chapter 13

"Mikel has any suspicious person come by lately it's quite weird around," Evelyn asked because this place seemed to be different from the last time I've been here. This place is usually crawling with guards of the mox now it seems less strict. I wanted to know who or what changed maybe I can receive the help.

"I can't say much because it's a secret but a dude and his crew slaughtered a tiger claw leader and his crew and mox think there in debt" Mikel announced which surprised Evelyn because she knew they were very protective of their crew almost none of their workers even have sex with them and just imprint themselves to bd's and now this. Taking a sip of her special drink, she walks out of Lizzie's bar and heads to clouds.


"Who are you" a buff guard stated that closely resembles an animal gang member. Micheal looks past him to see inside but the small windows are too Tinted but you can hear the music quite clear. He looks back at the guard.

"here to see your boss" he took out his tube container with Johnny Ingram and showed it to the big man.

"This here something your boss wants," he said wiggling the object in front of the brollic man's face.

The guard called up his boss, nodding he stepped aside letting Micheal in.

Heading inside of the same place Micheal been in before, the place is loud has shit with a bar and many cubbies with different types of people in them. Left of the corridor was a bar where they serve your drinks and heavily customized liquor. Micheal heads towards a certain cubby located in the afterlife. Has he spotted rogue talking to her friends or subordinates? Micheal first orders a drink and removes his mask before heading to begin a business. Sitting down on one of the bar stools. He takes a strong gulp of whiskey.

"Ah fuck is this strong, hey you pour me another!!" Micheal says has he seemed to have forgotten his reasoning being there.

Turning his head he freezes up a little seeing a Burnett walk past him. he quickly grabs her hand and she turns to him surprised. Micheal freezes seeing the woman in front of him.

1 hour earlier

"Fuck fuck fuck this can't be happening right now that piece of shit has been working for them all along." Panam an exiled eldorado is stranded in the desert plains outside of night city. she currently fussing over her lost cargo and is betrayed by a close friend. She received a call from her boss.

"Panam it seems you've lost the cargo I order you to deliver" Panam annoyed complains towards rogue who seems to not care and tells her to receive the cargo or she'll be laid off. Panam tries to reason with the woman but she hung up instead.

"Fuck!" Panama's screams get into a rigged vehicle and drive to the afterlife.

1stperson pov

walking into the afterlife I quickly walk to the rogue's booth. Just as I was about to get to her some fucker grabbed my arm.

"Hey let go ass head" I cuss looking towards the tall man but he seems adamant, I tried right hooking him In the jaw but he caught the punch. I was pushed and pinned by him by the counter.

"Hey there beautiful it's not nice punching a person for no reason." the douchebag said.

Michael pov

Looking down at Panam almost shook me to think we meet this soon. She tried to punch me so pinned towards the counter of the bar even try to calm her with flirting but hasn't worked yet.

"Hey there beautiful it's not nice punching a person for no reason."

letting her arms go but she tries kneeing me but I stopped it with my foot.

"Says the bastard grabbing my out hand of nowhere that's sexual assault you know," she said still angry but calmed down.

"Yeah well you seemed angry so I wanted to get you a drink, so here" pushing a glass into her hand. Grabbing a smoke I told her to sit down.

"I have somewhere to be so no," she said but I wasn't having.

"No fuck your business and sit I just want to talk" getting in front of her and forcing her into the stool.

seeing her sigh and sit, I pass her a glass and pour some good whiskey into it.

"Now what have you riled up lady," I said taking a puff from the cig. Looking at her she drinks the small glass of liquor in one gulp.

" tough one huh what don't feel liking speaking to me," I said waiting for a reply. she looked towards

" fine lost some cargo the made my clients pissed and my boss trying to fuck me over so I need to find a way to revive my truck and cargo the was stolen," she says looking a bit stressed about the situation. Looking down towards the glass of whiskey of mine.

" what if I say I could help with getting it back but it won't be free of course," I said because I don't do shit for free for anybody.

"don't fuck with you'll probably kill me," she says about to stand and walk away.

"no I'm deadass I can assemble a group to track your package and me and you can receive it then your payment comes after" I started to her.

"What is the payment" she inquires about it. I smile " it's a secret so deal or not," I say.

she puts a hand on her chin as I wait for her to reply. A while later she looks at me and smiles.

"Deal names Panam by the way" she holds her hand out. I shake it "Micheal"