face. The tone of his voice was also clear. I heard the nervousness in it. I saw and felt the worrying stare from him. But I was too young to understand those small clues. I was too young to notice that something was off.

"Why, Big brother? Are we playing hide-and-seek?" I asked. The young Cindy was too naïve back then to even have a clue of what was really happening.

"Y-Yes,” I know that Big brother was surprised by my innocence. Maybe, he was thankful I’m that clueless. “That’s why stay hidden, Cindy Ella Mae. No matter what happens, don't come out."

"Okay but where are you going to hide?"

"I already have a place to hide in so just stay here, ‘kay? Stay until Big Brother fetches you." And he gave me a very sweet smile. The smile I would never forget.

"Be happy, Cindy. Always remember that Big brother loves you… so much."


I WOKE up because of the ringing noise of my alarm clock. Ceiling is the first thing that I saw when I opened my eyes. In my chest, I got the feeling that I just came from a very long dream that I can’t even remember. What I know is that it’s a dream from the past but I can’t remember which one.

"What time is it?" I asked myself as I got the alarm clock to turn it off. But my eyes went wide when I saw the time. "Damn! It's already 6:30 AM."

It’s already 6:30 AM and I still need to cook for our breakfast. Surely, Eijun will use this mistake against me.

Hurriedly, I got up and took a shower. Then you can guess the other things I did to prepare myself for school. Minutes after, I am already on the stairs running down towards the kitchen. Then I was stopped right in front of the kitchen’s entrance.

But who would have thought that… Eijun knows how to cook.

It is doubtful, actually. Maybe I’m still half-asleep. Maybe this is part of my dream. Who would have thought the sheltered son of Warross would stand in front of a stove and use his diamond hands in cooking our breakfast. Yes, I can see that he cooked for the two of us considering the two plates placed on the counter table.

I continued staring at him. He is in his school uniform but on top is a blue apron that I usually used inside the kitchen. It is cute on him honestly. Despite the uniform, you can almost imagine the masculine body he has. His broad shoulders are well defined for an 18 years old guy like him. He has a nice butt---

"What are you staring at there?" he said, which shocked me back to my senses. What the hell am I thinking just now? Really, Cindy? You stared at his butt?!

I diverted my gaze. "U-Um, you're cooking?"

"Oh, no. I’m dancing. See?” Sarcastically, he swayed his butt around. “Of course, I’m obviously cooking."

I don’t know if I should be angry or laughing at his reply. Anyway, I was just shocked that he can cook. More importantly, what he cooked looks delicious and it wasn’t burnt. In the several days that we’ve been together, I never imagined that he would be standing in front of the stove and would be wearing my apron. He even swayed his butt. I think someone woke up on the right side of the bed.

I didn’t reply to what he said and just sat on one of the chairs available in front of the counter table. Maybe he felt that I wasn’t really in the mood to be in an argument with him, so he proceeded to prepare the food on the table.

"What is it called?” I asked, referring to the bowl full of different vegetables.

“Morning vegetable dish,” he answered seriously, so I just believed him with that.

Then I started eating. Honestly, it’s delicious. Who would have thought? I thought he was just another sheltered son of the Warross family. Take note, he’s the only heir they have. I think it’s not even an option to let him learn how to cook. He was in half of his food when I could no longer stop myself from asking.

“How did you learn to cook? I mean, unlike me that learned it because it’s necessary, you on the other hand don't need to.”

He stared at me before answering.

"It doesn't mean that I don’t need to, I won’t learn it. I don’t hold my future. What if I got traumatized because of all the girls that are chasing me and I decided to not marry in the end? Then I was left alone inside my hide-out? Do you expect me to starve myself to death?" I looked at him with an expression of disbelief. His arrogance seems to have attacked him again. "That’s why I learned it. I also lived in a condo before, remember? We can say that I became independent because I lived alone.”

Hmm, that makes sense. I can’t argue with that because that's what happened to me. Of course, before I ever met Happy, I was alone living in my brother’s former house. It’s hard to learn on your own but I was very determined to surpass my limits back then. I don’t care if I might burn the house since it has insurance. Back then, it didn’t even occur to me that I might meet my end because of trying to be independent at a very young age. But I got through just fine so I guess the failure and mistake is part of the learning process.

I just nod off to that arrogant statement Eijun gave to me. Sometimes, he needs a supply of medicine for that rare disease of his. Thankfully it’s not contagious.

We continued our breakfast, quietly. While the quiet moment continues, I was reminded of what happened last night. And that lit the irritation inside of me that was kept dormant temporarily last night.

“I’m done eating,” he said later on.

"Okay, I'll just finish mine and I’m also going to wash the dishes. You can wait for me inside the car. I’ll just follow after," I coldly said.

"And why should I wait for you? I'll be going first, it's almost seven o'clock. I don’t want to be late," he complained, as expected. I gave him a death glare, a death glare that will surely make him reluctant to go and leave me behind.

Sorry, Eijun. Although knowing that you can cook is good news, what happened last night cannot be easily forgotten by my brain. His arrogance is way out of hand and I don’t plan to stay being played by him. I need revenge.

"What's the use of that car if you can't take me with you?" Then I gave him a smug grin. "Or do you want me to call your Grandpa and tell him… some things?"

I felt satisfied when I saw how his eyebrows ceased in the middle and his jaws clenched. My plan succeeded in making him angry, and at the same time, hurt his ego. It’s because no matter what happened, he would never let go of his new freaking car and will just stay tame for the meantime.

He tried to say something but ended up just opening his mouth. Maybe he realized that if he stirs my anger, things would go a bit chaotic for him and his car.

"Tsk!" That’s all he replied instead and went out.

Gosh, winning against that jerk really does feel great!


WE arrived at school just in time. Maybe it's because Eijun drove so fast to scare me. However, it didn’t scare me at all. That’s why when he parked the car in the parking area, his eyebrows didn’t stop frowning. His plan didn’t succeed. Serve you right.

We didn’t leave the car at the same time. Guess we’re both afraid someone would see us together and attract issues. I went out first because I’m the lady. How about him? I don’t care about him. Later, I’m going to commute. It’s better to distance myself from the annoyed Eijun. I’m sure he will get his revenge later. Knowing that childish arrogant jerk.

I wasn't late when I entered the classroom, just sort of.

"Looks like the girl living with her future husband is almost late, I wonder what causes her to be late," Mariana started her bad greeting when I sat next to her.

"Maybe you’ve done some kind of morning exercise with—oh!"

I glared at Marina before she could say what’s inside her dirty mind.

I faced Mariana to get ready for my revenge. “Talking innocence, aren’t we? Who was that girl again that out of nowhere declared that she has a boyfriend? She even acted aggressive yesterday. Who was that again?”

I didn’t mention any names but my statement sure hit the right spot.

"Hey! He's not my boyfriend!" Mariana complained. Her face flushed and her eyes widen. I just don’t know if it’s because of shame or anger. The three of us, I, Happy and Marina, laughed as a response of her reaction.

"If he’s not your boyfriend, maybe he’s on another level. Is he already at the future husband level?" Marina teased her twin sister too well.

"Maybe," Happy added.

"No! That's not my boyfriend, I was just pretending to annoy that man," Mariana tried to defend herself.

‘Pretending,’ what a good chosen word to use but who is she fooling? What happened yesterday can’t be considered as pretending. There are more things than meets the eye at that moment.

I was about to add my own statement regarding what she said but another voice interrupted me.

"The four people in the last row, can you please stop making noise?! You’re distracting the whole class!"

The four of us stopped and looked ahead. There we saw our teacher with eyebrows raised. After that, we didn't make any more noise. Of course, none of us want to be summoned outside and embarrass ourselves. Especially Karen's raised eyebrows and smirk.

And the day went on.


LUNCH time…

"Where are we going to eat now?" Happy asked as we walked down the hallway. Walking towards where? I don't know. I’m just following them.

"We will eat outside the school," Mariana replied. But outside? Where specifically outside?

"There's a restaurant there and it's a walking distance from here," Marina added as if she heard my silent question. "There are many people in the cafeteria so Marina and I often go there. It’s like our safe haven from all the people here in the University. It's quiet and peaceful there except for --" Mariana suddenly stopped walking and talking.

The rest of us were stunned also. Who would not be? Two tall men stopped in front of us. It’s like encountering a titan because you will really need to look up to see their faces. Are they volleyball or basketball players? That’s the normal question that will enter your mind. Imagine that Mariana height is only in their shoulder level and Mariana is the tallest among the four of us.

"Hello, ladies. Can we come along?" the Giant 1 asked.

"Where?" Mariana innocently asked back.

"In your old favorite restaurant," Giant 1 replied. Then he suddenly stopped and turned facing Happy and I. "What's this? You've already found Levi's possible partner? But wait, you prepared two girls to make sure that you’ll succeed?"

Happy and I looked at each other with confusion. Both of us are clueless of what is happening right now. Who are these two giants? What connection do they have with my twin cousins? What partner? And most importantly, who is Levi?

"Wrong, one of them is already taken," Marina suddenly said.

"And who is it among these two?" Giant 2 asked.

Ah, so they are like doing matchmaking since they are talking about partners and Levi. If my hunch is correct, then the taken someone should be me and the person who will be participating in their matchmaking is Happy because who else would there be? She’s the only one who is new and single at the same time right here. My twin cousin would never refer me to another man when I’m already engaged---

"The available and super eager to meet your friend, Levi, is Cem." My eyes widen and I can’t help but look at Mariana of what she just said. “She’s the person on your left,”

Their eyes automatically landed on me. On the other hand, Mariana and Marina are looking away from my sharp glare. What the hell are they thinking?!

"What are you saying?" Happy whispered to Mariana. She’s as shocked and confused as me. The difference is that I am the one they put in the tight spot. I’m taking back what I just said. I forgot that they are my crazy cousins. I can’t put my guard down when I’m with them and their unpredictable actions.

"Shh, I'll take care of it," Mariana whispered back. Assuring things to Happy when in fact, it should be with me.

I can’t help but go along with what the hell they are planning to do. Plus, I don’t even know what is really happening and how they ended up in a sudden matchmaking?

"Well, then she's for Levi?" Giant 2 pointed at me.

"Yeah, definitely," Mariana replied. Annoyingly, she said that with so much confidence.

What was my reaction? I forced a smile and I held my anger all inside of me. I’m really confused about what is happening. I’m eager to ask…

What is going on?

When did Happy acquire a boyfriend? Or was it staged? For them to be able to stage me and annoy me? It is another one of their tantrums? These spoiled rotten cousins of mine.

Lastly, who the heck is Levi?!

"Okay, she's cute and they will be great together," the Giant 1 said.

"Why don't you introduce yourself, Miss?" Giant 2 suggested.

"Well, call me Cindy," I replied, still forcing a smile for their benefit.

"I'm Jake," Giant 2 introduced and pointed at Giant 1. "And this one is Blue."

Blue smiled, that's why I smiled back. Being friendly won't hurt a bit, right?

"And who's Levi?" They shouldn’t leave me in the dark for long, right? I have the right to know who this Levi they keep on mentioning is.

They raised an eyebrow. In their eyes, it’s visible that I suddenly looked like an alien.

"You don't know him?!" the two asked at the same time. Like, it's the most ridiculous thing they ever heard.

"Do you think I'll ask if I know?" Without minding the possible outcome, I shot back.

Well, we need to use some logic here, right? I’m asking because I don’t know. What reason do you have? Would I be asking the question if I already know the answer? I’m not that stupid.

"T-Transferee," Mariana suddenly interrupted. "She's a transferee that’s why she didn’t know Levi,"

"Ooo ~ kay," Blue said. "His whole name is Levi Gonie Legazpi. He's our friend,"

My eyes widened when I heard the last name.

Legazpi? Does that mean that Levi is Karen's relative?

"U-Um, h-he’s a relative of Karen Legazpi?" Happy stammered. Looks like she was traumatized because of what happened to her yesterday.

"Karen Legazpi? They are ... twins."

Twins? Wait---

That stupid girl has a twin brother?! What the hell?! I hope the stupidity is not contagious in their family and to other people also.

But if Levi is Karen’s twin brother…

I’m imagining Karen in a guy’s clothes, without her layers of make-up and bald.

“Pfft!” I tried to hold back my laughter. It’s because the outcome of my imagination looks like a terrifying chucky doll. However, the doll is tall and thin. It’s the kind of doll that can be used in witchcraft. It’s so freaking ugly.

My supposed laughter turned to “Ouch!” when Mariana suddenly pinch me in my side belly. That freaking hurt!

I was about to protest but stopped when I saw Mariana looking at me with a warning. She suddenly looks like a nagging mother to me. It seems like Happy found herself a good friend that has the same objective. It’s to nag me.

“Sorry, boys. We are not going outside. We are going to eat in the cafeteria,” she said.

“B-But I thought---“But before Happy can protest, Marina is already holding her mouth shut.

“You just thought that. We are really planning to go eat in the cafeteria like anyone else, right?”

I want to disagree with that because they are obviously lying and I know that the cafeteria is crowded. But I can also picture that if I push the outside campus restaurant, I can imagine eating with these intimidating giants. Just thinking about it makes my stomach twist.

“Right,” I said. “We are eating in the cafeteria.”

“Oh, is that so? Maybe, next time then?” Jake responded.

I would never consider that possibility. But anyway, I still smiled. I give him a plastic smile.

“Then see ‘ya when we see ‘ya,” Then they went away.

A large breath of relief went out from my twin cousin's mouth. It’s like they were suffocating when the giants were here but they are now breathing because the giants already left.

“So now, would you please explain what is happening?”

But then, when they faced me, the suffocation continued just so easily.

