chapter 11

(An: well I don't know how to say this but um yeah I'm back I guess you know I thought being an adult will be chill but I guess not life truly hits you right in the face and I forgot you guys and gals existed. Well, I'm back and I decided imma be more aggressive with the army. Peace ✌️)

With my men in position and the human diplomat sent to negotiate.

After getting up from taking a bad kick to the dick. I grab my pistol from the seat in the room.

V was outside waiting near the elevator. getting inside I contact t bug " hey t bug I need to abort your finished here head back to base now" knowing she would die in this I decide to prevent that since she is a useful asset. Closing Comms I feel a tap on my shoulder looking over I see V looking in shock.

"Why are you sending her out she's our navigator in case of shit hits south and we need to escape. "

"Don't worry beautiful I have a backup on the way just in case." Looking through the building schematics of this place I acquired from my Reconnaissance Team.

Coming to a stop we go walked leading into yorinobu place. I decided to set a little trap for both father and son. Grabbing the backpack I brought with me and opened it. it's filled with 40 pounds of explosive charges. I plan to blow the tower to the ground placing the backpack on top of the bed. The biochip was located in the freezer and that freezer was located in the corner of the room. Leading v there, I opened the shaft and with Ghost help override the safe and grabbed our shit,

"Item found now let's get the hell out of here" Looking over at her "too late we've contact on are on our way". Grabbing the thing and planting the explosives everywhere after we walked out to the terrace to find a way down seeing no way down. "Ghost come in we need an immediate evac," I said waiting for a response. Seeing arasaka soldier enter the building and the big fucker that killed johnny.

"I hear you Guardian helo is on your way but you need to reach a new Evac zone, the your current location is hot-"

"This is delta squad we are under attack by arasaka soldiers and are pinned down here and need immediate assistance!!" I can hear gunfire in the back knowing they're serious.

"Fuck" I said

"What's wrong," Valerie said looking worried

Looking at her "well beautiful I've got men to save and an evac one click from here but I don't know about you your jobs here done here take this black card there should fund enough for you to take that fancy taxi service with the robot dude face don't remember the name." She looks at me confused before I let her say anything I grab the package and take the elevator down to the first floor.

"Viper squad I'm regrouping on you deltas pinned down by arasaka soldiers," I said through command comms.

This is warden we hear you loud and clear sir "

The sound starts getting closer as I'm close to the massive fight. "Ghost I need you to teleport to me now," I said waiting for my Ghost to appear.

"You called Guardian" a mechanical eye sparkles into appearance to my right. Looking towards it while removing my double power pistols from my holsters.

"Ghost how much fuel and oil will it cost for a massive assault on the European Union and arasaka corp in the EU would it take for a raid and causes mass revolt, including creating a gang."

Ghost surprised starts calculating before telling me that it'll be a ton around 10 trillion gallons of oil not just for the fleet but door aircraft and man-powered vehicles, plus drones. For the gang not much just around 1 Mill for weapons and people. He starts to ask why does such a thing.

"Ghost the whole point is to make sure Miletich and arasaka are off our backs for a while I'm quite having fun here in night City and I want to do what yorinobu arasaka did but a different name."(an: suggestions?) the conversation ended there as the elevator shafts opened.


V's Pov

"Shit bastard thinks he can do anything Cuz he has some Eddie's fuck" I hear the sound of someone calling me.

"Hey V it's Tbug I'm calling to send over the funds that set you for life girl peace" before I could say anything she hung up. I decided I was gonna sleep I'm tired anyway. I'll check my bank account tomorrow.

3rd pov

News stations all around the globe call their best to arrive on the scene in Night City, While Micheal and viper squad managed to regroup with delta hit did justice has they still needed to push through the fold of Arasaka drones and soldiers. They managed to reach a new pick up zone but getting there is getting to be a pain. They also can't call for reinforcement has Micheal was to stubborn and paranoid thinking his city and base will be discovered even though he wished for it to remain incognito.

"Pow" "Pow"



"I'm hit I'm fucking hit!! aaaaaahh!!!!"

"Oh God, there's too many of them what are we supposed to do!" Micheal men suffered the most as they started dropping like flies and arasaka seemed to be growing in number. Michael looking around aggrieved has he sees half his soldiers bleeding out on the hard road.

"Ghost fuck bring in reinforcement now, we leaving now men we are gonna hit the old sewage network just one click south of our position that where we will rendezvous with evac." Micheal has the group and him pulled back but before leaving he detonated all the explosives he set in the hotel.


The penthouse and top floors came crumbling down as arasaka troops drown in the debris.

The squad managed to sneak away from the forces making it to rendezvous and pulling out.


I removed my bloodied mask from my face as I looked down at night City has much different news stations helos roam the hotel's sky.

"Guardian the mission is a failure both son and father lived the explosion both protected by Adam smasher mechanical body." Ghost reported making me feel worst I really am still a stubborn brat fuck but our losses were small I'm lucky any of my men survived.

"is the fleet prepared Ghost," I said looking towards it.


"Start it" this war isn't over it's best I get in touch with Rogue.

"How's the chip Ghost," I asked

"in perfect condition guardian" ghost replied scanning for any damaged biochip.

Good rogue will be in my debt, that maybe if she even cares for the fucker

( An: I will edit after I finished my homework)