Chapter 1

SPOILER ALERT!!!!: "W-What The fuck you sick fucks tricked me into believing I could live but instead prolonged my characters death and now want me to sign a contract to become an arasaka slave". the grip on my mouse was starting to hurt my hand badly but I didn't let go only looking at choices in front of me, "YES" to sign the contract and wait for who knows how long and have my engram put into a soul prison till I find a good body I'm compatible with or "NO" do not and return to Earth live my life out with penam and die the upcoming winter due to radiation.

Clicking yes and hearing v my character saying he wants to live seeing him walk out of his room and following the guard into another room with many doctors in it and a reclining chair to the left of the room as the camera moves around to see the sad and distraught face of v has he looks around and seeing the chair and walks to it and sitting on it. The screen goes black and the credits start rolling.


But before I get to finish my absolute pissed of mood mode the door to my room opens and a woman in a robe covering her entire body comes in and sits on my bed. As I wasn't in the right mood I spoke with hatred in my voice "now who the hell are you?". I stare at the mysterious woman in front of me.

"I am the creator of the game you call cyberpunk 2077 names EVE by the way and I need your help, Micheal," she says in her stoic voice

Not believing her shit one bit why because the creator was a dude and wasn't a woman, "woman don't bullshit me" I say. I went towards my closet and grabbed my jacket out and put my shoes ready to leave but before I could leave the door everything changed. I turn my head in various directions trying to look where was I. looking down I see a planet almost like earth but it looks inhabitable with the oceans dark brown and all the green now gone. " what is this place" I wondered.

" You are in my plane and you're looking at my earth you call cyberpunk now destroyed due to constants rivalry between companies," said the women from before

"I will give 5 wishes but they must be only from that game you played now think about what you want till then I'll give you time," she says and disappears.

"oh, also your already dead cause of death you screaming your head exploded" she still with her a stoic voice.

'I'm dead and she forcing me out to save that fucking world and let's not talk about the lousy government the U.S. is lost their states which now are called free states and corporations now have the ability to have a private army, start a civil war any many more. Corporations rule the economy and lives of most citizens in the world and the U.S. government relies heavily on millitech weaponry and tech and the arasaka has the economy by the balls. Also, fucking gangs and nomad clans litter the lands of the U.S. and she wants me to save that fucking shit show of a world where tech went wrong. I'm dead so there point let's get this done.'

"I'm ready," I say to the nothingness around me

"ok state your wishes," she says coming out of nowhere.

MY FIRST WISH: I want the body of my character same looks and body.

MY SECOND WISH: I want my account filled with tons of cash probably 15 Trillion eurodollars would be fine to start my corporation and the private army.

Third WISH: I want ownership of my own island unknown to the world close to California and Hawaii.

FOURTH WISH: I want an ARMORY FULL OF ADVANCED TECH AND WEAPONRY and unlimited amounts of resources like oil, steel, and ammo, etc.

FIFTH WISH: I want to be placed on my island and a year before the story begins.

"Alright ill make an exception for your fourth wish done everything set also you'll feel a bit of pain because you know augmenting your self hurts," she said

AAAAHHH!!! I scream my lungs as pain racks my body. a couple of hours later the pains stop and I sit up and look around seeing the night sky and around my body. getting up and looking around 'where am i'


"You're at your island host," a mechanical voice says in my head, "what are you how you in my head," I say in shock

"HOST I AM NOT IN YOUR mind I AM RIGHT BESIDE YOU," the voice says as a strange eye comes out of nowhere looking at me(AN: LOOKS LIKE THE GHOST FROM DESTINY)"I AM YOUR NAVIGATOR AND ORGANIZER FOR YOUR RECOURSES SUCH AS CASH FLOW AND ALL YOUR TECH WEAPONRY," the ghost said as Micheal was still wondering where his stuff was at.

"yo robot thingy um where's my stuff," I said looking at the floating robot in the air. "it should appear in ten seconds," the ghost said. After ten seconds ended a mass aircraft carrier comes on the horizon north of the island. "why is there a carrier heading this way robot thingy" I said in a scared voice. About to run away the ghost stop me from running away by saying "it's your host it contains a little of your resources because of its limited space the rest resides in your inventory but requirements are needed to access them." I surprised but quickly change to piss off because I can't access my shit "what you do you mean requirements are needed" I said extremely ticked at the moment not knowing what will happen to me. " she sent a message host" a holographic image shined in front as the women from before stands in front of me. "before you yell and get mad the reason this is happening is that we gods are restricted to our own domains and you coming from another world was hard enough as it is as sacrificed my life bringing you here and the way to access your recourses is quite easy you are just required to build certain constructs such as an oil refinery for oil but once you construct the building you will immediately receive the immediate infinite resources in the storage area that come with the resource construct that's why I decided for a last wish for you is to give a aircraft carrier with high tech navy vassals and aircraft for you to you to use plus your cash is in credit card that's been installed into your forearm so nobody steal it and ruins everything for you now that I'm already done with explaining I must go now since I'm dying also please do be careful this isn't a video game anymore Micheal." she says that leaving popping into pixels I sigh at know yelling won't do shit 'okay the best move right now is to have access to steel and China and Japan lead in producing it but if I want to stay hidden I need to buy in small quantity's from different country's.'

I look over at the ghost and say "ghost I need a lis of small country's that produce steel." "yes host on it right now". it replays back. I nod and start walking towards the carrier docked at the beach.